Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Starfield: Unearthing the Ultimate Almagest Jackpot Combination in Olympus

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Starfield: Unearthing the Ultimate Almagest Jackpot Combination in Olympus

Discover the elusive Almagest Jackpot Combination in Starfield and unravel the mystery of its usage Explore the depths of Olympus to unlock its secrets and reap the rewards Is the Almagest Jackpot truly worth the effort? Find out now!

Starfield, like other open-world Bethesda games, is packed with an immense amount of content. Alongside the main story, players can delve into countless stars and solar systems, including one known as Olympus.

Within Olympus lies the Almagest, an ancient space station that once operated as a colossal casino among the stars. Now inhabited by Spacers searching for treasures, players have the opportunity to claim the loot for themselves if they possess the knowledge of the Almagest's jackpot combination.

What is the Almagest Jackpot Combination?

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Starfield: Unearthing the Ultimate Almagest Jackpot Combination in Olympus

Where to Enter the Almagest Jackpot Combination

The Almagest jackpot combination, consisting of the numbers 12, 19, 36, and 5, can be accessed by opening the Jackpot Combination file on the manager's computer located in the side room. This room is equipped with three safes that can be unlocked using lockpicks. Additionally, players will discover a Science Crate in this area, containing a variety of valuable items.

If your browser does not support the video tag, there is a high chance that players will discover the Almagest Jackpot Combination before locating the terminal where it should be entered. This is because finding the terminal can be challenging due to the easily missed entrance to the path leading towards it. To locate it, players should go to the middle floor that houses the bar and proceed east until they reach a vertical shaft. On the far wall, they should notice a prominent metal disc on the right, with a tunnel below it that has an upward-leading hatch.

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Starfield: Unearthing the Ultimate Almagest Jackpot Combination in Olympus

To activate their Boost Pack, players should navigate through this tunnel until they reach a server room. Inside the server room, they will find the Jackpot Backend terminal on the left wall. They can interact with the terminal and enter the jackpot combination (12 19 36 5) to initiate the payout. By doing so, players will win the jackpot, which amounts to a respectable 3,700 Credits.

Is the Almagest Jackpot worth the Effort?

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Starfield: Unearthing the Ultimate Almagest Jackpot Combination in Olympus

Players may question the value of the Almagest jackpot, considering they must battle a small army of Spacers. With a reward of only 3,700 Credits, some may find it underwhelming. Nevertheless, one could argue that the loot obtained from the fallen Spacers, as well as the safes and Science Box, make the exploration of the Almagest well worth the effort.

Starfield is currently accessible on PC and Xbox Series X|S platforms.
