Unveiling the Epic Final Fantasy 16 Adventure: Complete Walkthrough Guide

A comprehensive guide to Final Fantasy 16's captivating main scenario quest, providing step-by-step instructions and strategies for navigating Return to the Hideaway, exploring Boklad, locating Goetz, embarking on To Catch a Thief, and unraveling the mystery of Blood From the Stones
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Return to the HidewayGo to Boklad
Find Goetz
To Catch a Thief
Blood From the Stones
Thanks to Clive and his allies' relentless efforts in Final Fantasy 16, only a single Mothercrystal remains in Storm. Unfortunately, Drake's Tail poses a formidable challenge due to its heavily guarded state by the Empire, who are on the hunt for the renowned outlaw Cid. To move undetected, Clive and Jill assume the identities of mercenaries safeguarding Goetz. Undoubtedly, the path to Drake's Tail is fraught with peril and obstacles to overcome.
Proceed with caution as this walkthrough contains spoilers for the main scenario quest "Onward" in Final Fantasy 16. The upcoming obstacle in the game will require players to obtain a trader's pass to progress further towards the heavily guarded path leading to the next Mothercrystal. Read on to gain insights on what to expect during this quest.
Return to the Hideway
Go to Boklad
Although it may seem unconventional, players will find it advantageous to revisit the Hideaway upon the commencement of "Onward." This is due to the fact that two additional side quests become available, offering players extraordinary rewards. The first quest, known as "Weird Science," facilitates an increase in the quantity of Potions and High Potions that players can carry. The second quest, "Blacksmith's Blues II," grants players the blueprint for forging Excalibur, a formidable weapon that serves as a significant advancement at this stage of the game.
Upon completing the aforementioned side quests, make your way back to Laetny's Cleft to progress further in the narrative. Follow the designated path leading towards Boklad. While en route, a gang of bandits will unexpectedly spring an ambush upon players. Among them lurks a formidable foe known as the Desert Djinn, although his grandeur is merely surface-level, for he is essentially a sub-boss that can be swiftly vanquished through skillful evasion and gradual depletion of his Will Gauge.
After eliminating the bandits, proceed to demolish the barricade and proceed towards Boklad. While traversing the fallen ruins, players will encounter a small group of Fallen constructs that are guarding the area. These adversaries are relatively weak, allowing players to swiftly dispatch them and proceed further up the path, triggering a succession of cutscenes. Once the cutscenes conclude, continue along the road to reach Boklad. Upon arrival, the obelisk will activate, providing Final Fantasy 16 players with the convenience of fast travel to this location in the future.
Find Goetz
Continue heading north to initiate a cutscene. Following that, commence your search for Goetz in the surrounding area. Take a left turn and keep an eye out for Goetz situated beneath a canopy as shown in the above image. Unfortunately, Goetz is in a distressing predicament as his trader's pass has been stolen. To progress with retrieving the pass, follow the red waypoint directing you towards the Crimson Caravans to activate another cutscene. Eloise possesses crucial information to assist players in reclaiming the trader's pass.
To Catch a Thief
Blood From the Stones
:To initiate the mission, proceed north in the direction indicated by the red waypoint marker until you reach the furniture maker. Engage in conversation with him before proceeding to the left of the plaza to locate the fishmonger. Following that, interact with the nearby children. Once you have spoken to two of the children, venture southeast out of Boklad to locate Honza. As you approach him, a cutscene will be triggered. Return to the Boklad Markets and have a conversation with the Chocobo Tamer, then make a right turn to enter the enclosure where Honza is attempting to conceal himself. This will initiate another cutscene, signifying the completion of the side quest "To Catch a Thief."
Following a brief misunderstanding, players will collaborate with Eloise's brother in their mission to recover the Cast Stones. Their journey commences by heading south towards the Steps of the Forgotten. Upon entering the designated red circle, players must engage in a fierce battle against a notorious bandit gang. After successfully eliminating this threat, players must press onwards, continuing southward and confronting yet another group of hostile individuals. By following the red waypoint towards the west, players will eventually come face to face with the group responsible for safeguarding the precious Cast Stones. Subduing this formidable group is paramount in advancing the unfolding narrative.
To speed up the process, fast travel to the Boklad Markets and speak with Eloise to finish this quest. Next, locate Goetz and return his trader's pass. This will initiate another cutscene that concludes the current main scenario quest after multiple cutscenes.
Final Fantasy 16 can be purchased on PlayStation 5.