Unveiling the Grasp of Yomi: Masterful Tactics for Salvation

Unveiling the Grasp of Yomi: Masterful Tactics for Salvation

Trek to Yomi offers a clever saving mechanism, allowing players to utilize sacred shrines as checkpoints to safeguard their progress in the face of death

In Trek to Yomi, saving progress is crucial, especially when playing on Ronin mode or Kensei mode where players are likely to face numerous deaths while unraveling Hiroki's story. To save the game, players must locate shrines within the game world and interact with them. However, there are important aspects about these shrines that players should be aware of in order to optimize their use. Since Trek to Yomi is one of June 2023's free PS Plus games, many new players are embarking on this challenging journey for the first time, making shrines a valuable lifeline. Here's what players need to know.

Trek to Yomi: How to Save

Unveiling the Grasp of Yomi: Masterful Tactics for Salvation

Players can save their progress and restore their health in Trek to Yomi by interacting with one of the shrines. However, each shrine can only be used once, meaning players cannot revisit a previously used shrine for healing or saving after defeating a difficult enemy. Additionally, there is no autosave feature, so the player can only reload from the last shrine interacted with in the event of death or quitting the game. It is important for players to pay close attention to the background as there is no map indicating the locations of the shrines, making them sometimes difficult to spot.

Trek to Yomi: When to Save

Unveiling the Grasp of Yomi: Masterful Tactics for Salvation

Determining when to utilize a shrine for saving the game involves strategic consideration. On one hand, if players reach a shrine while their health is already at maximum, it may be advantageous to proceed further, eliminate adversaries, and then backtrack to save and restore health. On the other hand, within each level of Trek to Yomi, there are typically an ample number of shrines available. Therefore, if players happen to perish without visiting a shrine, they might need to replay a significant portion of the level in order to regain their previous position.

The decision of when to save primarily relies on the specific situation and the player's confidence in their abilities. In general, it is advisable to save whenever a shrine is encountered. Being at full health consistently proves beneficial when facing the game's formidable enemies, and experiencing a loss of progress in any of Trek to Yomi's seven chapters is always disheartening.

Trek to Yomi is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.