Unveiling the Legendary Impact of Handsome Jack on Borderlands 4

Unveiling the Legendary Impact of Handsome Jack on Borderlands 4

Handsome Jack's enduring legacy in Borderlands makes him both a beloved villain and a potential roadblock for the franchise's future Find out how his presence in Borderlands 4 could impact the game's evolution

Borderlands 4 will require a formidable antagonist to drive its narrative, but the lingering shadow of Handsome Jack poses a challenge for the series. Ever since he first took center stage, Jack has been an overwhelming presence, capturing the attention of both developers and fans. Even after four installments, he remains the series' most significant and impactful villain, leaving a lasting impression. His despicable nature and merciless wit made him a satisfying adversary to defeat. However, this raises the question of how other villains in Borderlands can distinguish themselves.

To put it simply, Handsome Jack, the resident supervillain of Borderlands 2, is an abhorrent individual. He either commands or commits an astonishing number of atrocities, often with a smile on his face. As the head of Hyperion, he wields unrivaled power within the setting and takes every opportunity to flaunt it. Adding to his repugnance, his insufferably arrogant and smug personality becomes all too familiar to players as he incessantly taunts them throughout their journey. Yet, despite his heinous actions, Jack deludes himself into believing he is the hero of the story. Handsome Jack was meticulously crafted to be despised.

Handsome Jack's Status Could Be a Hindrance for Borderlands 4

Unveiling the Legendary Impact of Handsome Jack on Borderlands 4

Even after his demise, Handsome Jack's presence continued to loom over the Borderlands series. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the game revolved around his character and explored the events that shaped him into the man he became in Borderlands 2. The protagonists of that game were even hired by him, further emphasizing his significance. Additionally, in Borderlands 3, his influence persisted through numerous references. A notable example is the DLC titled "Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot," which introduces a casino modeled after his persona. It appears that despite his death, Handsome Jack remains an inescapable force within the series.

Jack's impact had a significant effect on the inability of the Calypso Twins in Borderlands 3 to measure up. In comparison to Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel!, where Jack's influence was undeniable, the Twins couldn't replicate that level of presence. Despite this, Tyreen and Troy still posed a formidable threat with their ambitious plans and Siren powers. However, it was inevitable that they would be compared to Jack, a tough act for any new villain to follow. Thus, whoever becomes the villain in Borderlands 4 will likely face the same unfair comparison.

Handsome Jack, though not introduced until the second game, remains the most iconic villain in the Borderlands series. However, moving on from him in Borderlands 4 is a challenging task. Even after his death, the series continues to reference Jack, possibly indicating his influence in the upcoming game. Nevertheless, for the sake of the story and new villains in Borderlands 4, it might be preferable if Jack's presence is minimized. While he was a hit for the series, Jack unintentionally has the potential to hinder the progress of Borderlands 4.

Borderlands 2 is available now for Android, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.