Unveiling the Hidden Gem: The Minecraft Achievement 50% of Gamers Overlook

Unveiling the Hidden Gem: The Minecraft Achievement 50% of Gamers Overlook

Unleash your Minecraft prowess with an effortless achievement that has eluded half of the player community Discover the hidden gem in Bedrock Edition that only 50% have conquered April 2022 stats reveal the untapped potential within this popular game


Only 50.84% of Minecraft players have unlocked the achievement for opening the inventory, which may suggest that it is not a priority for some players.

Enabling cheats in Minecraft Bedrock Edition disables the ability to unlock achievements, making it harder for players to earn them through cheating.

The relatively low number of players who have obtained the Taking Inventory achievement suggests that a considerable portion of players has utilized cheats in the game.

A Minecraft fan has noticed that only 50% of players have achieved the accomplishment of opening the inventory. Despite there being a total of 125 achievements in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, some players have not unlocked all of them. However, it is surprising that this particular achievement is the one that many players have not obtained.

While Minecraft Java Edition does not have Xbox-like achievements, the progress of every Bedrock account is still tracked in this manner. These Minecraft Bedrock achievements can range from crafting the first item, obtaining wood, to defeating enemies. Depending on the specific requirements of each achievement, players may unlock them in different orders. Some achievements, such as Free the End, Good Luck, and Remote Getaway, can only be achieved later in the game. A fan has highlighted one of the easiest Minecraft Bedrock Edition achievements and pointed out the percentage of players who have successfully accomplished it.

Reddit user Educational-Bug-8369 recently shared a screenshot showing their achievement on Minecraft called "Taking Inventory." This particular achievement is unlocked by simply opening the inventory, making it one of the initial tasks that Minecraft players can complete. According to the achievement screen for Taking Inventory, as of April 3, 2022, only 50.84% of Minecraft players have managed to unlock it. The screen also reveals that, due to differences in tracking accomplishments between the Bedrock and Java editions of Minecraft, approximately 49.16% of Bedrock players have not yet opened their inventories. While this achievement is worth only 10 points, it may not be a priority for some players. However, it does shed light on the size of the Minecraft cheating community.

Given that the player base for Minecraft reached a staggering 141 million players in 2021, it appears that numerous fans have overlooked the Taking Inventory achievement. In the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, activating cheats allows players to utilize console commands to manipulate the time of day or teleport to different locations within a seed. Once a player has opted to cheat in Bedrock, their ability to unlock achievements is permanently disabled. This measure serves to prevent cheaters from easily obtaining achievements through cheating. Furthermore, it is possible that Creative players in Minecraft do not frequently access their inventories as much as Survival players do, which could contribute to the relatively low number of players who have unlocked this achievement.

Because Minecraft offers achievements on both Java and Steam, the Taking Inventory statistic does not account for a certain portion of the community. This includes players who may have only launched the game once without extensively playing it. While it is uncertain if all Minecraft Bedrock Edition players have used cheats, the low Taking Inventory number suggests that a significant number of them have. Minecraft is currently available on various platforms, including mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and legacy platforms.