Unveiling the Extraordinary Epic Archetypes of City of Heroes

Unveiling the Extraordinary Epic Archetypes of City of Heroes

Discover the extraordinary Epic Archetypes of City of Heroes, designed for the seasoned players seeking a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Unveil the fascinating abilities, story connections, and special missions that set the Epic Archetypes apart from the rest.

The Remarkable Epic Archetypes

City of Heroes offers a diverse selection of 15 Archetypes, among which the four 'Epic Archetypes' shine as extraordinary and unconventional choices. These Archetypes boast fixed Primary and Secondary Powersets, yet they offer an extensive array of Powers, allowing for extensive customization and gameplay versatility. This makes the Epic Archetypes a challenging but rewarding choice for experienced players seeking a unique gameplay experience.

City of Heroes Kheldian

City of Heroes Kheldian

One of the defining features that sets the Epic Archetypes apart from other Archetypes in City of Heroes is their deep integration into the game's narrative. The Hero Epic Archetypes, collectively known as 'Kheldians', are alien energy beings on a quest on Earth, while the Villain Epic Archetypes, known as 'Soldiers of Arachnos', are formidable members of the notorious Villainous Group 'Arachnos'. Both groups possess remarkable abilities and a richly woven backstory that adds depth to their gameplay experience.

City of Heroes_Soldiers of Arachnos

City of Heroes_Soldiers of Arachnos

A Glimpse into Epic Archetypes' History

The Epic Archetypes made their debut in Issue 3 of City of Heroes with the introduction of the Peacebringer and Warshade Archetypes. Originally, they were unlocked when a player reached level 50 with a Hero Character, and a similar requirement was set for the Soldier of Arachnos Archetypes added in Issue 12. Over time, the level requirement was adjusted to level 20 in Issue 17 and eventually removed entirely in Issue 25.

City of Heroes_Kheldian Peacebringer

City of Heroes_Kheldian Peacebringer

Each of the Epic Archetypes in City of Heroes offers a unique story experience through special Missions and contacts, enriching the gameplay with tailored narratives that align with their captivating backstories. The Peacebringers collaborate with Sunstorm to combat the Nictus, Warshades work alongside Shadowstar, and the Arachnos Archetypes partner with Alan Desslock to secure their place as 'Destined Ones' and reap the rewards.

City of Heroes_Warshade

City of Heroes_Warshade

Hero Epic Archetypes: Kheldians' Mastery

The Hero Epic Archetypes, known as 'Kheldians', comprise the Peacebringer and Warshade Archetypes, designed as versatile 'Jack of All Trade' Archetypes. Drawing inspiration from an RPG analogy, the Peacebringer embodies the essence of a 'Paladin' Archetype, blending damage, tanking, healing, and self-buffs. On the other hand, the Warshade embodies a 'Dark Knight' Archetype, combining damage, tanking, control effects, debuffs, and draining abilities.

City of Heroes_Arachnos Soldier_Bane Spider With Mace

City of Heroes_Arachnos Soldier_Bane Spider With Mace

The Peacebringer boasts a diverse skill set that includes self-healing, defensive buffs, and powerful Energy Damage attacks. Shifting into Bright Nova form enhances their ranged blasting abilities, while the White Dwarf form provides enhanced HP and Endurance recovery. Mastering multiple forms allows Peacebringer players to adapt swiftly to various situations, showcasing their exceptional versatility.

Conversely, the Warshade employs dark power to siphon energy from foes, freeze them in place, and utilize their strength against them. With the ability to swap forms and adapt to different scenarios, Warshades excel in combat against large groups of enemies, making the most of their shapeshifting prowess to unleash devastating attacks and control the battlefield.

Villain Epic Archetypes: Soldiers of Arachnos' Ascendancy

The Villain Epic Archetypes, referred to as the Soldiers of Arachnos, encompass the Arachnos Soldier and Arachnos Widow Archetypes. These Archetypes undergo a unique 'Promotion' at level 24, gaining additional Powersets that mirror the abilities of various Arachnos enemy types, enhancing their prowess and versatility in combat.

The Arachnos Soldier, equipped with the Arachnos Soldier Primary Powerset and the Training and Gadgets Secondary Powerset, offers a balanced blend of ranged and melee combat options, accompanied by powerful group buffs themed around leadership. Upon reaching level 24, players gain access to Crab and Bane Spider promotion Powersets, further specializing their combat capabilities and augmenting their defensive and offensive strategies.

Likewise, the Arachnos Widow, wielding the Widow Training and Teamwork Powersets, delivers swift and deadly melee attacks and defensive self-buffs, supplemented by team-wide buff toggles. Upon reaching level 24, players can access the Night Widow or Fortunata Powersets, expanding their repertoire with additional powers for control, stealth, and ranged combat.

City of Heroes_Arachnos Widow

City of Heroes_Arachnos Widow