Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Daryl Dixon Season 1's finale left fans with countless lingering questions From unexpected alliances to mysterious radio conversations, this article delves into the biggest unanswered mysteries that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats

Warning: Spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon episode 6


Daryl Dixon's character arc spanning six episodes lays the foundation for the upcoming season, introducing unresolved storylines and intriguing enigmas for future episodes to delve into.

Daryl finds himself confronted with a challenging decision between remaining in France or coming back to care for Judith and RJ. While he hints at choosing to stay, this decision still leaves possibilities for further narrative exploration.

The unusual behavior of the variants and the potential romantic attraction between Daryl and Isabelle are important plot points in season 2. These elements, along with the ongoing conflict between L'Union and Genet, drive the storyline.

With the second season already in the works, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon has the opportunity to address some of the show's lingering questions. While season 1 saw Daryl's quest to find a boat to escape France come to a close, it was not the definitive conclusion to the spinoff's narrative. Instead, the season 1 finale of Daryl Dixon laid the groundwork for future episodes with clear hints and developments.

Clearly, Daryl Dixon’s six-episode season was never intended to stand alone within The Walking Dead franchise. Rather, it serves as an additional chapter in an ongoing, larger story. Daryl and his newfound allies will undoubtedly return in Daryl Dixon season 2. The events of season 1 have provided ample material for the show to explore, as numerous plotlines remain unresolved. Moreover, these events have introduced intriguing mysteries that future seasons of Daryl Dixon – and potentially other franchise installments – can address at a later time.

8 Does Daryl Dixon Stay In France Or Return Home?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

The immediate concern revolves around Daryl's next move. The season finale left Daryl confronted with a difficult dilemma: staying in France to be with Laurent and Isabelle or returning to Alexandria. The finale intentionally left his decision ambiguous, but there were strong indications that Daryl would reluctantly opt to stay behind and join the fight against Genet's forces. While it's understandable to sympathize with L'Union considering the challenges they face from the antagonists, it is also reasonable for Daryl to desire an exit.

7 Why Did The Zombies Fight Each Other In The Daryl Dixon Finale?

While he has indeed developed a bond with Laurent and Isabelle, it's important to recognize that there are others who rely on him, namely Judith and RJ. With both Michonne and Rick absent, Daryl has assumed the role of their primary caretaker. Given that the spinoff will remain in France, it can be assumed that Daryl will remain in the picture for the time being. Nonetheless, it will be intriguing to witness how Daryl justifies his choices when he comes back in season 2.

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

In a surprising turn of events, a variant has been observed attacking another zombie, stirring up additional confusion regarding the lore and the true effects of Genet's serum. While an official explanation has yet to be provided, it is plausible that the serum triggers a state of uncontrollable aggression, leading walkers to indiscriminately attack anything within their line of vision, even if they do not crave it. Should this theory hold true, variants could potentially serve as a valuable asset in combating both human adversaries and hordes of zombies.

6 Are Daryl & Isabelle Falling In Love?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Isabelle easily dismissed the idea of a romantic relationship with Daryl while conversing with Sylvie, but various moments throughout the show indicate that it is far from impossible. Daryl's evasive response when questioned about his past love experiences, along with the intense emotional buildup leading up to their farewell scene, serve as subtle indications that a romantic attraction is blossoming between the two characters. Considering the trajectory of their relationship in season 1, it is reasonable to expect that season 2 will either confirm or refute the existence of genuine love between Daryl and Isabelle.

5 Are Genet's Variant Zombies The Same Ones In The US?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

While Genet's experimental serum in Daryl Dixon's ending provided some much-needed clarity on the variant mystery, it may not offer a comprehensive explanation for all the questions surrounding these unique beings in the franchise. While it does account for the peculiar zombie behavior observed in The Walking Dead: World Beyond's France scene, it remains uncertain if it can explain the heightened intelligence and mobility displayed by the variants in the main series. Unless there are multiple origins for these variants, Daryl Dixon will have to delve deeper into how Genet's zombies intersected with The Walking Dead's characters in the United States.

4 Who Wins: L'Union Or Genet?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Daryl Dixon witnessed Daryl successfully reaching his destination, but this did not resolve the main conflict of the show between Genet's Pouvoir Du Vivant and L'Union. It is expected that L'Union's chances of surviving Genet's attacks will greatly improve if Daryl chooses to stay. Genet has expressed her determination to eliminate the threat posed by Laurent, ensuring that the battle between them will continue in Daryl Dixon season 2. Daryl may be able to assist Isabelle and her allies in overcoming Genet's army, possibly with the assistance of Carol.

3 Is Laurent Immune To The Zombie Virus?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

The revelation that Isabelle instructed Laurent to create that supposedly prophetic drawing of Daryl in the series debut doesn't completely dismiss the already implausible theory of him being a Messianic figure. Nevertheless, her remarks do not entirely eliminate the possibility of him possessing some genuinely unique qualities. Laurent's unconventional birth circumstances imply that there may indeed be something distinct about him on a biological level. While the notion of Laurent being immune to the zombie virus appears improbable, the show may nevertheless explore this concept. Alternatively, it could unveil other hidden truths regarding the impact of being born from a zombie on Laurent.

2 Who Was Carol Talking About On The Radio In Daryl Dixon Episode 5?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Before losing communication, Daryl discovered from Carol that an individual had "returned" to Alexandria. By introducing this revelation, the spinoff has created a storyline that extends beyond Daryl's own narrative. This implies that a formerly missing character from The Walking Dead, such as Rick, Michonne, Morgan, or Heath, has unexpectedly reappeared in the vicinity. If it turns out to be Rick or Michonne, it suggests that their spinoff will indeed intersect with the characters from the original series, potentially leading to a crossover. Although Daryl remains unaware of the identity of this enigmatic figure, Carol's inclusion in the cast of Daryl Dixon season 2 implies that information regarding the events in Alexandria will soon be revealed.

1 Does Genet Know Who Caused The Zombie Virus?

Unveiling the Enigmatic Cliffhangers: Unanswered Questions Galore After Daryl Dixon's Season 1 Finale

Daryl Dixon cunningly tapped into the enigma surrounding the origins of the zombie virus when Genet condemned someone as "weak" and "submissive." Genet held individuals falling into these categories responsible for plunging the world "into this mess." This statement strongly suggested that Genet possessed some insight into the outbreak's inception. While it's not entirely implausible that she was merely speculating, the notion of Genet having knowledge about it aligns seamlessly with World Beyond's allusion to the virus originating in France. In theory, Genet may be acquainted with the cause, and she might have even been complicit in some way.