In the Pokémon anime, gym leaders hold the ultimate authority in deciding who is deserving of their badges. Ash, on various occasions, has earned badges by assisting with calamities or thwarting Team Rocket. However, the process for gym leaders to acquire these badges is unexpectedly demanding.
In a notable episode of Pokémon Chronicles centered around Misty, titled "The Blue Badge of Courage," Misty is entrusted with managing Cerulean Gym while her sisters are away on vacation. Unbeknownst to her, the gym has run out of badges, prompting her to journey to Rifure Village to obtain more. Interestingly, gym badges are not mass-produced, but rather handcrafted by local artists. The creator of the Cascade Badge is notably stringent, only bestowing badges upon gym leaders who can establish their worth.
Pokémon Gym Leaders Have To Earn The Right To Give Out Their Badges
Misty, along with Tracey and her rival Sakura, agrees to take on the challenge presented by Kinso, an elderly badge maker. They are tasked with completing various chores and then guided through the process of creating their own badges. Once satisfied with their craftsmanship, the women proceed to paint and lacquer the badges. However, before Misty can leave with the new supply of badges, Kinso challenges her to a battle. Misty realizes that she must win this battle in order to earn the gym badges to give out to future challengers. Although Misty prepares to battle Kinso's Feraligatr, he retracts his offer upon realizing the ineptitude of her Psyduck. In the end, Misty gains Kinso's respect by thwarting a group of thieves attempting to steal badges, and is finally permitted to return to her duties as a gym leader.
The concept of handcrafted badges offers certain advantages, such as increased difficulty in creating counterfeit replicas. Additionally, the episode illustrates that it becomes more challenging for thieves to steal badges with this approach. While fans may have assumed that running a Pokémon gym necessitates fulfilling certain challenges and qualifications, the notion that some of these challenges originate from the artisans responsible for crafting the badges likely did not cross anyone's mind. It is possible that these additional challenges are unique to the Kanto region, considering the abundance of active gyms showcased in the anime (evidenced by Gary Oak obtaining 10 badges at one point).
Misty, at the very least, has demonstrated the sheer effort required to earn a Cascade Badge. This makes her decision to offer it to her opponent, who had emerged victorious against her, an even more profound gesture of respect. It is likely that this level of respect extends to numerous Gym Leaders whom Ash has encountered throughout his journey in the Pokémon series.