Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

Experience Starfield like never before with these top-notch mods! Enhance visuals, boost performance, and delve into new mechanics with the impressive lineup of Starfield Upscaler, Starfield FOV, DualSense - PS5 Icons, Cleanfield, Quantum Reshade, All The Materials, and Responsive Grabbing Get ready for a game-changing adventure!

Bethesda games have consistently offered excellent mod support, and Starfield is no different. Within a few days of its early access launch, Nexus had already seen hundreds of mods available, with new ones being added regularly.

The top Starfield mods primarily concentrate on enhancing the game's visuals and performance, although there are already a few that introduce fresh gameplay mechanics. Given the precedent set by games like Skyrim and Fallout, it is safe to assume that this is just the start.

1 Starfield Upscaler

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

Upon initial release, PureDark's Starfield Upscaler stands out as the premier Starfield mod. This mod enables players to substitute FSR2 with either DLSS or XeSS, consequently greatly enhancing the frame rate for higher resolutions.

Considering the strong possibility of Starfield eventually offering official DLSS support, this mod will become obsolete. However, for players utilizing slightly older hardware, it is highly recommended to acquire this mod, especially if gameplay in 4K resolution is intended.

2 Starfield FOV

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

The ability to modify one's field of view is a significant aspect found in most contemporary FPS games. Surprisingly, Bethesda chose to omit this feature in Starfield, leaving modders to address the issue themselves.

The Starfield FOV mod created by hellstorm102 enables players to easily adjust their field of view by modifying a basic text file. Moreover, this mod is versatile, working seamlessly for both the first-person and third-person perspectives, allowing players who prefer the third-person view to benefit from it as well.

3 DualSense - PS5 Icons

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

Starfield, an Xbox exclusive, doesn't require PC players to use an Xbox pad. In fact, some PC players prefer Sony's Duelsense controller, appreciating its smaller size and superior triggers. EASKATER, a modder, seems to share this preference.

Following Starfield's early access release, EASKATER created the DualSense - PS5 Icons mod. This mod allows players to replace the Xbox button prompts with PlayStation equivalents. With this mod, DualSense users can experience improved convenience, making it a highly recommended installation.

4 Cleanfield

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

The minimalistic start screen of Starfield received a lot of attention, but now that the game is released, some players have expressed dissatisfaction with the numerous pop-ups and warning screens. From Bethesda logos to epilepsy warnings, players have to endure a lot before being able to start playing the game.

Addressing this issue, Gametism's Cleanfield mod eliminates all of these distractions, allowing for immediate loading and removing unnecessary content that players have to navigate before reaching the start screen. Although players have the option to remove the Starfield logo, it is likely that most will choose to keep it.

5 Quantum Reshade

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

The Reshade options for Starfield are plentiful, but HelloImCrimson's Quantum Reshade stands out as the top choice. This particular mod greatly enhances the game's vibrancy, allowing the awe-inspiring wonders of the unknown to truly stand out.

While some players may appreciate Bethesda's original visuals, it's hard to ignore the fact that many locations in the game appear dull and lacking in color. This is precisely why so many players are flocking to this amazing Starfield mod.

6 All The Materials

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

In Starfield, constructing outposts can be a thrilling experience as it enables players to discover rare materials for crafting and research. However, certain materials may be exceptionally hard to find, requiring players to diligently explore the universe, scanning every planet and moon they stumble upon.

With v2461's All The Materials mod, players can simplify this search by effortlessly adding materials to their inventory with a few simple clicks. While some may view this as cheating, those who have spent countless hours in search of elusive elements like Tantalum or Vanadium may perceive it from a different perspective.

7 Responsive Grabbing

Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: The Definitive Guide to the Top Starfield Mods

In Starfield, players can gather various items throughout the game, similar to other Bethesda games. This often leads to the need to increase their carrying capacity to avoid becoming encumbered. Fortunately, increasing carrying capacity is a simple task. However, for avid loot collectors, there are several other challenges to overcome.

Over time, players may notice that the process of picking up items takes longer than necessary. While it may only be a few seconds each time, when players accumulate tens of thousands of items throughout their playthrough, this time quickly adds up. Seb263's Responsive Grabbing mod addresses this issue by reducing the time to just 300 milliseconds. This makes it the top choice for Starfield players who engage in extensive looting.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.