Unveiling the True Secrets: Decoding the Hidden Titles of Star Wars

Unveiling the True Secrets: Decoding the Hidden Titles of Star Wars

Star Wars fans engage in a passionate debate sparked by a captivating video that challenges the traditional titles of each mainline film in the beloved franchise Explore the thought-provoking suggestions that have captivated fans worldwide

A Star Wars fan with a clever perspective suggests that the titles of all 9 movies in the main "Skywalker Saga" are incorrect. This bold statement may raise eyebrows, but given that this is the same franchise where fans enthusiastically demand the return of the Star Wars Holiday Special to the main canon, perhaps it isn't the most far-fetched idea.

While Star Wars devotees often engage in debates about which aspects of Star Wars Legends should be considered canon, as well as various other topics, there is one aspect of the franchise that remains largely uncontroversial. Specifically, this pertains to the titles of the films. Very few, if any, heated discussions arise regarding what the Star Wars movies should be named. And why would they? It is a rather mundane subject matter that appears to have little reason to be questioned. However, it appears that a new perspective has emerged.

Fans on the Star Wars subreddit have recently come across a TikTok video originally posted by Fake Disney Facts in 2020, which presents a fascinating concept of reorganizing the titles of the 9 mainline Star Wars films. With a straightforward voice-over and a rapid-fire slideshow, the video creator presents a compelling argument. For instance, the video suggests renaming The Phantom Menace as "The Rise of Skywalker" since it introduces the character of Anakin Skywalker.

Continuing with the prequel trilogy, the video maintains its energetic tone. It proposes that "Revenge of the Sith" be the new title for Episode III as it reveals the Sith leader, Palpatine, ordering the destruction of the Jedi and the subsequent events of Order 66. Similarly, it suggests renaming Episode II as "Attack of the Clones" to reflect the moment when the clones turn against the Jedi.

The video keeps up its momentum, suggesting titles like "The Return of the Jedi" for Episode IV, highlighting Obi-Wan's role in training Luke to become the first of a new generation of Jedi. Finally, it concludes with the intriguing proposal that Episode IX could be better suited as "The Phantom Menace," considering Palpatine's unexpected resurrection.

The recent reposting of the video on Reddit by user gravityVT reignited a lively debate among Star Wars fans. As expected in the Star Wars community, fans expressed differing opinions on the proposed changes. One user humorously stated, "I have never felt so offended by something I completely agree with." Some fans argued that altering the title of The Empire Strikes Back to The Force Awakens would be a stretch, while others staunchly defended the original title. One fan passionately made their case, stating, "Empire Strikes Back is undeniably the best name. The Empire truly strikes back and emerges victorious in almost every aspect. I can't help but hold on to this opinion."

Despite the video not being new, it managed to ignite a spirited discussion among Star Wars enthusiasts. This not only highlights the video creator's ability to strike a chord with fans but also demonstrates the enduring power of the franchise to elicit such passion from its devoted followers. It is a testament to the extraordinary nature of Star Wars. Additionally, the title The Last Jedi seems fitting for Episode VI.

The Star Wars saga is available on Disney Plus.

Source: Fake Disney Facts/TikTok, Star Wars/Reddit