Unveiling the Ultimate Deck: Starfield Player's Extraordinary Quest for the Complete Set of 52 Playing Cards

Unveiling the Ultimate Deck: Starfield Player's Extraordinary Quest for the Complete Set of 52 Playing Cards

A passionate Starfield player achieves the remarkable feat of assembling all 52 playing cards, showcasing their dedication as they meticulously lay them out on a table


Starfield allows players to collect and interact with miscellaneous items, such as playing cards, in a realistic physics-based environment.

Gjab, a Reddit user, accomplished the impressive feat of collecting all 52 individual playing cards in Starfield. This achievement demonstrates the inherent desire for collecting in Bethesda games. Apart from the playing cards, players can also gather skill magazines in Starfield, which bestow enduring enhancements to their characters.

Starfield, being a classic Bethesda game, is brimming with various collectibles for players to amass. One player went above and beyond by successfully gathering all 52 individual playing cards. Similar to its predecessors, in Starfield, players can interact with the environment by grabbing and moving objects, whether it be to enhance their personal outpost or strategically position a fuel tank next to an emergency exit. However, unlike past Bethesda games, the physics in Starfield are remarkably realistic, and the engine can handle an even greater load.

Some players have taken advantage of this feature to engage in creative activities, such as constructing intricate domino courses within the Starfield universe. Others have utilized it to customize the interior of their starships, adding a personal touch. Much like in Baldur's Gate 3, these miscellaneous items in Starfield are crafted with unique models – each book is distinct, and players have a plethora of succulent options to choose from.

Reddit user Gjab's determination allowed them to successfully gather and share their comprehensive collection of playing cards in Starfield. This accomplishment was made possible by the game's improved physics, which ensured that the cards could be arranged on a table without fear of them being scattered by random movement. Interestingly enough, Todd Howard recently playfully remarked about Starfield players stockpiling trivial items such as trays and pencils, highlighting the enduring allure of collecting nonessential objects in Bethesda games.

Gjab's pursuit of obtaining all 52 unique playing cards was undoubtedly a lengthy endeavor. Fortunately, the cards themselves did not contribute significantly to the character's carrying burden, facilitating Gjab's ability to accumulate a large quantity. While Starfield does offer armor traits and perk upgrades that enhance carry weight, players must rely on their spaceship's sizable cargo hold to store the weightier resources acquired during planetary explorations within the Settled Systems.

While the card collection in Starfield is undeniably impressive, it's crucial to consider the magazines that offer tangible rewards to players who successfully locate and collect every single issue. These skill magazines can be found throughout the game and grant permanent advantages to player characters, such as enhanced critical strike damage with ballistic weapons or improved efficiency when consuming food and drinks. Starfield is currently accessible on PC and Xbox Series X/S.