Unveiling the Untold Tale: Ahsoka's Epic Escape from Order 66 in Star Wars

Unveiling the Untold Tale: Ahsoka's Epic Escape from Order 66 in Star Wars

Discover the incredible tale of Ahsoka Tano's survival during Order 66 in Star Wars Learn how her departure from the Jedi, her connection with Anakin, and her training helped her evade the deadly clone troopers Unveil the secrets behind Ahsoka's remarkable journey


Ahsoka Tano survived the Jedi Purge known as Order 66, making her one of the few Jedi who lived through the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire.

Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order and her pursuit of an independent journey enabled her to actively contribute to the Rebellion and make significant contributions during the Siege of Mandalore.

Ahsoka's distinctive training under Anakin Skywalker, which encompassed combat simulations against clone troopers, ultimately proved vital in her ability to endure the hardships brought about by Order 66.

Ahsoka Tano defied the odds and survived the devastating Jedi Purge known as Order 66 in Star Wars. Despite the grim conclusion of the Clone Wars, which witnessed the genocide of countless Jedi at the hands of the Republic's clone army, Ahsoka, a Force-sensitive Torgruta and former apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, managed to endure. She would later play a crucial role in establishing the Rebellion that emerged to combat the oppressive Empire, which supplanted the Republic.

Chancellor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, masterminded the entire Clone Wars with the aim of establishing his new Empire. Yet, Ahsoka was one of the fortunate few who evaded the clones' lethal onslaught triggered by the activation of their hidden behavioral implants under Palpatine's Order 66. Moreover, Ahsoka's absence from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant spared her from the merciless assault unleashed by Palpatine's corrupted apprentice, Darth Vader, and the 501st Legion. Her unique circumstances set her apart from most Jedi, ultimately ensuring her survival during the fateful events of Order 66.

Ahsoka Had Left The Jedi - But Returned To Help The Siege Of Mandalore

Unveiling the Untold Tale: Ahsoka's Epic Escape from Order 66 in Star Wars

In The Clone Wars season 5, the Jedi Temple is bombed, leading to Ahsoka being falsely accused. Despite the Jedi Council's refusal to believe her innocence, Ahsoka becomes a fugitive and sets out to clear her name with the help of her master, Anakin Skywalker. Eventually, the true culprit is caught and Ahsoka is welcomed back to the Jedi Order, with the promise of a knighthood. Surprisingly, Ahsoka decides to leave the Order for good, having lost faith in the Jedi. She sets out on a new path, separating from Anakin and the Jedi.

However, Ahsoka later learns about the Sith Lord Maul's takeover of Mandalore. She joins forces with Bo-Katan Kryze and reaches out to Obi-Wan Kenobi and her former master for assistance. They are unable to help due to Chancellor Palpatine's kidnapping, prompting Anakin to assign the 501st Legion to Ahsoka. The new 332nd Company, under the command of Commander Rex, is left to aid Ahsoka in the Siege of Mandalore. This battle takes place concurrently with the events of Revenge of the Sith.

Ahsoka's Padawan Bond To Anakin Meant She Sensed His Fall

Unveiling the Untold Tale: Ahsoka's Epic Escape from Order 66 in Star Wars

After the Siege of Mandalore and Maul's capture, Ahsoka and Rex were on their way to Coruscant with the former Sith lord, intending to hand him over to the Jedi Council. However, Ahsoka's connection with her master led her to sense Anakin's downfall and transformation into Darth Vader under Palpatine's influence. As Palpatine initiated Order 66, branding all Jedi as traitors and commanding their execution, Anakin was sent to the Temple to carry out this horrific task with the obedient clone troopers.

Having gained some knowledge about the bio-chip conspiracy from the late clone troopers Fives and Kix, Rex was able to warn Ahsoka just in time before he, too, succumbed to the influence of his chip. Ahsoka swiftly incapacitated Rex and successfully removed his chip, managing to elude the vast number of troops who were ready to kill her. Working together, Ahsoka and Rex orchestrated the destruction of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, effectively eliminating the 332nd Company, a group that had recently paid tribute to Ahsoka by painting their armor in her likeness, as a sign of respect for their former commander.

Anakin's Training Saved Ahsoka From The Clone Troopers

Ahsoka endured an incredibly harrowing experience at the crash site, burying all the clones who had died before Rex and herself departed. This traumatic event mirrored the widespread devastation occurring throughout the galaxy, as countless Jedi were mercilessly cut down by their own clone forces due to the implementation of Order 66. The anguish of not knowing the fate of her former master, Anakin Skywalker, further compounded Ahsoka's trauma, despite her survival in the newly formed Empire. However, it wasn't until years later, during a confrontation with Darth Vader on the Sith world of Malachor in Star Wars Rebels, that Ahsoka finally discovered the true fate of her beloved mentor.

Unveiling the Untold Tale: Ahsoka's Epic Escape from Order 66 in Star Wars

Ahsoka's survival during Order 66 can be attributed to her own skills and unique training received from Anakin. While escaping the Republic cruiser with the help of Commander Rex, she expertly evaded and deflected blaster fire from multiple clone troopers. However, it was in 2022's Tales of the Jedi that the full extent of her training was revealed. Anakin, desiring her to be better prepared for any danger, believed that combat practice against droids, both practice and Separatists', was not enough.

Instead, Anakin ensured that Ahsoka received unconventional training by having her constantly practice against clone troopers, including Rex, Jesse, and other members of the 501st, one of the most skilled and honored legions in the Grand Army of the Republic. This unique training, facing multiple troopers and blaster fire simultaneously, would prove invaluable for Ahsoka's survival during the events of Order 66. Additionally, Ahsoka's status as a former Jedi bought her and Rex some time when confronted by the 332nd. With the combination of Rex's assistance and Anakin Skywalker's distinctive training, Ahsoka Tano was better equipped than most Jedi to endure the atrocities of the Jedi Purge in Star Wars. After her involvement as Fulcrum in aiding the formation of the Rebellion against the Empire, Ahsoka is now prepared to track down Grand Admiral Thrawn, a key figure in the Imperial Remnant who is planning to return to the known galaxy. The upcoming Ahsoka series on Disney+, premiering on August 23rd, will follow her journey, with the addition of her own apprentice, Sabine Wren.