Unveiling the Enigmatic Red Mile in Starfield

Unveiling the Enigmatic Red Mile in Starfield

Discover the enigmatic allure of Starfield's Red Mile, an intriguing new location unveiled during the game's immersive gameplay deep-dive Unravel the mystery behind this captivating locale that has left fans eagerly seeking answers

With less than three months remaining until its launch, the excitement surrounding Starfield has reached its peak, largely due to the recent in-depth gameplay showcase. Presented as the grand finale of the impressive Xbox Showcase in June, Bethesda went all out with a comprehensive 45-minute presentation, meticulously dissecting and showcasing every core aspect and feature of Starfield.

Covering ground combat, ship combat, character customization, and the intricate storyline, the gameplay presentation left no stone unturned. This extensive exploration of the game's mechanics and narrative left fans exhilarated, amplifying the already fervent anticipation for Starfield. One particularly captivating segment of the presentation delved into the diverse planets within the game, which were either intricately handcrafted by Bethesda or procedurally generated. Among these fascinating locations, the enigmatic Red Mile garnered significant speculation from fans.

What Is Starfield's Red Mile?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Red Mile in Starfield

Around the 10-minute mark in the Starfield gameplay deep-dive, viewers were finally introduced to a limited selection of the game's planets. The dominant ruling faction in space is the United Colonies, whose aim is to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. The first planet showcased was New Atlantis, the central hub of the United Colonies and humanity's initial significant colony in space. Moreover, the United Colonies' control extends to the Sol System, home to the Mars mining facility called Cydonia.

Similar to various popular Sci-Fi universes, as players venture further away from the galactic center, the degree of regulation on these planets diminishes. The United Colonies' influence only stretches so far, leaving those outside their jurisdiction to be collectively known as the Freestar Collective. The capital of the Freestar Collective is Akila City, a stark contrast to New Atlantis, adopting a Western-inspired, Firefly-like aesthetic, suggesting it operates outside the boundaries of law and order. Additionally, fans caught a glimpse of Neon, another system belonging to the Freestar Collective, during the recent Starfield gameplay presentation. Neon is essentially an underground world filled with nightclubs, criminal activities, and shadowy alleyways.

Beyond the center of the galaxy and the Freestar Collective systems lie unclaimed planets. These systems lack governing bodies or law enforcement, making them havens for dangerous elements such as criminal gangs and snake-god-worshipping cults. It is in these distant reaches of space that the Red Mile can be discovered.

The Red Mile is situated in the Porrima system and is showcased briefly in the Starfield gameplay deep-dive. From the exterior, the Red Mile appears rather unremarkable, characterized by a few antennae and prominent neon signs displaying its name. Inside, NPCs gather around tables, engrossed in the monitors embedded within them. Adorning the back wall is a sizable doorway adorned in wallpaper covered in the word "run" repeated countless times.

Initial fan speculation about the Red Mile being a shady space casino has been overshadowed by the possibility of it being a hub for illegal space races. Upon entering the Red Mile, players will be greeted by an NPC who questions their readiness to face the challenges it presents. The use of the term "runner" in the sci-fi game context suggests that participants may possess fast ships, leading to the strong likelihood that the Red Mile hosts perilous ship races. Starfield is set to launch on September 6, available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.