Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

Discover the thrilling connections to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe in Secret Invasion episode 6 Unveiling Nick Fury's perspective on the Blip, Avengers' DNA samples, powerful battles, and surprise appearances, this episode is packed with captivating Easter eggs and references

Beware! This article includes spoilers for episode 6 of Secret Invasion. The sixth episode of Secret Invasion concludes the intense battle between Fury and Gravik while also incorporating numerous MCU Easter eggs and references. Starting off where episode 5 left off, Fury travels to Russia to face Gravik at the Skrull compound. However, just like the previous five episodes, episode 6 of Secret Invasion is full of surprising twists and turns, deviating from the typical MCU formula. Notably, there is no post-credit scene in this final episode, adding to the unexpected nature of the show. Furthermore, episode 6 of Secret Invasion is abundant with Easter eggs and references to other MCU properties, making it the most noteworthy in terms of connections. Here is a comprehensive list of all the references, Easter eggs, and tie-ins to other MCU works in Secret Invasion episode 6.

15 Secret Invasion Episode 6 Changes A Nick Fury Trailer Shot

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

In Secret Invasion episode 6, G'iah, disguised as Fury, confronts Gravik at New Skrullos in the chamber housing the Super Skrull machine for their final encounter. G'iah convincingly portrays Fury by displaying the effects of radiation on a human. The scene of "Fury" entering the chamber depicts him stumbling and coughing, showing the strain of the radiation surrounding New Skrullos, while serving as a subtle Easter egg referencing the Secret Invasion storyline.

Interestingly, this scene also appears in Secret Invasion's official trailer, but in a different context. In the trailer, Fury's entrance into the chamber is portrayed as a more heroic moment, as the espionage expert confidently walks into the room to confront his adversary. This variation in presentation of the scene in the episode and the trailer aligns with Marvel Studios' strategy of altering trailers to maintain suspense and avoid spoiling plot details.

14 Secret Invasion Episode 6 Reveals Fury's Thoughts On The Blip

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

13 Every Sample Of Avengers DNA The Skrulls Have In Secret Invasion Episode 6

During the confrontation between "Fury" and Gravik, it is disclosed that while the character "Fury" is actually G'iah in disguise, the revelation about Fury's thoughts during the moment of his dusting by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War is likely genuine. Fury apparently shared this information with G'iah to support her impersonation of him. It is unveiled that Fury experienced a sense of relief as he faded away, relieved that he no longer had to engage in battle and finally having an escape.

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

In episode 6 of Secret Invasion, Fury carries out an important mission by handing over the Harvest to Gravik. This pivotal moment finally confirms that Gravik possesses every sample of Avengers DNA. Moreover, it is revealed that the Harvest specifically contains Carol Danvers' DNA, which Gravik obtained from Fury. However, it is evident that the Skrulls have been diligently collecting samples since the events of Avengers: Endgame, as they already possess a substantial number.

Gravik starts up his Super Skrull device, revealing a computer screen that highlights a comprehensive list of superheroes whose DNA he possesses. Among them is Ghost, the antagonist from Ant-Man and the Wasp, known for his ability to phase through matter. Ghost is set to make an appearance in Thunderbolts, slated for release in 2024. Following Ghost, Gravik reveals his possession of Captain America's DNA, a nod to Fury's statement in Secret Invasion episode 5, acknowledging that every Avenger shed blood during the Battle of Earth. Additionally, Gravik possesses DNA samples from each member of the Black Order, the group of formidable warriors serving Thanos. This includes Cull Obsidian, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, and Proxima Midnight.

Expanding his collection, Gravik also possesses DNA samples from notable individuals associated with Thanos, such as Thanos himself, as well as his minions: the Outriders and the Chitauri. Furthermore, Gravik's machine reveals DNA samples from a variety of heroes, including Abomination, Mantis, Drax, Korg, Hulk, Valkyrie, Thor, Gamora, and Bucky Barnes. Now, with the addition of Captain Marvel's DNA, the Super Skrull form becomes an incredibly powerful entity, thanks to the diverse abilities it has inherited from these heroes and villains.

12 Hulk's Power Is Showcased In Secret Invasion Episode 6's Battle

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

After the Avengers' DNA is revealed in Episode 6 of Secret Invasion, Gravik accidentally imbues himself and G'iah with these newly acquired abilities. As a result, the final battle in Secret Invasion includes numerous MCU Easter eggs, showcasing the powers of other superheroes, starting with the Hulk. The utilization of the machine causes Gravik's physical appearance to undergo a significant transformation, turning him into a more muscular and well-built Skrull. This enhanced physique, combined with the green complexion reminiscent of the Hulk, grants both Gravik and G'iah extraordinary strength similar to that of Marvel's iconic green Avenger.

11 Abomination's Design Is Utilized In Secret Invasion Episode 6

Unveiling the Mind-Blowing MCU Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 6

Just as Gravik wields the mighty strength of the Hulk in Secret Invasion episode 6, he also exhibits remarkable resemblances to the ferocious Abomination. During the climactic battle against G'iah, Gravik undergoes a striking transformation, wherein the left side of his body alters its form. This awe-inspiring metamorphosis allows him to employ the arm of the Abomination as a formidable weapon against G'iah, mirroring his earlier utilization of Hulk's extraordinary abilities. Notably, his ear even metamorphoses into a fin-like appendage akin to that of Abomination's, further highlighting Gravik's terrifying power.

10 G'iah Uses Drax's Arm In Secret Invasion Episode 6

Another Easter egg from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise involves the use of Abomination's arm by Gravik against G'iah. However, the Super Skrull, who was recently created, takes advantage of Drax the Destroyer's arm instead. G'iah transforms her left arm to resemble Drax's, and then proceeds to charge at Gravik, utilizing yet another power of a hero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

9 Ghost's Phasing Abilities Are Used In Secret Invasion Episode 6

As G'iah charges towards Gravik, his newfound strength empowers him to hurl a vehicle at her. In a remarkable display of her recently acquired talents, G'iah taps into the phasing ability reminiscent of Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp. Effortlessly, she phases through the oncoming car, evading any harm, and positioning herself for a close-quarter confrontation with Gravik.

8 Thor's Korg & Frost Beast Receive Secret Invasion Episode 6 Easter Eggs

After narrowly avoiding the car hurled towards her, G'iah once again harnesses her transformation abilities. This time, her left arm shape-shifts into a remarkable resemblance of Korg, mimicking the stony appearance of the renowned Kronan warrior from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Gravik follows suit and both Super Skrulls unleash the might of Korg's powers in their ongoing battle. Meanwhile, G'iah's other arm morphs into an icy spike, revealing the Skrulls' audacious act of harvesting the DNA from a creature found in Jotunheim, as seen in Thor: The Dark World.

7 Gravik Uses The Power Of Ebony Maw From Avengers: Infinity War

Just as G'iah appears to be gaining the advantage in the battle against Gravik, the latter once again transforms himself. His Groot arm morphs into the slender, paler arm of Ebony Maw, the telekinetic servant of Thanos from the movie Avengers: Infinity War. Utilizing the powers of Ebony Maw, Gravik hurls rocks at G'iah and forcefully slams her into a nearby metal structure.

6 Secret Invasion Epsiode 6 Uses A Captain America: Civil War Location

During the confrontation between Gravik, G'iah, Fury, and Sonya Falsworth in Russia, a critical mission unfolds to prevent President Ritson from launching a devastating nuclear attack on New Skrullos. While desperately attempting to convince Ritson of Rhodey's treachery and halt the impending strike, they are shocked to witness the deployment of the warhead from a bunker. Strikingly reminiscent of the battleground featured in the climactic clash between Captain America, Bucky, and Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War, the Secret Invasion episode 6 showcases a location with a deep hole in the ground, a sliding door at the top, and metal gratings adorning the interior. This setting evokes vivid memories of the structure Bucky skillfully ascended to escape Iron Man's wrath.

5 The Powers Of Captain Marvel Are Finally Used In Secret Invasion Episode 6

Throughout Secret Invasion, one of the prevailing mysteries is why Captain Marvel refrains from assisting Fury in his battle against the Skrulls. In a classic Secret Invasion manner, Carol Danvers' abilities finally come into play, but with a unique twist involving G'iah and Gravik. After engaging in a fierce hand-to-hand combat, the duo takes to the skies engulfed in Captain Marvel's luminous energy, employing the powers of one of the most formidable Avengers against each other.

4 G'iah Uses Mantis' Empathy Powers On Gravik

During the intense battle between Gravik and G'iah, the latter cleverly harnesses the powers of another Guardians of the Galaxy member. G'iah's forehead sprouts Mantis-like antenna, which she skillfully employs to subdue Gravik and send him into a deep slumber. This exciting development marks the fourth hidden reference to the Guardians of the Galaxy in episode 6 of Secret Invasion, following the previous mentions of Groot and Drax's abilities, as well as the appearance of Gamora's name on Gravik's computer.

3 Secret Invasion Episode 6 Hints At Captain America: Brave New World's President Ross

After rescuing President Ritson from the Skrulls, instead of just targeting Gravik's insurgents, the U.S. leader shocks everyone by opting to declare war on all Skrulls in the entire galaxy. Fury phones Ritson to express his disapproval, declaring, "That's genuine one-term-President material." This subtle hint suggests that Ritson will not be re-elected for another term, which connects to the events in Captain America: Brave New World. Prior to the Secret Invasion, it was revealed that Thunderbolt Ross, played by Harrison Ford, will become the President of the U.S.A in Captain America 4, and the sixth episode of Secret Invasion sets the stage for this transition.

2 Secret Invasion Episode 6 May Include Evan Pieter's Quicksilver From WandaVision

In the final moments of episode 6 in Secret Invasion, Sonya discloses a concealed location, where the Skrulls are housing thousands more individuals. This revelation sheds light on the increasing activity of Gravik's rebels. Sonya unveils the face of one of these captives, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Evan Pieter's character, Quicksilver/Ralph Bohner, from the series WandaVision. While not officially confirmed, numerous enthusiasts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe believe that Evan Pieters' Quicksilver may have a significant role to play in the future events of Secret Invasion.

1 Secret Invasion Episode 6 References Captain Marvel's Skrull-Kree War

In the climactic scene of episode 6 of Secret Invasion, Fury and his spouse make their return to space. Within this scene, Fury states that the Kree have expressed their willingness to engage in peaceful negotiations with the Skrulls. This serves as a direct allusion to Captain Marvel, where the central plot revolved around the war between the Kree and the Skrulls. After more than three decades in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Kree might finally be seeking peace with the Skrulls. However, clues from The Marvels' trailer hint that this newfound peace may not endure. Nevertheless, this particular line from Secret Invasion episode 6 holds significant implications for the Skrulls and the future of the MCU as depicted in The Marvels.