Unveiling the Unforgettable: 10 Epic Star Trek Events Between TOS and TNG's Eras

From Captain Kirk's demise to Miles O'Brien's heroic act, explore the tumultuous period between TOS and TNG eras Witness tragedies, conflicts, and key events that shaped Starfleet's journey from 2293 to 2364
The period between Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation was a tumultuous time in Star Trek history. While Captain James T Kirk and his crew helped maintain peace with the Klingon Empire, new threats to the Federation arose. The Romulan Star Empire remained a persistent enemy, causing widespread violence throughout the galaxy. Ambassador Spock, engaged in his diplomatic career, faced conflict with his father while also harboring aspirations for Romulan Unification.
Even after the decommissioning of the Enterprise, several characters from the original series remained involved in Federation affairs. Captain Nyota Uhura commanded the USS Leondegrance on a five-year mission and later as a training vessel. It was on this ship that a young Starfleet cadet named Jean-Luc Picard, who would go on to become Captain of the USS Enterprise-D, received his training. As the older generation settled into retirement, a new generation of Star Trek characters emerged, navigating a time of military conflict and astonishing technological advancements from 2293 to 2364.
10 2293 - Captain Kirk Is Killed On The USS Enterprise-B
Not long after the decommissioning of the Enterprise-A, Captain Kirk found himself among the esteemed guests aboard the inaugural flight of the USS Enterprise-B, under the capable command of Captain John Harriman (Alan Ruck). Shortly after embarking on this momentous journey, the Enterprise came to the rescue of two starships ensnared in the clutches of the powerful Nexus energy ribbon. In the face of imminent destruction, Kirk descended to the depths of the engineering bay to make critical adjustments to the deflector. Miraculously, his efforts prevailed, yet he himself was tragically ejected into the vast vacuum of space, only to remain lost within the realms of the Nexus for nearly 80 years until he was eventually found and rescued by the valiant Captain Picard.
9 2294 - Scotty Is Missing, Presumed Dead
Captain Montgomery Scott (played by James Doohan) was aboard the USS Jenolan when it crashed into a Dyson sphere while he was on his way to retirement on the Norpin colony. With limited supplies, Scotty and Ensign Matt Franklin, the only two survivors of the crash, made the decision to wait inside the Jenolan's pattern buffer. It seemed fitting that the legendary engineer of the Enterprise was saved by the advanced transporter technology of Star Trek. After 75 years, Scotty was discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D and his expertise helped them avoid a fate similar to that of the ill-fated USS Jenolan.
8 2311 - The Romulans Withdraw After The Tomed Incident
The Tomed Incident in Star Trek canon remains shrouded in mystery, with no clear account of the exact events. However, it stands as the final hostile confrontation between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire for several decades. The toll was devastating, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and leaving profound impacts on both the Federation and the Romulans. Subsequently, the Treaty of Algeron was ratified, imposing a ban on Federation research into cloaking technology and prompting a redefinition of the Neutral Zone's boundaries. Following this incident, the Romulans chose to retreat from interstellar affairs for a significant period of time.
7 2319 - The Cardassian Occupation Of Bajor Begins
The Cardassian Occupation of Bajor commenced in 2319, lasting for nine years until they forcefully annexed the planet. Motivated by the abundant mineral resources, the Cardassian Union persuaded the Bajorans to relinquish their planet without resistance. Consequently, the Cardassians governed the peaceable and compliant populace of Bajor through the Bajoran Occupational Government. This puppet regime provided a façade of legitimacy for the Cardassian military presence, successfully keeping the Federation from intervening in what was considered a domestic affair - the Occupation of Bajor.
6 2327 - Picard Graduates From Starfleet Academy, Gets Stabbed By A Nausicaan
Jean-Luc Picard, graduating at the top of his class in 2327 after overcoming rejection by Starfleet Academy, displayed significant growth during his studies. However, as Doctor Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) later observed, he still maintained a level of cockiness. This overconfidence ultimately placed Jean-Luc in a life-threatening situation when, as an Ensign, he was stabbed in the heart by a Nausicaan. Thankfully, he was saved by an artificial heart implant. In the episode "Tapestry" of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Q (John de Lancie) assisted Jean-Luc in understanding how this near-death experience shaped him into the ambitious and determined Starfleet Captain he became.
5 2336 - Dr. Noonian Soong Builds Data
Dr. Noonian Soong (Brent Spiner), a descendant of a notorious eugenicist lineage, transitioned his focus to artificial intelligence. Devoting most of his life to advanced A.I. research, Soong suffered a public setback that brought disgrace upon him in the scientific community. Undeterred, he continued his clandestine work on Omicron Theta alongside his wife, Juliana O'Donnell (Fionnula Flanagan). Collaborating, they successfully created four androids of varying capacities. Among them, Lore stood as a highly sophisticated Soong android, albeit lacking the ethical subroutines and mental stability exhibited by Data (Brent Spiner), the most triumphant Soong android of all, who came into existence in 2336.
4 2344 - The USS Enterprise-C Is Destroyed
Over 50 years elapsed since the conclusion of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, leading to the deterioration of relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. The preservation of Kirk and Spock's legacy of peace was made possible by the courageous sacrifice of Captain Rachel Garrett (Tricia O'Neill) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-C. When the Romulans launched an attack on a Klingon outpost at Narendra III, the Enterprise-C swiftly responded to the distress call and valiantly protected the outpost until its destruction. The war-mongering Klingons, deeply honoring the Enterprise-C's noble self-sacrifice, wisely averted another potential Klingon war.
3 2346 - The Khitomer Massacre Orphans Worf And His Brother Kurn
Following the destruction of the USS Enterprise-C, the Romulan Star Empire persistently launched attacks on Klingon outposts. One such assault occurred in 2346 when the Romulans targeted the Klingon colony located on Khitomer. This devastating event was made possible by the treacherous actions of Ja'rod, a Klingon collaborator who betrayed the colony's defenses. Mogh, the father of Worf (Michael Dorn) and Kurn (Tony Todd), valiantly attempted to prevent the catastrophe and reveal Ja'rod's true nature as a traitor. Tragically, Mogh's efforts were in vain as he arrived too late. Alongside his wife, Mogh lost his life during the attack, resulting in the orphaning and separation of the Sons of Mogh for countless years. This heart-wrenching tragedy marked the beginning of Worf's ongoing challenges with his Klingon heritage in Star Trek: The Next Generation, as Mogh was subsequently framed for Ja'rod's act of betrayal.
2 2355 - The USS Stargazer Is Lost In A Battle With The Ferengi
By 2355, Captain Jean-Luc Picard had captained the Constellation-class USS Stargazer for 22 years following the demise of the previous Captain in a battle. While exploring the Maxia Zeta system, an unidentified starship attacked the Stargazer, later revealed to be of Ferengi origin. Despite destroying the Ferengi ship, the Stargazer suffered irreparable damage, leading to Picard making the difficult decision to abandon the vessel and ensure the safety of his remaining crew. However, this act resulted in Picard facing a court-martial hearing for the loss of the Stargazer. Fortunately, Picard was found innocent of all charges and honored with the prestigious Grankite Order of Tactics for his innovation in creating the Picard maneuver.
1 2362 - Miles O'Brien Becomes The Hero Of Setlik III
The Setlik III massacre was a defining moment in the backstory of Chief Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney) from Star Trek. It marked one of the most infamous incidents during the Federation-Cardassian War, a conflict that had been ongoing since 2347. This brutal act of war was the result of faulty intelligence and resulted in the tragic loss of nearly one hundred innocent civilians, including the family of Captain Benjamin Maxwell (Bob Gunton) from the USS Rutledge. Despite arriving too late to rescue the outpost, O'Brien displayed incredible bravery by leading a successful assault on a Cardassian encampment. He valiantly saved the lives of thirteen fellow officers, earning him the moniker "the hero of Setlik III."
Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the USS Enterprise-D a year later, and his crew faced the consequences of major events in Star Trek history. Throughout seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, they dealt with the aftermath of the Cardassia war, worked to rebuild relations with the Romulans, and uncovered the truth behind the Khitomer Massacre. Additionally, an alternate-reality version of the USS Enterprise-D encountered its predecessor just before its destruction. When the USS Enterprise-D embarked on its inaugural mission to Farpoint Station, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek: The Original Series was present to pass on the torch to the next generation of Starfleet heroes.