Unveiling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Saru in Star Trek Discovery

Unveiling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Saru in Star Trek Discovery

Saru's Kelpien species remains an enigma in the Star Trek universe Discover the intriguing whereabouts of the Kelpiens during the past 900 years

Captain Saru, portrayed by Doug Jones, represents a forgotten alien species in the expansive Star Trek universe, specifically outside the realm of Star Trek: Discovery. Known as the Kelpiens, they were a pre-warp civilization, thus adhering to the Prime Directive. Their captivating backstory involves the oppressive reign of the Ba'ul, who exploited the Kelpiens as a source of sustenance. Manipulating the Kelpiens into believing their submissive nature was ordained, the Ba'ul were exposed by Saru, leading to a brighter future for his people.

Although overshadowed by the controversial portrayal of Klingons in Star Trek: Discovery's first season, the Kelpiens remained an integral part of the series even after the USS Discovery journeyed to the 32nd century. Given that Discovery confirms the Kelpiens' existence in this distant future, it is perplexing that they have never made an appearance in any other Star Trek installment. With a 900-year gap in Kelpien history, this untapped era presents a promising opportunity for the franchise to delve into unexplored territory.

Saru’s Kelpien Race Is Still Missing From The Rest Of Star Trek

Unveiling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Saru in Star Trek Discovery

The absence of Kelpiens in subsequent Star Trek shows, such as Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, and Star Trek: Prodigy, is rather perplexing. While it is understandable that Picard focused on reconciling story elements from The Next Generation, it would have been simple enough to include Kelpien characters in crowd scenes or visits to multicultural locations in other episodes. The animated series, with its limitless potential, also missed the opportunity to feature Kelpiens. This exclusion inadvertently creates a disconnect between Star Trek: Discovery and the rest of the franchise, as the show's adventures are seemingly disregarded by Starfleet Command and the ship is left stranded in the distant future. To rectify this, it would be fair and beneficial to reintroduce the Kelpiens in other Star Trek shows.

Where Saru’s Kelpien Race Can Appear Outside Of Star Trek: Discovery

Unveiling the Enigma: The Mysterious Origins of Saru in Star Trek Discovery

The Kelpien race could potentially make an appearance in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, which would maintain the separation of Disco canon from the broader Trek universe. However, a more fitting opportunity for the Kelpiens to be featured would be in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as it is also a sequel to Discovery. In this scenario, it would be logical for the Enterprise to visit Kaminar and observe the development of Kelpien society following Saru's revelations. Since the Kelpiens assisted Starfleet in their battle against Control in the finale of Discovery season 2, Captain Pike's Enterprise could reciprocate the favor in the future.

Another potential avenue for the empathic Kelpiens could be to pursue careers as Starfleet counselors, providing a much-needed respite for Counselor Deanna Troi in Star Trek: Legacy. The possibilities for the Kelpiens to reintegrate into the wider Star Trek universe are truly limitless. By incorporating this species into the interconnected series that form the franchise, Star Trek would pay homage to the legacy of Star Trek: Discovery once it concludes in 2024.