Unveiling the Ultimate Elden Ring Convergence Mod: Discover New Classes & Their Epic Starting Locations

Unveiling the Ultimate Elden Ring Convergence Mod: Discover New Classes & Their Epic Starting Locations
Glint Sorcerer
Nox Oracle
Flame Prophet
Bestial Devout
Dragon Cultist
Blood Initiate
Servant of Rot
The Convergence mod for Elden Ring is extensive, with numerous enhancements to the game's progression systems, crafting systems, enemy variety, and equipment. Additionally, players can explore a total of 27 exciting new classes in the Convergence Mod.
"A loyal and stalwart knight, classically trained in the tradition of sword and shield."
Primary attributes: Strength (STR) and Dexterity (DEX)
The Retainer in Elden Ring Convergence Mod is a simplified representation of a classic knight character. With a conventional sword, shield, and standard armor, this traditional Souls archetype is an excellent choice for players seeking a reliable and familiar gameplay style.
The Retainer class in Elden Ring begins its journey near the very start of the game, emerging just outside the Coastal Cave located below the cliffs south of the Church of Elleh. This starting point offers players seeking a more accessible Convergence Mod experience the perfect starting position, almost paralleling the path taken by players in the regular Elden Ring gameplay.
The Vanguard in Elden Ring's Convergence Mod is similar to the Retainer, except they do not start with a shield. Instead, they begin with a two-handed sword and rely on finding a shield in the game. However, the Vanguard's armor set offers substantial defense until they acquire a shield. While Vanguards are initially more vulnerable due to their inability to block 100% Physical Damage, they compensate with powerful Jump and Heavy attacks, allowing them to deal significant damage.
Vanguard Starting Location: Above Stormgate, Limgrave
The starting point for Vanguards is located in a rather obscure area that may be unfamiliar to many players: there is an elevated level above the gate that connects the Gatefront Ruins to Stormhill. From this vantage point, Vanguards can spot the Giant as it descends. It is advisable, however, to take the safer route rather than leaping down alongside the Giant.
Primary statistics: Strength and Dexterity
Elden Ring has undergone significant updates, enhancing the experience of using Bows and engaging in ranged physical combat. With the inclusion of the Convergence Mod, this aspect becomes even more fulfilling, transforming it into a vital and viable component of character builds. The Marksman class commences their journey equipped with a simple shield and weapon, a set of light armor, and a Bow accompanied by a supply of arrows.
Marksman Starting Location: South Mistwood, Limgrave
Trying out the Marksman class in the Convergence mod can provide a thrilling experience, thanks to the diverse enhancements made to Bow combat. However, it is crucial to be cautious as this class begins in one of the most perilous starting locations.
Hailing from the North and wielding a Greataxe, this warrior desires combat above all.
Primary Stats: STR
Berserker Starting Location: Stormhill, Limgrave
The Berserker commences their journey at a location situated near the Retainer in Stormhill, a region situated in the northern part of Limgrave. Positioned a mere stone's throw away from Bernahl's humble abode, the Berserker's starting point offers a vantage point that allows them to behold the expansive field occupied by Trolls, which stands as one of the most renowned Rune Farms in Elden Ring."A warrior clad in heavy armor, standing as a lethal fortress against foes."
Though it may pose a challenge to incorporate spellcasting abilities into the repertoire of a Dreadnought, those players who wish to explore a class that excels in defensive capabilities without compromising on damage output would be wise to opt for the Dreadnought.
Dreadnought Starting Location: Near Purified Ruins, Liurnia of the Lakes
The Dreadnought is initially located in the southeast of Liurnia, close to the border of Limgrave. Typically, the bridge in this area is in a state of disrepair, requiring careful navigation to traverse the gap between these zones. Nevertheless, in the Convergence Mod, the bridge is restored, providing Dreadnoughts with a convenient pathway to access Limgrave.
"A capricious mercenary, displaying expertise in the use of double-bladed weaponry."
Primary Stats: DEX
The Sellsword, Vanguard, and Retainer are versatile choices for players in Elden Ring. Their starting location aligns with common progression routes, making them suitable for a wide range of strategies. Of these classes, the Sellsword stands out as the sole bearer of the Twinblade, a weapon known for its rapid attacks and ability to harness infused Status Effects. For players keen on exploring a Twinblade build in the Convergence Mod, opting for the agile and Dexterity-focused Sellsword class is highly recommended.
The Sellsword can be found slightly north of Lake Agheel in Limgrave, situated to the northeast of the Gatefront Ruins within a recently established and compact campsite. To uncover another Site of Grace and advance towards Stormveil Castle, head south from the camp. Alternatively, if you wish to level up, head in the opposite direction towards Castle Morne.
"An assassin and master of tactical combat, this mercenary relies on agility and stealth."
Primary Stat: Dexterity
The Rogue, a class in the Convergence Mod, excels in Dexterity and specializes in utilizing a range of weapons and Bows that rely on this attribute. To enhance their defensive capabilities, they begin their journey equipped with a Buckler, allowing them to parry attacks more comfortably than when using other shields.
Begin your adventure as a Rogue in the breathtaking region of Liurnia of the Lakes, situated near the captivating Scenic Isle. Embark on a journey southwards to discover the towering cliffs that will guide you to Stormveil. Alternatively, delve into the mysterious caves scattered throughout Liurnia to enhance your skills and prepare for a thrilling encounter with Rennala, who awaits your presence nearby.
Glint Sorcerer
The Glint Sorcerer, also known as the Glintstone Sorcerer, is a class in the Convergence Mod that utilizes traditional Sorcery. In comparison to the Astrologer or Prisoner classes in the base Elden Ring, the Glint Sorcerer starts with a larger repertoire of spells. Moreover, players can access the exclusive Junior Scholar set, originally obtained through Painting puzzles. The Convergence Mod offers over 100 new spells for players to experiment with, and the Glintstone Sorcerer's focus on magic and their starting location make them an ideal choice for those who aspire to become Mages.
Glint Sorcerer Starting Location: Academy Gate Town, Liurnia of the Lakes
"Obsessed with the otherworldly powers of the cosmos, this mage wields the forces of gravity."
Primary Stats: Intelligence and Mental
The Starcaller class is an exclusive feature of the Convergence mod, offering three exceptionally potent Gravity Sorcery spells from the beginning. Despite their somewhat eerie appearance, Starcallers stand out as one of the most advantageous starting classes for mastering Sorceries, thanks to the immense strength of their Gravity magic.
Unlike other types of magic, Gravity magic is Physical and can stagger bosses and wreck armored enemies like the Crystalians.
Starcaller Starting Location: Weeping Peninsula, Limgrave
Underworld Mage
"Born in the ruins of a fallen empire, this mage employs the frozen lightning of the Dragonkin."
Primary Stats: INT and MIND
Underworld Mage Starting Location: Siofra River, Beneath Liurnia
Indeed, the Underworld Mage commences their journey in the depths of the underworld – to be precise, a fresh expanse within the ruins that ultimately guide towards the Siofra River. This treacherous territory necessitates caution, prompting the advisable course of action to swiftly exit via the Mistwood elevator and venture forth into areas more suitable for their current level.
Primary core attributes for the Volcanist class are intelligence (INT), faith, and mind.
Being a part of the Convergence mod, the Volcanist class stands out as one of the most visually stunning additions. This class draws inspiration from the powerful Lava Sorceries of Praetor Rykard. The Volcanist starts their journey equipped with a Flame-based sword known as Gelmir, along with a repertoire of Fire-based Sorceries at their disposal.
Volcanist Starting Location: Caelem Ruins, Caelid
Why Choose the Volcanist in Elden Ring?The Volcanist class commences its journey in close proximity to the Caelem Ruins situated in Caelid, precisely along the road adjacent to a sprawling field inhabited by fearsome T-Rex Dog creatures. Undoubtedly, it is a challenging starting point; however, it offers proximity to the Limgrave border, where lush and abundant pastures await for a more favorable experience.
"Using techniques lost long ago, this sage controls the power of the wind."
Primary Stats: INT, FAITH, and STR
The Stormcaller draws inspiration from the Storm Knights in Stormveil Castle, who utilize Wind magic focused on Physical Damage in their combat strategy. With a set of Sorceries that possess exceptional utility, the Stormcaller is capable of bypassing various resistances due to its Physical damage nature.
In addition, the Stormcallers possess a respectable selection of armor, albeit with slightly lower Magic-related attributes such as INT and FAITH compared to their counterparts.
Nox Oracle
Appropriately, the Stormcaller commences its journey in Stormhill, a location situated just south of Stormveil Castle. It is worth noting that players can discern a small wood beneath the castle on the cliffs displayed on the map. To follow the usual Elden Ring progression route, venture south and then proceed eastward from there."Once a leader from the old empire, this mage seeks to revive the glory of the Nox."
Choose the Nox Oracle if you want to play a Sorcerer without the Glintstone flair, with the appearance of a Necromancer, that puts a few points in DEX every now and then.
Nox Oracle Starting Location: Sellia, Town of Sorcery, Caelid
The starting point for the Nox Oracle is Sellia, a mystical town located in the heart of Caelid. In Sellia, Nox Oracle class characters have the advantage of accessing a wider range of their Night Sorcery spells. However, embarking on the journey in Caelid is known to be quite challenging for beginners.
The Necromancer is best characterized as a devoted disciple of the Prince of Death, paying homage to Those Who Live In Death and harnessing their powers for personal gain. Unlike a Diablo Necromancer, they do not summon enduring minions, instead placing their reliance on Death-infused Sorceries and Incantations.
Their journey commences with the Death-Prince's staff, a formidable artifact that amplifies their unique repertoire of Sorceries. While their initial Spells may not be particularly noteworthy under regular circumstances, Deathblight exhibits an enhanced reach, affecting a greater number of adversaries within the Convergence Mod.
Necromancer Starting Location: Near Church of Pilgrimage, Limgrave
"A lost student of the witch Renna, this sorcerer utilizes the power of frost."
Primary Stats: INT, ARC, and MIND
The Frost Witch class starts, of course, with Cold-based Sorceries, which are just as powerful in this mod as they are in the base version of Elden Ring.
Begin your Frost Witch adventure in a freshly constructed tower nestled below Caria Manor. Take your time to explore every nook and cranny, as reaching the pinnacle of this tower will reward you with a valuable Numen Rune, boasting an impressive 12,500 Runes.
Aberrant Heretic
"Guilty of unspeakable acts, this sorcerer was cast out of society for their crimes."
Primary Stats: INT and ARC
Aberrant Heretic Starting Location: Above the Carian Study Hall, Liurnia of the Lakes
The Aberrant Heretic starts in the Artist's Shack that overlooks the Carian Study Hall, on the eastern cliffs of Liurnia of the Lakes.
Flame Prophet
The Flame Prophet appears similar to a typical Prophet found in the base game. However, the Convergence Mod class enhances this playstyle considerably. Unlike the basic ability to Catch Flame, they possess even more formidable skills right from the start.
While this class boasts access to exceptionally potent Spells, it requires some effort to acquire the truly valuable ones.
Flame Prophet Starting Location: Smouldering Church, Border of Limgrave and Caelid
"Defender of the Golden Order, this priest remains devoted to the Erdtree."
Primary Statistics: Intelligence, Faith, and Mind
The Fundamentalist class takes inspiration from the knights of Leyndell, particularly those who harness the power of Golden Order spells rather than Ancient Dragon spells. This class maintains a harmonious equilibrium between Intelligence and Faith, reflecting the balanced nature of all Fundamentalist abilities.
This class' starting gear is fantastic, though its starting weapon might be a little lackluster compared to its impressive (and defensive) golden armor.
Fundamentalist Starting Location: Third Church of Marika, Limgrave
Bestial Devout
"Wild and unkempt, this monk is capable of conjuring and manipulating stone."
Primary Stats: FAITH and STR
Bestial Devout Starting Location: Groveside Cave, Limgrave
The Bestial Devout, despite their dedication to Beast Incantations, starts its journey in the distant Groveside Cave, a considerable distance away from the Dragonbarrow's Bestial Sanctum. Outside the cave, a glance downhill reveals the Church of Elleh.
Dragon Cultist
Primary Stats: FAITH, and MIND
The Dragon Cultist is the ultimate practitioner of Ancient Dragon Incantations, capable of using some of the game's best Spells right from the start.
Dragon Cultist Starting Location: Overlooking Lake Agheel, Limgrave
Their equipment is top-notch, particularly their starting Straight Sword which proves to be unexpectedly powerful when combined with a shield. What truly sets them apart as Incantation users in the Convergence Mod is their impressive blend of offensive and defensive abilities.
Situated near Lake Agheel, the Dragon Cultist emerges, observing the decaying followers who continue to alter the name of the lake. This location serves as the dwelling place of Agheel, the Flying Dragon, typically encountered by the majority of players as their first dragon in the game.
"Lured by the power of black flame, this priest now searches for the Rune of Death."
Primary Stats: INT, FAITH, and MIND
The Godskin Celebrant, often overlooked in the Convergence Mod, stands as a highly underrated class. While initially unconventional to begin as a sinister and captivating Crone reminiscent of Midsommar, their formidable Sorceries and weapons simply cannot be ignored.
Distinguished as the sole class commencing with Black Flame abilities, the Godskin Celebrant also has the opportunity to acquire additional powers within the adjacent Deathtouched Catacombs.
Frenzied Zealot
The Convergence Mod introduces a fresh Windmill Village to Limgrave, conveniently situated near the outskirts of the Deathtouched Catacombs. This bustling locale is teeming with numerous Celebrants who prove to be an invaluable resource for obtaining early Runes. Take advantage of their presence and stock up before venturing forth to face the formidable challenges that await with Margit and Stormveil.
"Consumed by destructive desires, this cleric now chases visions of yellow flame."
They start with the Frenzied Flame Seal, which boosts Frenzied Incantations, and new Frenzied Flame spells that are unique to the Convergence Mod.
Frenzied Zealot Starting Location: Ailing Village, Weeping Peninsula, Limgrave
The Ailing Village, situated in the Weeping Peninsula, suffers from the Flame of Frenzy. Serving as a starting point for exploration, this village is where the Frenzied Zealot begins its journey onward through the rest of the Weeping Peninsula.
Blood Initiate
The Blood Initiate allows players to embody Varre's character before encountering the renowned servant of Mohg. This particular class introduces fresh Incantations related to the Formless Mother and heavily relies on Arcane abilities (similar to most Bleed builds) to execute its distinctive powers.
Moreover, the Blood Initiate possesses the special ability to drain life from the Formless Mother in order to restore their own health. While this role as a War Surgeon may be unsettling, it is a necessary duty that must be fulfilled.
Blood Initiate Starting Location: Rose Church, Liurnia of the Lakes
"A worshiper of the Sealed God and skilled in the powers of Rot and corruption."
Primary Stats: ARC and FAITH
The Servant of Rot class capitalizes on two significant advancements in the Convergence Mod: enhanced Scarlet Rot spells and a completely revamped Poison system. Initially equipped with a specialized gear set tailored for the devoted disciples of the Sealed God, including a practical Buckler for potential defense against other Outer Gods.
Commencing at the Church of the Plague, players encounter the Servant of Rot, which exposes them to the dire consequences of the Scarlet Rot. This pivotal moment, taking place within the confines of the Swamp of Aeonia, provides players with a head start on embarking upon the Millicent questline compared to their counterparts.
"A human raised as an Ancestral Follower, trained to use spirit vapors and sleep."
Primary Stats: ARC, INT, and FAITH
Mystic Starting Location: Mausoleum Compound, Liurnia of the Lakes
The Mystic commences their journey in the Mausoleum Compound situated in Liurnia of the Lakes, positioned above the Uld Palace Ruins and significantly higher than the Ainsel River. Thanks to this advantageous location, this class gains early access to Walking Mausoleums unlike many others.
Primary Stats: ARC
The Perfumer class lacks a specific preferred playstyle, especially when it comes to conventional combat. Instead, the Perfumer heavily emphasizes on crafting and begins with an extensive arsenal of crafted items to compensate for its limited melee gear.
The Perfumer is ideal for players seeking a fresh perspective on Elden Ring, offering unique gameplay possibilities not found in the original game. By utilizing the Convergence Mod, which grants immediate access to all Recipes and automatically collects Crafting Materials, Perfumers can effortlessly craft new consumables whenever needed.
Perfumer Starting Location: Village of the Albinaurics, Liurnia of the Lakes
A miserable captive confined to a gloomy dungeon. A discouraging journey lies ahead.
The Prisoner represents the Deprived class in the Convergence Mod, starting with virtually nothing but possessing the ability to become stronger than other classes. They commence at Rune Level 1 with the lowest overall stat allocation. However, this advantageous position ensures that Prisoners do not squander any Level Ups on points that serve no purpose.
Prisoner Starting Location: Gael Tunnel, Limgrave
: The Convergence Mod in Elden Ring presents prisoners with a formidable test, as they commence their journey armed with just a rudimentary club, limited armor, and a significant disparity to bridge in order to match the starting capabilities of other classes.Elden Ring's Convergence Mod is available on PC only.