Unveiling the Epic Journey: Every Dialogue Transcribed from the Original Final Fantasy 14 Game
A passionate Final Fantasy 14 enthusiast meticulously transcribes the entire dialogue from the game's initial release, capturing the essence of the original experience before its monumental transformation in A Realm Reborn Discover the dedication behind this extraordinary endeavor
Final Fantasy 14 enthusiasts are now able to relish the narrative and essence of the game's initial edition, thanks to the meticulous effort of a devoted fan who has diligently transcribed each and every dialogue line.Sounsyy's remarkable project comprises nearly 1500 pages, surpassing the combined length of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy.
This transcription encompasses dialogues from diverse quests, gossip texts, quotes, and newspaper articles, offering a comprehensive insight into the lore and universe of Final Fantasy 14.
A devoted fan of Final Fantasy 14 took on the task of transcribing every single line of dialogue from the game's initial release. This impressive personal project offers a unique opportunity for players to experience the original version of Final Fantasy 14 through its dialogue.
Currently, Final Fantasy 14 is commemorating its 10-year anniversary. However, the game was originally launched in 2010 and received substantial criticism. The initial release of Final Fantasy 14 was plagued with numerous issues, prompting Square Enix to completely overhaul the game and create A Realm Reborn a few years later. Unfortunately, this overhaul rendered the story and content from the original game unplayable.
The Final Fantasy 14 lore expert and dedicated fan, Sounsyy, has painstakingly compiled all the dialogue from the game's initial release into a comprehensive series of Google Docs. This incredible project, which has taken several years to complete, is now available to the public. While other players have shared playthrough videos of the original Final Fantasy 14, Sounsyy's collection goes above and beyond by providing every single line of dialogue found throughout the entire game, including main storyline and side quest transcripts, NPC conversations, and even in-universe newspaper articles.
Impressively, Sounsyy's Final Fantasy 14 transcription spans nearly 1500 pages, surpassing the Lord of the Rings trilogy by approximately 300 pages.
The class and job quests consist of 346 pages of the transcript.
The Grand Company story quests take up 322 of its pages.
Final Fantasy 14’s original Main Scenario is 290 pages long.
Side quests contain 260 pages of dialogue.
NPC gossip text, quotes, newspaper articles, and other lore information fill 249 pages. Sounsyy's dedication to this project left their fellow Final Fantasy 14 fans amazed. Longtime players, who experienced the game from its inception, eagerly sought to revisit the past events, while newer players, who joined after A Realm Reborn, eagerly delved into the details of their beloved Final Fantasy 14 characters and deepened their knowledge of the game's rich history.
This may be Sounsyy’s most ambitious project, but they also offer other tools that Final Fantasy 14 fans would find interesting. They have been sharing compilations of lore from both in-game and external sources on their personal Tumblr for as long as Final Fantasy 14 has been around. Their blog is highly valuable for roleplayers and fans of lore, making it a wonderful destination for Final Fantasy 14 enthusiasts to spend countless hours exploring. Final Fantasy 14 can currently be played on PC, PS4, and PS5, and an Xbox Series X/S version is set to be released in spring 2024.
Source: Tumblr/mirkemenagerie