Unveiling the Ultimate Final Fantasy Odin Tier List - Unleash the Power Within!
Experience the enduring legacy of Final Fantasy's iconic character, Odin, as he continues to captivate fans with his awe-inspiring combat prowess and mesmerizing presence Explore the meticulously curated tiers of power, from the formidable S Tier to the enigmatic D Tier, and uncover the true essence of Odin's role in the epic Final Fantasy series
Final Fantasy boasts a rich and renowned history of powerful spells involving summoned spirits. These summons, be they divine beings, monstrous creatures, or otherworldly entities, unleash immense firepower and have become synonymous with the visually spectacular animations that Final Fantasy is known for. It's no surprise that multiple installments in the franchise intricately weave summons into their narratives, with Final Fantasy 16 showcasing iconic summons as central figures.
Featuring beloved elemental entities like Ifrit, Shiva, and Ramuh, FF16 highlights the presence of these classic summons. Additionally, the mounted knight Odin serves as one of the representatives, embodying the dark element, the Dark Knight class, and the ability to inflict instant death status. While Odin casts a haunting presence, he typically possesses a benevolent nature. Since his introduction, he has provided assistance to many characters, albeit with varying degrees of impact across the mainline Final Fantasy games.
S Tier
The recent portrayal of Odin in Final Fantasy 16 truly makes him a remarkable character. Barnabas Tharmr, the Dominant of the Eikon Odin and the king of Waloed, is seen leading his people in a brutal conquest of Valisthea while riding on Odin's legendary steed, Sleipnir. In a dramatic showdown, FF16's protagonist Clive confronts Barnabas, and even gains some of Odin's awe-inspiring power for himself. The devastating Zantetsuken, characterized by Odin's lightning-quick sword slashes, has become a staple in FF16's endgame builds.
A Tier
Even when experiencing a slight decline in performance, Odin remains remarkable when deeply integrated into lore or gameplay.
In Final Fantasy 4, Odin made his first appearance in the localized version, setting the foundation for his portrayal in future games. Players are tasked with locating Odin in a castle and defeating him before he can devastate the party with his mighty Zantetsuken attack. After this encounter, Rydia gains the ability to summon Odin to eradicate regular enemies instantly. What truly sets Final Fantasy 4's Odin apart is his poignant connection to the ghostly King of Baron, who serves as a father figure to Cecil. This unique story element adds a rare sense of significance to the summoning of Odin.
Final Fantasy 11 - In Final Fantasy 11, Odin's character is more intricate, as he had previously defeated Alexander, the holy summon, in an event called Ragnarok. Now, aside from being a challenging raid boss and an optional summon, Odin also serves as the patron of several significant villains. Even the original final boss, the Shadow Lord, is hinted to draw power from Odin, indicating the immense influence of this dark deity.
Final Fantasy 14 - Among the Primals in Final Fantasy 14, Odin stands out as he roams the land, possessing those who wield his blade. This is symbolized by Odin appearing in various locations, depending on the race of the last player who vanquished him. Additionally, players have the opportunity to summon the Primal Odin in the Deep Dungeon Heaven on High. Not only does he employ Zantetsuken on all current floor enemies, but also on bosses. This unique depiction of Odin effectively utilizes his limited screen time.
B Tier
Odin's various roles showcase his versatility and ability to make an impression.
In his debut appearance in Final Fantasy 3, Odin not only establishes himself as a powerful character but also exhibits some unique qualities. Encountered in a bonus dungeon, he possesses only two attacks. Interestingly, players have the option to purchase Odin's summon magic at the end of Eureka instead of engaging in battle with him. What sets Odin apart in this iteration is that his actions differ based on the magical style employed to invoke him, highlighting his flexibility compared to later versions.
In Final Fantasy 9, Odin's most powerful appearance was before Final Fantasy 16. When the player has the maximum Ore in their inventory, Odin's one-hit kill Zantetsuken has a 50% hit chance. Additionally, with the special ability Odin's Sword, Zantetsuken can be transformed into a high-damage attack. While Odin may not be the strongest summon in FF9, its rarity in the game makes it a great choice for AP farming.
In Final Fantasy 13, Odin serves as Lightning's personal Eidolon and tests her before offering its services. The redesign of Odin in this game highlights its association with electricity. Odin can give Lightning its double-sided sword and transform into Sleipnir for her to ride. With a dedicated boss fight later in the game, FF13's Odin is highly praised for its impressive presentation.
C Tier
Unfortunately, not every Odin is unique. For a time, Odin was just another ordinary summon in the Final Fantasy series.
In Final Fantasy 5, Odin is considered to be the most ordinary version of the character. Players must defeat Odin within a minute to emerge victorious, and aside from Sleipnir gaining six legs, his most notable achievements only occur in rare interactions. FF5 offers a plethora of versatile Jobs, which results in the summons, like Odin, being overshadowed.
In Final Fantasy 6, Odin's capabilities are not explored extensively. Odin's Magicite does offer additional effects, particularly its special Speed bonus, but there is also the allure of upgrading Odin into the more versatile Raiden.
In Final Fantasy 7, Odin can be found in Shinra Mansion. While this version of Odin is sure to eliminate at least one regular enemy and possesses formidable single-target damage, it is surpassed by other sources of damage and does not hold a significant role in the lore of FF7. The Knights of the Round are the ones that leave a lasting impression in the memories of FF7 players.
D Tier
Odin, one of Final Fantasy's powerful summons, finds himself in a rare moment of defeat in Final Fantasy 8. Hidden in a time-sensitive optional dungeon, Odin's appearance is random, making it memorable for players. However, his demise is even more unforgettable. If players unlock Odin before the final fight with Seifer, he falls victim to Seifer's Zantetsuken Reverse and gets split in half. Later, players are introduced to FF5's Gilgamesh, who impresses with his own debut and takes Odin's place in defeating Seifer. Despite the possibility of Gilgamesh misfiring with Excalipoor, he and Seifer emerge victorious in Odin's own realm.
Final Fantasy 16 is now available on PS5.