Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Unveiling the intricate web of characters in the Stock Market Scheme, Hijack reaches its climax as the Cheapside Firm's plan is exposed Discover the pivotal roles played by Edgar Janssen, John Bailey-Brown, Amanda Taunton, Devlin, Felix Staton, Alec, The Cleaners (Joe & Maz), Jaden, Terry, Lewis Atterton, Jamie Constantinou, and Stuart Atterton

WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for the Hijack finale.


In the finale of Apple's thrilling series Hijack, it is unveiled that the Cheapside Firm is the brains behind the manipulation scheme in the stock market. Furthermore, it exposes all individuals involved in the hijacking of Kingdom Flight 29.

The intricate plan devised by the Cheapside Firm was solely driven by a desire for profit and not intended as an act of terrorism towards any nation. However, their merciless trail of violence and deceit victimized almost everyone implicated.

Edgar Janssen and John Bailey-Brown, two esteemed members of the Cheapside Firm, masterminded the hijacking but eventually turned on each other, resulting in Edgar's demise and the exposure of his treason within the group.

In the gripping finale of Apple's thrilling series Hijack, the true identities of all the individuals entangled in the intricate plot to manipulate the stock market were unveiled. It was revealed that the Cheapside Firm, an organized crime syndicate, was responsible for orchestrating the hijacking of Kingdom Flight 29. Their goal was to artificially drive down the value of Kingdom Airlines' shares, allowing them to profit greatly by engaging in short selling prior to the hijacking. The motive behind this scheme was solely financial gain and was not intended as an act of terrorism against the United Kingdom or any other nation.

Hijack's culmination revealed that the five hijackers on Kingdom Flight 29 (with an additional sixth, secret hijacker named Amanda Taunton) were simply carrying out the directives of the influential members of the Cheapside Firm. This nefarious organization's malevolent grasp extended not only across the United Kingdom, but also beyond its borders. Almost every individual involved in the Cheapside Firm's intricate plot to hijack had been victimized in some manner. The ruthless criminal group employed a strategy of violence and deceit, leaving a trail of destruction and manipulation in their wake, all in pursuit of their financial goals. In this account of the events, each character implicated in the Cheapside Firm's stock market scheme and their specific role within Hijack will be expounded.

12 Edgar Janssen

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Edgar Janssen, one of the esteemed duo from the Cheapside Firm, skillfully engineers an early release from prison to execute their audacious hijacking plot. Once freed, Edgar devises a cunning strategy with his accomplice, John, enabling them to elude the authorities and procure a getaway vehicle that will transport them to safety. However, Edgar's grand plan takes an unforeseen turn with the introduction of Amanda, who disrupts the meticulous scheme orchestrated by the Cheapside Firm. Amidst his insatiable greed, Edgar entrusts Amanda with taking charge of the cockpit, ultimately sealing his tragic fate.

11 John Bailey-Brown

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

John is another influential member of the Cheapside Firm who is released from prison along with Edgar as part of a hijacking scheme. Initially, John appears to be Edgar's sidekick, but during the climax of the hijacking, he turns on Edgar and has him fatally shot. Although John and Edgar seemed to have a long-standing working relationship or friendship, John's sudden decision to kill Edgar suggests otherwise. John comes to realize that Edgar had clandestinely organized a personal profit-generating side operation involving the hiring of Amanda, without the knowledge of the Cheapside Firm. This discovery leads John to believe that Edgar has betrayed the group and can no longer be trusted.

10 Amanda Taunton

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Throughout the first six episodes of Hijack, Amanda is portrayed as an unexpected passenger on Kingdom Flight 29 who is compelled to obey Edgar's instructions in order to save her daughter's life. However, Amanda turns out to be Edgar's secret weapon, rather than one of many helpless passengers. In a shocking twist, she takes matters into her own hands by shooting and killing Captain Robin Allen, the pilot of Flight 29, before assuming control of the cockpit. Eventually, under the persuasion of Sam, Amanda agrees to safely land the plane. Despite her involvement in the Cheapside Firm's criminal scheme and the brutal murder of an airline pilot, Amanda manages to escape punishment and is released at the conclusion of Hijack.

9 Devlin

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

8 Felix Staton

Devlin, a mysterious individual, serves as a crucial liaison and messenger for the Cheapside Firm's plans, ensuring effective communication between the firm and the Home Minister of the UK. He discreetly delivers a confidential envelope containing the firm's demands to the Home Minister, enlightening them about the hijacking incident concerning Kingdom Flight 29. Additionally, Devlin manipulates a prominent internet journalist, coercing them to generate widespread awareness of the hijacking through various social media platforms. This strategic maneuver leads to a significant decline in Kingdom Airlines' stock value. It is highly probable that Devlin operates on behalf of the Cheapside Firm and collaborates closely with Alec, anticipating a substantial share of the overall profit.

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Felix Staton, a seemingly innocent journalist, is coerced by Devlin into leaking the Kingdom Flight 29 hijacking story. Devlin handpicked Felix due to his previous involvement in an insider trading scheme, proving his corrupt nature and willingness to comply with the Cheapside Firm's demands. Although Felix's appearance in Hijack is brief, his action of exposing the story leads to the collapse of Kingdom Airlines' stock, which is exactly what the Cheapside Firm desired. Felix's association with the Cheapside Firm remains unclear, and it appears that he is not compensated for his cooperation but rather blackmailed by Devlin.

7 Alec

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Alec, a financial investor, emerges as the individual responsible for greenlighting the Cheapside Firm's substantial wager against the stock price of Kingdom Airlines. In the first episode, titled "Hijack," Alec initiates the plan to short the stock by issuing instructions over the phone, likely to Devlin or one of his associates, to execute the deal. Ironically, despite being denied entry onto Kingdom Flight 29 due to his late arrival, Alec manages to secure a last-minute boarding permission granted by Sam's persuasive skills with a TSA worker. More importantly, Alec carries the bag containing the hijackers' firearms onto the plane, effectively implicating himself in orchestrating both the hijacking and the stock market scheme.

6 The Cleaners (Joe & Maz)

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

The Cleaners, Joe and Maz, are highly skilled assassins who pose a significant threat in the series. As devoted members of the Cheapside Firm, they are prepared to go to great lengths to protect the confidentiality of their organization's objectives, even at the cost of a substantial pay cut. Clad in scrubs and donning latex gloves, these lethal operatives meticulously prepare themselves for the murders they are tasked with. Their last known location is Sam's apartment, where they target his ex-wife, Marsha, and hold his son, Kai, hostage. However, their plans are foiled when Detective Daniel and a tactical police unit apprehend them during the dramatic finale of Hijack.

5 Jaden

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

4 Terry

: The details surrounding Jaden, one of the hijackers on Kingdom Flight 29, remain largely undisclosed, leaving his involvement in the job open to interpretation. It is unclear whether he was coerced into joining the hijackers or if his primary motivation was financial gain. Jaden, being the most hostile and least tolerant among the group, plays a crucial role in establishing the terrifying atmosphere aboard the flight. Despite the creators of the show failing to unveil his reasons for participating in the hijacking, Jaden's fate aligns with that of the other five original hijackers.

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Terry, a member of Stuart's team on Kingdom Flight 29, is one of the hijackers. Despite lacking significant leverage or authoritative power, he is known to be a seasoned member of the Cheapside Firm. As Terry's life hangs in the balance on the plane, he confides in Lewis, revealing that the elite members of the Cheapside Firm coerced him into taking the life of Lewis's father, who is also Stuart's father since they are siblings. Terry's involvement in the hijacking seems driven either by force or the promise of a monetary reward, yet his true motivations remain ambiguous.

3 Lewis Atterton

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

2 Jamie Constantinou

is the lone hijacker who meets his demise aboard Kingdom Flight 29, having been fatally wounded by a passenger wielding a scalpel. From the outset of the series, Lewis displays a strong sense of morality during the hijacking, expressing doubt regarding Stuart's decision to employ violence against the innocent individuals aboard the plane. Despite the lack of affectionate gestures between them onscreen, it is eventually revealed that Stuart is Lewis' older brother, and he is likely responsible for involving Lewis in the hijacking. By perishing on the plane, Lewis narrowly escapes the lengthy prison sentence he would have faced had he survived until the Hijack finale.

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Jamie's relationship with Stuart suggests a long-standing affiliation, either as colleagues or friends. Alongside Lewis, Jamie is the only hijacker whom Stuart seeks advice from. However, she remains entirely unaware of the Cheapside Firm's true intentions for Kingdom Flight 20 during the hijack finale. When speaking to Sam, she reveals that she and the other hijackers only received instructions to seize control of the aircraft, lacking any knowledge of their superiors' plans for it. Jamie appears to have become involved in the operation due to her past romantic involvement with Lewis, Stuart's brother, indicating that she is a blindly loyal hired gun.

1 Stuart Atterton

Unveiling the Intricate Roles of Each Character in the Stock Market Scheme: An Eye-Opening Expose

Originally, Stuart appeared to be the authoritative figure in charge at the start of the Hijack. However, it is revealed that he is actually a desperate pawn manipulated by the Cheapside Firm. The firm deliberately selected Stuart as the leader of the Hijack due to his vulnerability to manipulation, yet unquestioning obedience. Unfortunately, Stuart's story is heavily impacted by the Cheapside Firm's influence, leading to the deaths of his father, brother, and mother indirectly. Despite Amanda being portrayed as the primary victim of the Cheapside Firm's scheme, Stuart ultimately experiences the most tragic outcome in the culmination of the Hijack.