Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Unravel the mind-bending mysteries of From's Season 2 as we delve into the 10 most bewildering theories From time-traveling children to hidden maps, this article will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality

From season 2 has brought forth an array of theories surrounding the mysteries of the town. Speculations about character connections and the enigmatic creatures of the forest have captivated viewers. The executive producers of the renowned TV show Lost, known for its intricate mysteries and character entanglements, are at the helm of the MGM Plus series From. This series introduces characters from different parts of the country who find themselves trapped in a mysterious American town. The town is not only home to horrifying monsters that stalk humans at night, but also experiences supernatural phenomena and carries a history shrouded in tragedy.

The arrival of new characters via a bus in From season 2 has intensified the show's mysteries and sparked speculation about their significance in the town's enigmas. Alongside these peculiar characters, a foreboding nursery rhyme and a music box have given rise to numerous theories about the impending dangers. These theories range from deciphering Tabitha's true role in the series to contemplating time travel and unexpected connections between characters. Amidst the abundance of wild theories about From season 2, some may hold the key to unraveling the truth.

10 The Boy In White Is Tabitha & Jim’s Son Thomas

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

One theory suggests that the Boy in White, a mysterious character frequently seen by Ethan and Victor, may actually be the deceased son of Jim and Tabitha. Before arriving in From season 1, Jim and Tabitha experienced the tragic loss of their infant son Thomas, who passed away after falling off a changing table while they were distracted by a phone call. According to a Reddit theory, Thomas has manifested himself as a young child known as the "Boy in White." This enigmatic figure often appears to various characters, such as Ethan, Victor, Sara, and even Elgin in From season 2, episode 9, either guiding them or communicating with them through visions.

The belief that the Boy in White is Thomas implies that From's town and its inexplicable occurrences exist solely within Jim's mind during experimental psychotherapy. In this scenario, Jim perceives his deceased son as slightly older and dressed in white, serving as a guiding presence for the town's outcasts. However, a flaw in this theory arises from the fact that the Boy in White has been appearing to Victor long before the Matthews family arrived in From's town. The exact circumstances of Victor's arrival in the town remain unclear, but the Boy in White had been making appearances to him for decades, even before Thomas was born.

9 Elgin Is Ellis & Fatima's Baby

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

A unique theory surrounding the characters in season 2 of From proposes that Elgin, a young adult who arrived on the bus in the season 1 finale, may be the biological child of Ellis and Fatima. It was revealed early on in season 2 that Fatima is unexpectedly pregnant, a surprise due to her previous belief that she couldn't conceive. The supernatural elements present in From's town suggest that Fatima and Ellis may have been granted a miraculous baby, but an intriguing Reddit theory suggests that their future child will bring about a mind-bending revelation.

According to this theory, Elgin traveled from the future and arrived on the bus, as the town has hinted at possessing time travel capabilities. The speculation suggests that the present-day Elgin will sacrifice himself for Fatima and Ellis, leading them to name their baby after him. Eventually, their baby (also named Elgin) will manage to escape with the rest of the town, only for the cycle to begin anew when Elgin boards a bus and returns to the town. Elgin exhibits an uncanny familiarity with From when he first arrives in season 2, and the theory posits that he actually grew up there, escaped, and then returned using the town's aforementioned time travel properties.

8 Randall Is Right About The Town (& Tillie Is The Mole)

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Alongside Jim, Randall, a new character introduced in season 2, strongly believes that the peculiar elements of the town are part of an experiment. According to a theory on Reddit, Randall and Jim may be onto something, as it suggests that Tillie, another new character, could be involved in the experiment. Some suspicious actions by Tillie, such as bringing morphine around Marielle, seemingly knowing about Fatima's pregnancy, and performing a rain dance without any apparent concern for her situation, have raised doubts about her true intentions. Whether Tillie is a mole, a supernatural entity sent by the town, or simply a resident with suspicious behavior, the theory holds some credibility, considering the unexpected twists that are likely to unfold.

7 Fatima Will Give Birth Way Sooner Than Nine Months

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Another theory from season 2 suggests that Fatima's pregnancy will be much shorter than usual due to the town's healing powers and advanced timeline. In the world of From, time seems to move faster than normal, as evidenced by the fact that only a few weeks have passed across two seasons. It is unlikely that Fatima's pregnancy will be stretched out for multiple seasons. According to a theory on Reddit, her pregnancy may only last a few days or weeks before she gives birth, or there might be a significant time jump between seasons 2 and 3.

6 From’s Monsters Are Actually Fairies

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

One theory that has persisted regarding From's enigmatic monsters throughout the series is that they are actually mythological fairies. The exact origins and characteristics of these creatures have yet to be explained by From, but there is considerable evidence suggesting their connection to fairies. A comprehensive Reddit theory proposes that the monsters are Sluagh, which are fairies based on Irish mythology. Much like From's monsters, Sluagh have the ability to lure people into a separate fairy realm, are associated with blackbirds, steal the souls of the dying and sorrowful, can be avoided by remaining indoors after dark, and derive pleasure from inflicting torment. Although the nature of these monsters remains uncertain, their striking similarities to the mythological fairies are difficult to ignore.

5 From’s Characters Can Get Home Using The Water

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Throughout their time trapped in the town, the residents have relentlessly sought methods of liberation. Despite their efforts, the characters in From have yet to discover a means of returning home. However, a compelling theory circulating on Reddit proposes that they may be able to escape by traversing the water. In the concluding moments of Season 2, Episode 7, Elgin experiences a haunting dream where a mummified Fatima drowns him in the bathtub. Followers of this fan theory speculate that the mummy is actually directing Elgin towards the lake as a possible exit from the town. Furthermore, references to water in Kenny's dream, Ethan's Cromenockle tale, and Boyd's desire for a boat lend credibility to the notion of escaping through the lake.

4 From’s Characters Are All Dead Or In Comas

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Mysterious TV shows often give rise to a timeless theory: the characters are either deceased, in a coma, or trapped in a dream. This theory gained significant traction with the popular TV show Lost, which shares several executive producers and a lead actor with From. Consequently, it is not surprising that many viewers speculate that From's characters are also deceased or in a coma, with the town serving as their purgatory or nightmare. While it is possible that each character may have met their demise in road accidents before arriving, it is highly improbable that this theory will ultimately be realized in From's series finale.

3 The Symbol Jade Sees Is A Map Of From’s Town

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Similar to Christopher four decades ago, Jade is plagued by visions of a symbol within the town. A theory circulating on Reddit suggests that the symbol is, in fact, a map that reveals the elusive faraway trees. This explains the existence of multiple versions of the symbol, as the trees are known to constantly change their locations around the town. It is possible that the symbol appearing to Jade serves as an update on the current whereabouts and movements of the trees. Another possibility is that it represents a map of the entire town, but further clues are required to decipher the meaning behind the various lines on the symbol.

2 From’s Characters Will Discover Another Town Like Theirs

Unveiling the Strangest Season 2 Theories: Prepare to Be Mind-Blown!

Much like the characters in the television show Lost, a Reddit theory suggests that From's characters will come across another community similar to theirs within the town's boundaries. It is possible that another town exists on a separate road, different from the one the current characters traveled on, perhaps located on the opposite side of the forest that Boyd and Sara never fully explored. Given the number of individuals who have entered From's main town since season 1, it is not entirely implausible that this mysterious location is attracting souls from a different area.

1 Tabitha Is The “Cromenockle” From Ethan’s Books

One plausible hypothesis put forward on Reddit proposes that Tabitha is, in fact, the fictional character known as Cromenockle in Ethan's stories. Ethan discloses that in the books, Cromenockle visits the cave of the lonely dragon, receives a map, and is no longer lost. The theory further suggests that Tabitha represents Cromenockle while Victor symbolizes the lonely dragon, and the map she is searching for is hidden within one of Victor's drawings. Ultimately, Victor's drawings would narrate the tale of Cromenockle, which may serve as Tabitha's fate in From.

Source: Reddit