Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Discover the secrets of The Invincible's immersive sci-fi gameplay mechanics as Game Rant interviews Starward Industries, providing players with an in-depth exploration of what to expect on their thrilling adventure

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The Invincible is a hardcore sci-fi adventure game based on Stanisław Lem's novel, where players explore a new world as scientist Yasna with her crew.

Yasna's character has undergone a significant transformation during the development process, embodying traits of bravery, inquisitiveness, sensitivity, and intellect.

The game incorporates thought-provoking philosophical concepts, offers multiple endings, and presents impactful choices that shape the relationships with various characters. Additionally, it features futuristic atompunk gadgets and robotic companions to enhance the exploration experience.

The Invincible is set to launch this November, offering gamers a thrilling sci-fi adventure. Players will delve into the mysterious world of Regis III, inspired by the renowned science fiction novel written by Stanisław Lem. We recently had the opportunity to chat with the CEO, writers, and other members of Starward Industries about the game. During our conversation, we explored how the team successfully incorporated the themes of Lem's novel into the gameplay and the exciting experience players can anticipate as they uncover Yasna's true identity alongside her crew. Please note that this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Tell us about Yasna, the player character. How was she originally conceptualized?

Yasna's character was developed before the pre-production process. We aimed for a character who embodies courage, humanistic ideals, and a curious nature. As production progressed, there were some alterations to her concept. Yasna maintains her sensitivity but now possesses a strong personality.

Q: How has Yasna evolved in the game's development?

Markuszewski: We experimented with various character styles for Yasna. Her response to events is largely shaped by the player's choices. Nevertheless, our goal was to design a captivating, intelligent, and endearing character with a distinct personality and empathetic nature. In the later stages, we infused her character with increased vitality and clever comebacks. This, in my opinion, made her more relatable and multifaceted.

Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Q: Yasna is a bit of an amnesiac. Why was this something you wanted to include in her character?

Markuszewski: Amnesia heightens the feelings of peril and seclusion, while also providing the player with the opportunity to uncover the protagonist's past and previous experiences. This captivating technique thoroughly engrosses players in both the storyline and gameplay.

Q: In Lem's original novel, The Invincible, the narrative revolves around Rohan and his team's expedition. Does Yasna's journey draw any parallels to this element of the story?

Magdalena Kucenty, a narrative designer and writer, states that Yasna's story in the game bears resemblances to Rohan's experiences in the book, both in terms of events and character psychology. The game includes various significant scenes from the book, which seamlessly integrate into Yasna's journey that is guided by the player.

Q: Did Yasna's character design draw inspiration from any significant moments or historical events related to space exploration?

Wojciech Ostrycharz, the art director, explained that during the character creation process, they extensively watched documentaries showcasing the captivating history of space exploration and the significant contributions of women in science and astronautics. The team drew inspiration from these stories and incorporated elements from them into Yasna's character. In terms of Yasna's appearance, they specifically sought influence from the late 1950s and 1960s era of astronautics.

Now, could you provide more information about the crew that accompanied Yasna to Regis III (prior to the crash) and elaborate on their unique contributions to the story?

Choice plays a significant role in the game, particularly when it comes to the crew. The decisions made regarding the crew have a direct impact on the overall outcome of the game.

Kucenty: We don't want to reveal plot details, but I can say that the fate of the crew is in the player’s hands.

Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Q: Can you provide some insight into Novik and Yasna's relationship?

Piech: Novik and Yasna embody contrasting perspectives. Novik is driven by a conqueror mentality, seeking to dominate the universe for humanity. On the other hand, Yasna's focus lies in exploration and uncovering new knowledge. Yasna perceives Novik as a mechanical servant bound by rules, while the astrogator remains wary of trusting Yasna's judgment. As the story progresses, both characters undergo changes in their perceptions of the universe and each other. The specific developments depend on the choices made by the player.

Novik is a complex character who is portrayed in a deep psychological manner. While he feels connected to the team and responsible for Yasna, he also struggles with his own biases and limitations. As players progress through the game, they will have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with Novik through engaging in philosophical debates, following his advice, or making alternative choices. These choices will ultimately impact the outcome of the game.

Markuszewski: In our gameplay, we have implemented a dialogue system that allows players to express their thoughts, form personal opinions, and respond emotionally. Through this system, players can interact with the game world and challenge the beliefs of their astrogator. The discussions you engage in are primarily centered around the philosophical dilemmas you mentioned, which are the very essence of Lem's timeless masterpiece.

Q: With the statement "Not everything everywhere is for us" in the gameplay trailer and Lem's original novel depicting humans being overpowered by otherworldly forces, does The Invincible incorporate survival-horror elements?

Mariusz Antkiewicz, gameplay designer: While we didn't incorporate traditional survival mechanics or jump-scares, the sense of an existential threat is palpable on Regis III. It manifests in a more nuanced manner compared to typical horror games, but as you explore this unsettling planet, you will often feel its lurking presence in the depths of your mind.

Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Q: The choice-based gameplay of The Invincible aims to provide players with various dialogue options that shape the unfolding story. To what extent do these individual choices impact and influence both the overall narrative and gameplay experience?

Antkiewicz: We designed the choice system to mirror real-life experiences. Sometimes, you can name different formations on Regis III just for your enjoyment without any consequences. However, other times, your words and actions when interacting with someone can shape your relationship with them and potentially influence their future actions towards you, whether positively or negatively. There may also be seemingly insignificant choices that actually have significant repercussions later in the game. So, it's important to be cautious and considerate in your decision-making, as it may lead to one of the multiple endings that you can take pride in.

Q: The gameplay experience seems to involve making both frequent smaller choices and more meaningful ones. When encountering other lifeforms on Regis III, how often do combat situations arise as choices? If combat is a possibility, what options or tools do players have, like the Weyr gun?

Antkiewicz: The central aim was to prioritize the immersive, thought-provoking narrative in The Invincible's gameplay. The storyline serves as an influential catalyst throughout the game. As Yasna, you will encounter instances of conflict while pursuing your mission on Regis III. Alongside the Weyr gun, you will also uncover another notable weapon from The Invincible novel...but we won't reveal too much. ;)

Q: Can you provide insight into the game's replay value? In addition to its multiple endings, what elements will entice players to return to The Invincible time and again?

Markuszewski: We hope that players will find solace in the captivating experience of amnesia and being stranded on an unknown planet. However, it is important to recognize that The Invincible offers more than just entertainment. It provides an opportunity to escape from daily routines and immerse oneself in the enchanting atompunk world. With its meticulously crafted narrative and personalized choices, players can easily become absorbed in the emotional complexities and universal conflicts within the game.

Just as individuals enjoy rewatching their favorite television series, they may feel compelled to replay The Invincible in order to revisit the characters Yasna and Novik and join them on their journey once more. By making different choices, players can witness diverse outcomes and experience a fresh perspective on the unfolding story.

Q: What types of analog tools can players expect to use in the game and how do they work?

Michał Paciorek, level designer: Throughout the game, players will rely on various atompunk devices for their adventures. These include the tracker, telemeter, lunette, and detector. The tracker assists in locating crew members or devices emitting signals, while the lunette enables players to discover elements from a distance. As players progress and encounter new locations or narrative twists, they will come across additional astroequipment, such as radio relays and the Weyr gun.

Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

Q: Could you explain more about the AN-01 Helper Bot’s helper abilities and in what ways such robots might help the player as they explore the planet?

Paciorek: While Yasna will come across various robot companions during her journey on Regis III, they will not always be accompanying her on the mission. There is irony in encountering an androbot on the planet, as it was originally designed to be a general assistant for crews, performing simple tasks in the everyday life of an astrobase. However, at some point in the game, you will find that the androbot is more useful to you than you are to it...

Q: Starward Industries has previously stated that they did not want The Invincible to be seen as a "walking simulator." How does The Invincible differentiate itself from this pseudo-genre?

Markuszewski: Our aim with The Invincible was to break the mold of traditional walking simulators. Instead of limited gameplay and narrative value, we focused on delivering a realistic, hard sci-fi experience. From the gameplay mechanics to the visuals and the storytelling, we strived to create something truly immersive. Prepare to interact with atompunk devices, robots, and machines that envision a future far different from what we know today, adding to the excitement of the game. Furthermore, The Invincible offers a thought-provoking narrative centered around universal and existential dilemmas, elevating it to a memorable cultural experience.

As you delve into the game, you will find yourself questioning everything you thought you knew about science, the human species, and even yourself. What sets The Invincible apart is the dynamic dialog system, which allows you, as Yasna, to play an active role in shaping your own story. Your choices and values will impact how the events unfold, adding a unique layer of personalization to the gameplay. Our hope is that these elements will set The Invincible apart from traditional walking simulators and create a AAA-like visual experience, immersing players in something grandiose – not just in terms of story, but also in terms of its stunning visuals.


Unveiling the Unstoppable Devs: A Comprehensive Look into Gameplay Mechanics and Beyond

The Invincible

The Invincible is an immersive adventure game inspired by Stanislaw Lem's gripping hard sci-fi stories. Step into the shoes of Yasna as you embark on a thrilling journey through Regis III, utilizing various tools to locate your lost crew members and confront unexpected dangers.

Platform(s): PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S

Release Date: November 6, 2023

Developer: Starward Industries

Publisher: 11 Bit Studios

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of science fiction and immersive gaming experiences, I am thrilled about the upcoming release of The Invincible. The game's intriguing premise, inspired by Stanisław Lem's renowned novel, has me eagerly anticipating the opportunity to explore the mysterious world of Regis III. The developers' focus on creating a compelling and relatable protagonist, Yasna, adds depth to the narrative and promises a captivating journey of self-discovery.

The evolution of Yasna's character throughout the game's development showcases the team's dedication to crafting a well-rounded and multifaceted individual. Her transformation from a courageous and inquisitive scientist to a more vibrant and witty persona adds layers to her personality, making her more relatable and endearing to players. The incorporation of amnesia as a narrative device further enhances the sense of peril and isolation, immersing players in both the storyline and gameplay.