Unveiling the Truth: Is James Rhodes a Secret Skrull Agent?

Unveiling the Truth: Is James Rhodes a Secret Skrull Agent?

Fans suspect that James Rhodes, also known as War Machine, may be a Skrull If true, how long has he been one? And what implications would this have for Marvel's fifth phase?

Secret Invasion Episode 2 has sparked speculation among fans about whether James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle) is secretly a shape-shifting Skrull. One particular scene has left MCU enthusiasts searching for clues that could reveal Rhodey's true identity.

This scene occurs when Rhodey meets with Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to discuss the Skrulls' infiltration of Earth. Observant fans have noticed that Rhodey's behavior during this conversation is unlike his usual self. Cheadle has been portraying Rhodey since 2010's Iron Man 2, giving fans ample time to become acquainted with the character. In light of this, arguments have arisen suggesting that Rhodey's peculiar demeanor may be indicative of his hidden Skrull nature.

Why do fans believe that Rhodey is a Skrull?

The central focus of Secret Invasion revolves around Nick Fury's alarming discovery of the Skrulls' covert infiltration on Earth. To achieve their agenda of dominance, the Skrulls have cunningly assumed the identities of influential figures, such as the Prime Minister of the UK and the Head of NATO. The unsettling nature of the show stems from the fact that anyone could potentially be a Skrull, demanding absolute distrust. In a jaw-dropping introduction, a recurring character from the MCU, Everett K. Ross (played by Martin Freeman), is unveiled as a Skrull. This revelation implies the unsettling possibility that Rhodey himself might also be a Skrull in disguise.

Unveiling the Truth: Is James Rhodes a Secret Skrull Agent?

Rhodey's presence in a political position is a major concern for fans as an Avenger. In Secret Invasion, War Machine is depicted as the right-hand man to US President Ritson. The Avengers are notorious for defying political authorities, a trait that Rhodey himself displayed in Avengers: Infinity War. Consequently, his continued involvement in a political role seems very uncharacteristic. On the other hand, it would make more sense for a Skrull to assume a political position, as it would provide them with the perfect opportunity to further infiltrate Earth.

Rhodey's comment about bombing Slovakia became a focal point of controversy. During the summit, a representative from Slovakia questions the whereabouts of Fury and Maria Hill, leading Rhodey to joke, "If Slovakia rolls its eyes at me one more time, I'm going to put on the suit and carpet-bomb it." Although intended as a joke, this statement was seen as highly uncharacteristic.

Fans also noticed that Rhodey's manner of speaking to Nick Fury was out of character. During their heated conversation, Rhodey referred to Fury simply as 'Nick'. It is well known that Fury dislikes being addressed by his first name, except by Tony Stark and Maria Hill. In the 2019 film Captain Marvel, Fury himself confirms this preference, stating, "Everybody calls me Fury. Not Nicholas, not Joseph, not Nick. Just Fury." Audiences immediately took to social media to express their surprise at Rhodey's use of 'Nick', stating that the character would never normally show such blatant disrespect towards Fury.

In the midst of a heated exchange between Fury and Rhodey, Rhodey shocks Fury by firing him from his position as head of S.A.B.E.R. This decision baffles Fury and surprises fans. Fury, in disbelief, jokes, "Did they send you to fire me?" In response, Rhodey boldly declares, "Nobody sent me, I volunteered." This unexpected turn of events raises suspicion that Rhodey may actually be a Skrull, as it seems unlikely for him to betray Fury in such a manner. If this were true, it would make sense for the Skrulls to want Fury out of the picture to facilitate their invasion of Earth, thereby increasing the possibility that Rhodey is an imposter.

Rhodey further fuels fans' doubts by prematurely suggesting calling in the Avengers. Fury warns against this risky move, as it would provide the Skrulls with an opportunity to replicate the Avengers' DNA and pose as them. It is hard to believe that Rhodey would be unaware of the potential dangers involved in involving the Avengers. Additionally, the presence of the Avengers would be a perfect chance for the Skrulls to obtain their genetic material, confirming Fury's fears that these shape-shifting aliens would frame the Avengers as terrorists.

Furthermore, the manner in which Rhodey mentions Maria Hill (portrayed by Cobie Smulders) is cause for concern. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Rhodey and Maria have a close friendship. However, during his conversation with Fury, Rhodey speaks of Maria's passing with a complete lack of emotion. Instead of acknowledging their friendship, Rhodey merely refers to her in a professional capacity.

Earlier in the scene, Rhodey casually mentions the retrieval of Maria's deceased body, saying, "I used up all my political leverage to bring back Maria Hill's body from the Russians." Fury expresses disbelief at this remark, asking, "Are you seriously discussing politics with me right now?" Rhodey's detached attitude towards Maria Hill's tragic demise further solidifies his peculiar behavior.

If the theory is true, how long has Rhodey been a Skrull for?

During the exchange between Rhodey and Fury, audiences have keenly observed Rhodey seated below a fire exit sign featuring a downward-pointing arrow. This intriguing detail has sparked speculation among viewers, contemplating whether Marvel intended it as a cautionary symbol. Notably, the arrow's direction draws attention to Rhodey, implying that appearances may be deceiving.

Unveiling the Truth: Is James Rhodes a Secret Skrull Agent?

It is unclear when exactly Rhodey potentially became a Skrull, but it is unlikely that he has been one throughout all his appearances in the MCU. Fans have known and recognized Cheadle's portrayal of War Machine since 2010, which is why his recent behavior seems so out of character. The most plausible scenario is that Rhodey turned into a Skrull after the events of Avengers: Endgame. The significance of Endgame in establishing War Machine as a vital member of the team makes him an enticing target for the Skrulls' invasion.

Rhodey's presence in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier shed light on his political engagement. Following the premiere of the series' first episode, fans found themselves perplexed as to why Rhodey was still serving the government despite his defiance during Infinity War. His continued involvement in politics seemed inconsistent, but one possible explanation could be that Rhodey had already become a Skrull by this point. Although War Machine made only a brief appearance in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it is plausible that this marked Rhodey's initial introduction in the MCU as a Skrull.

If Rhodey is a Skrull, what would this mean for Marvel’s fifth phase?

Unveiling the Truth: Is James Rhodes a Secret Skrull Agent?

The revelation of Rhodey as a Skrull in Secret Invasion would undeniably escalate the stakes for Marvel’s fifth phase. This transformation of a trusted and familiar character into a Skrull would infuse phase 5 with a pervasive feeling of suspicion. If Rhodey turns out to be a Skrull, it begs the question: who else among our beloved characters is not what they seem?

Commenting audiences believe that if Rhodey is a Skrull, it would set the stage perfectly for Marvel's upcoming film Armor Wars, featuring War Machine. Speculation suggests the movie will showcase Rhodey's desperate fight to protect Iron Man's technology from falling into the wrong hands. If Secret Invasion confirms Rhodey's Skrull identity, it's plausible that Armor Wars could involve the Skrulls' pursuit of Stark's technology. With a release date of 2024/2025, it would be a seamless continuation from Secret Invasion.

As Secret Invasion airs weekly on Disney+, fans can only anxiously await James Rhodes' fate. If War Machine is indeed a Skrull, it would provide a dark twist that Marvel enthusiasts would find enticing. Conversely, if Rhodey is not a Skrull, Marvel may face criticisms for the inconsistent writing in Secret Invasion. The show has already faced backlash for the sudden death of Maria Hill in the first episode, so further controversies would be unfortunate. Regardless of the outcome, viewers of Secret Invasion unanimously agree that the confrontation between Rhodey and Fury has been the most captivating aspect of the series thus far.

Secret Invasion is available to stream on Disney+ with new episodes dropping weekly.