Unveiling the Mystery of 'The Valya' in the Constellation: Alice's Puzzling Encounters

Unveiling the Mystery of 'The Valya' in the Constellation: Alice's Puzzling Encounters

Delve into the enigmatic persona of The Valya within the Constellation and unravel the reasons behind Alice's recurring sightings.

Constellation's episode 5 contains major spoilers, so beware!

In this episode, a new character named "The Valya" is introduced, who appears to have supernatural abilities. Their true identity remains a mystery, adding to the intrigue of the show. Constellation blends quantum physics concepts with the idea of parallel universes, creating a captivating sci-fi drama where the main characters are all unreliable narrators.

The central mystery of the show revolves around Jo, the main character, trying to find her way back to her original universe after switching with her alternate universe counterpart. However, episode 5 introduces another mystery surrounding a character named "Valya."

The Valya Could Be Jo Or Irena's Alternate Version In Constellation

This new mystery is likely connected to Jo's journey to uncover the truth about her situation. It is important to understand how Henry's Cal experiment is affecting the perception and reality of the characters in Constellation. While the show will take its time to reveal who "The Valya" is, hints about the significance and identity of this mysterious character may have already been given in episode 5 and earlier parts of the season.

Many clues confirm that Valya was Irena's parallel universe counterpart

USSR cosmonaut Jo sees in space in Constellation - Many clues confirm that Valya was Irena's parallel universe counterpart - The Valya Could Be Jo Or Irena's Alternate Version In Constellation

USSR cosmonaut Jo sees in space in Constellation - Many clues confirm that Valya was Irena's parallel universe counterpart - The Valya Could Be Jo Or Irena's Alternate Version In Constellation

In episode 5 of Constellation, Alice draws a picture of a dead cosmonaut floating in space, naming her "The Valya." Jo recalls seeing a similar sight of a dead USSR cosmonaut in space and suspects Alice might have heard about it on the news and drew the same cosmonaut. However, Alice denies hearing anything on the news, leading Jo to consider the possibility that Alice is seeing the same dead cosmonaut she saw in space. The identity of the dead cosmonaut, whether it is Jo or Irena's alternate self, remains unknown.

Many clues in Constellation point towards Jo's alternate self being deceased. For example, Alice experiences a vision of an alternate universe where she is in her mother's universe, suggesting that the dead cosmonaut could be Jo herself. On the other hand, the fact that the cosmonaut was in a USSR uniform hints that Valya might be Irena's parallel universe counterpart. In an intriguing moment from an earlier episode, Henry mistakenly refers to Irena as Valya before discovering a dead body in his arms, implying that Irena's alternate version named Valya perished in space.

Why The Valya Is Communicating With Alice

The Valya's appearance is a consequence of quantum entanglement

Davina Coleman as Alice Ericsson Taylor from Constellation Season 1 - The Valya's appearance is a consequence of quantum entanglement - Why The Valya Is Communicating With Alice

Davina Coleman as Alice Ericsson Taylor from Constellation Season 1 - The Valya's appearance is a consequence of quantum entanglement - Why The Valya Is Communicating With Alice

Valya contacted Alice for an unknown reason, but her presence is linked to the quantum entanglement of two alternate universes. The CAL experiment disrupted space and time, causing the convergence of these universes. Even though she is deceased, Valya, along with alternate versions of Alice and Henry, is moving between the two universes and appearing before various characters affected by the quantum entanglement in Constellation.

New Constellation episodes premiere every Wednesday on Apple TV+.

Editor's P/S:

The article on Constellation's episode 5 piques my curiosity with its intriguing introduction of "The Valya." The character's mysterious supernatural abilities and unknown identity add a compelling layer to the show's sci-fi drama. The exploration of parallel universes and the blending of quantum physics concepts create a captivating backdrop for the main characters' unreliable narratives.

The article's speculation about "The Valya" as Jo or Irena's alternate version is intriguing. The clues it presents, such as Alice's drawing and Henry's mistaken reference, suggest that the deceased cosmonaut could be either Jo or Irena. The quantum entanglement between alternate universes adds another layer of complexity, hinting at the possibility of these characters moving between universes and appearing before different individuals. I'm eager to discover the true identity of "The Valya" and how it connects to the central mystery of Jo's journey back to her original universe.