Unveiling the Ingenious Casting Link in Apple's Latest Dick Turpin Series Featuring Noel Fielding

Unveiling the Ingenious Casting Link in Apple's Latest Dick Turpin Series Featuring Noel Fielding

Discover the familiar face that fans of Noel Fielding will spot in the new Dick Turpin show by Apple.

The lead actor of Apple TV+'s The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin is Noel Fielding, a well-known British comedian. Other iconic British comedians have also made appearances on the show, including one who has a real-world connection to Fielding. The Great British Bake Off's Noel Fielding has been a part of various comedy projects over the years, and this isn't the first time he's worked with some of the actors involved in Dick Turpin.

Apple's new historical comedy, The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin, is shaping up to be one of the top British sitcoms in recent times. The show deliberately mixes inaccuracy with Fielding's unique and playful humor, creating a promising combination. Despite the show's lack of concern for historical accuracy, it maintains its illusion in a different way by casting a supporting actor who fits seamlessly into the storyline.

Dick Turpin's Benny Actor Michael Fielding Is Noel Fielding's Real-Life Brother

Benny is Dick Turpin's cousin within the world of the show

Michael Fielding as Benny in The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin - Benny is Dick Turpin's cousin within the world of the show - Dick Turpin's Benny Actor Michael Fielding Is Noel Fielding's Real-Life Brother

Michael Fielding as Benny in The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin - Benny is Dick Turpin's cousin within the world of the show - Dick Turpin's Benny Actor Michael Fielding Is Noel Fielding's Real-Life Brother

Fielding's latest show takes a different approach to Dick Turpin's backstory, making significant changes that deviate from historical facts. In the series, when Turpin reveals his vegan lifestyle to his father and decides not to inherit the family's butcher shop, his cousin Benny steps in to fill the role. Despite the inaccuracy of Turpin not having siblings in real life, it's interesting to note that the actor portraying Benny is actually Fielding's own brother, Michael Fielding.

While the real Dick Turpin did have siblings, the actor playing Benny is actually the real brother of the lead actor, Michael Fielding.

It is a smart decision to have Michael Fielding portray Dick's cousin. This not only cleverly addresses the change in Dick's family background in a meta way, but also adds a touch of realism by having Noel Fielding's actual relative play a member of his on-screen family. Although Michael Fielding has not had many acting roles, his brother's new project is a perfect fit for him for various reasons.

Michael & Noel Fielding Have Collaborated Twice Before Apple TV's Dick Turpin Show

Most of Michael Fielding's acting credits are from roles alongside his brother

The cast of the Mighty Boosh - Most of Michael Fielding's acting credits are from roles alongside his brother - Michael & Noel Fielding Have Collaborated Twice Before Apple TV's Dick Turpin Show

The cast of the Mighty Boosh - Most of Michael Fielding's acting credits are from roles alongside his brother - Michael & Noel Fielding Have Collaborated Twice Before Apple TV's Dick Turpin Show

Noel and Michael Fielding have collaborated on various projects, with one of their most famous being The Mighty Boosh. This quirky comedy series aired on BBC from 2004 to 2007, featuring the Fielding brothers in every episode. The show was so popular that it even had two live tours, where Noel and Michael brought their characters to life on stage.

Michael Fielding was also featured in every episode of Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy, a quirky sketch show/sitcom that aired for two seasons from 2012 to 2014. Despite some changes in the show's format between seasons, Michael Fielding continued to be part of the cast for his brother's show. It's clear that Michael and Noel Fielding have a history of collaborating, but their best joint project so far is The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin.

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin is currently unveiling a new episode every Friday on Apple TV+.

Editor's P/S:

The article delves into the intriguing connection between Noel Fielding and his brother, Michael Fielding, in the historical comedy series "The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin." It highlights the unique casting choice of Michael as Benny, Dick's cousin, and explores the meta-narrative that this creates. The inclusion of Michael not only adds a touch of authenticity to the show but also serves as a clever nod to the show's deliberate departure from historical accuracy.

Overall, the article provides an interesting perspective on the interplay between family and fiction, and how this casting decision enhances the show's overall concept. The article also sheds light on the collaborative relationship between the Fielding brothers, showcasing their creative synergy and their ability to bring their unique brand of humor to different projects.