Unveiling the Power: Exploring the Vitality of Emotion in Male Lead Characters

Unveiling the Power: Exploring the Vitality of Emotion in Male Lead Characters

Elemental Star Athie breaks stereotypes by portraying an emotional male lead, inspiring the next generation to embrace and understand the depth of men's emotions

Actor Mamoudou Athie, who portrays the character Wade in the latest Pixar film Elemental, emphasizes the significance of showcasing a male protagonist who is in touch with his emotions, particularly for the benefit of young boys. In this animated adventure, Wade, a water element, embarks on a love story with Ember, a fire element, defying societal norms. Throughout the movie, Wade openly sheds tears without any sense of apology or shame, as it is simply a natural part of his character.

During an exclusive interview with Screen Rant, Athie delves into his portrayal of Wade and the portrayal of an emotionally expressive male lead. Reflecting on his own shyness during his youth, the actor, known for his role in Jurassic World, expresses his desire for a movie and character like Wade to have been an influential figure during his formative years. Discover what Athie shared below.

I can relate a lot to this character on a personal level, and I find it very easy to feel emotional and cry. As a child, I used to feel quite ashamed of this aspect of myself, or rather, I felt very shy about it. It wasn't necessarily a feeling of shame, but more so a sense of discomfort in expressing my emotions publicly, even though there were times when I couldn't control it. When I went to school and saw some of my classmates, I was struck by how beautifully open and vulnerable they were. It truly felt like a gift, a power, to be able to share their emotions so openly and have such an impact on others.

Looking back, I realized that I eventually reached a point where I embraced this part of myself, but I couldn't help but think that I had held myself back when I was younger. I wish that young Mamoudou hadn't suppressed his emotions in that way and had allowed himself to fully explore and express them publicly. Despite trying to hide it, my friends still knew about it, and it would inevitably come out. I struggled with this internal conflict for a while.

I'm genuinely excited for people to see this and hopefully realize that it's perfectly okay and actually healthy to embrace and express their emotions. This is an important message that I hope resonates with others.

Elemental Helps The Next Generation Understand Men Can Be Emotional

Unveiling the Power: Exploring the Vitality of Emotion in Male Lead Characters

Highlighting the harmful association between masculinity and the suppression of emotions has long been ingrained in society. However, there is a gradual shift in understanding, as more people recognize the dangers and negative impact of this notion. By showcasing on-screen examples in movies and television that depict men and boys freely expressing their emotions, the cultural perception of masculinity can be transformed. Elemental has the power to accomplish this transformation for audiences of all ages.

A clear illustration of this transformation can be seen in Athie's personal journey. Initially, he felt hesitant and self-conscious about expressing his emotions publicly. However, as he grew older, he realized that his previous mindset was flawed. This realization serves as a valuable lesson for young men and boys who may also struggle with being open about their feelings. Wade, a character in Elemental, exemplifies bravery, strength, and likability not despite his emotional vulnerability, but because of it. This emotional openness not only helps Wade break out of his own shell, but also plays a crucial role in his love story with Ember.

Elemental exemplifies numerous valuable lessons on empathy, respect for parents, and embracing love. By showcasing such a portrayal, it challenges the prevailing stereotype of strength and highlights Wade's exceptional qualities of kindness and empathy. In doing so, Elemental presents a compelling case for why this unconventional male lead should be celebrated in romantic comedies.