Unveiling the Revival: The Epic Resurgence of Origins-Style Backgrounds in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
Exciting news for Dragon Age fans! BioWare's highly anticipated Dragon Age: Dreadwolf may reintroduce the beloved Origins-style Backgrounds from Dragon Age: Origins Get ready for a immersive and customizable experience like never before!
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf may bring back the Origins-style backgrounds, allowing players to choose different character backstories based on race and class.
Controversy has emerged following the release of a leaked screenshot showcasing the game's interface, which labels the character as "Level... Grey Warden." This development has ignited curiosity surrounding potential class choices and the potential revival of the Grey Warden stronghold.
Promotional trailers and concept artwork for the game strongly allude to the reappearance of classic character archetypes including Grey Wardens, Navarran Mortalitasi necromancers, Antivan Crow assassins, and members of the Antivan Felicisima Armada. These hints suggest the inclusion of various player-character Origins.
Dragon Age has undergone significant changes in the past 14 years and is expected to undergo even more with the upcoming release of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. While opinions differ on whether these changes are positive or negative, there are certain elements from the previous games that most fans appreciate. One of these is the iconic character Origins from Dragon Age: Origins.
In Dragon Age: Origins, players are able to choose from various character backstories based on their race and class combination. Each of the five Origins offered a unique prologue and unlocked additional scenes and interactions later in the game. In Inquisition, there were certain dialogue options exclusive to specific races and classes, but the game lacked the ability to play through individual prologues. It arguably had less diversity, with one backstory for each race, except for human mages. However, there is speculation that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf might reintroduce Origins-style backgrounds.
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf might bring back DAO’s Origins
Despite years of development, BioWare has kept Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's gameplay under wraps. However, fans were given a glimpse of it through a leaked screenshot in February. The interface in the screenshot appears unfinished, with deliberately blurred sections, and the character is referred to as "Level ... Grey Warden." This has led some fans to speculate that "Grey Warden" could be the name of the class, suggesting that Dreadwolf may deviate from the traditional Warrior, Rogue, and Mage classes seen in previous games. Alternatively, it could also be the player's chosen Origin for the character. This interpretation is further supported by the leaked gameplay taking place in the Grey Warden stronghold of Weishaupt Fortress. While Dreadwolf's story may take players to Weishaupt regardless, the fortress would be the logical setting for a Grey Warden Origin.
Dreadwolf's trailers and concept art suggest the possible return of Origins. Some of the concept art portrays specific characters, while others depict character archetypes, including Grey Wardens, Navarran Mortalitasi necromancers, Antivan Crow assassins, and members of the Antivan Felicisima Armada. Each archetype has its own dedicated concept piece, potentially indicating that they are player-character Origins.
Among these archetypes, the necromancer appears to be a party member, while the Wardens, Crows, and Pirates offer enticing options for character backstories. These options also provide flexibility in terms of race and class choices. Grey Wardens encompass members from all classes and races, and it wouldn't be surprising if a piratical organization is similarly diverse. Although the Crows are typically rogues, one concept art piece features a blonde female warrior donning armor similar to the Crow woman in the Dragon Age Day 2021 artwork.
Alternatively, the default Origin in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could be the Grey Wardens, accessible to all classes, while the remaining Origins are restricted to specific classes. However, it is also possible that BioWare intends to separate Dreadwolf's Origin stories from the player's choice of race and class, resembling the Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077 rather than the prologues in Dragon Age: Origins.
This approach offers a significant advantage over Dragon Age: Origins' character backstories. One major argument against reintroducing Origins is that it would be a waste of development time since the majority of players in Dragon Age: Origins selected the Human Noble Origin. However, this Origin was exclusively available for human Warriors and Rogues. By separating Origins from the other customization options, the popularity among different Origins could be more balanced.
Speculation based on limited evidence suggests that BioWare might consider bringing back the Origin-specific prologues in some capacity, given the positive reception by fans and their persistent requests. The nature of these potential prologues, whether they will resemble those in Dragon Age: Origins or take on a different form, remains uncertain. It is worth noting that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is currently under development.