Unveiling the Depths: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Obanai Iguro, the Legendary Hashira

Unveiling the Depths: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Obanai Iguro, the Legendary Hashira

Obanai Iguro: Unraveling the Enigma of the Serpent Hashira in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Dive into the rich history and complex personality of this enigmatic character as we explore why Obanai Iguro is often considered the most intriguing and misunderstood Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps

In the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Hashira are highly skilled Demon Slayers with unmatched abilities, responsible for protecting humanity from the threat of demons. Among these powerful protectors, Obanai Iguro stands out as a multi-faceted character.

While the Hashira are generally admired and respected, Obanai Iguro is often seen as the least impressive among them. Despite his incredible combat skills, his unfriendly demeanor and distant behavior have alienated others, causing many to view him unfavorably.

Demon Slayer: The complex personality of Obanai Iguro

Obanai Iguro is depicted as having a complex personality in the series, leading to an unfavorable reputation. His sharp tongue and tendency to openly criticize fellow Demon Slayers creates tension within the Corps, hindering unity. His harsh and strict demeanor, along with unrealistic expectations, is evident in his criticism of Tengen Uzui for sustaining injuries in battle.

His dedication to the Corps' future is shown at the expense of others, as he often holds back lower-ranked Slayers for minor reasons during training. His lack of faith in new recruits and surprise at their abilities reveal a lack of confidence in their potential. Additionally, he frequently points accusatorily at others while criticizing them, further highlighting his challenging communication style.

Obanai hails from a gang of outlaws who survived by plundering the riches of their victims. His family was devoted to a demon and used to offer their newborns for financial blessings. When Obanai was young, he narrowly escaped a monstrous snake attack, thanks to a small white snake named Kaburamaru. This harrowing experience likely contributed to his emotional detachment and the development of his strict demeanor.

History and Background of Obanai Iguro

Unveiling the Depths: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Obanai Iguro, the Legendary Hashira

Obanai Iguro (Image via Ufotable)

Obanai Iguro was heavily influenced by his past, coming from a long line of snake worshippers. This deep connection to serpents carried over into his chosen breathing technique, known as Serpent Breathing, setting him apart from others and adding to his enigmatic and often misunderstood persona. His history continues to greatly impact his choices and behavior.

Obanai Iguro: The Serpent Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps

Unveiling the Depths: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Obanai Iguro, the Legendary Hashira

Obanai along with Kaburamaru (Image via Ufotable)

Obanai Iguro is among the nine Hashira, the top-ranking Demon Slayers in the Demon Slayer Corps. His unique breathing style, known as Serpent Breathing, sets him apart from the others. Serpent Breathing is inspired by Water Breathing and mirrors the movements and traits of snakes. Obanai's techniques center on the twisting and bending of his sword, imitating the slithering motions of serpents. This unconventional fighting style is both fascinating and puzzling, adding to the enigma of Obanai Iguro.

Final thoughts

There are several factors that contribute to Obanai Iguro's reputation as the worst Hashira. His tendency to belittle or speak negatively of others, combined with his intricate personality, has led to a negative perception among both fans and fellow Demon Slayers.

It is important to take into account Obanai's distinctive history and breathing style, which contribute depth and complexity to his character. Despite varying opinions on his ranking among the Hashira, Obanai Iguro continues to be a fascinating and essential part of the story.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, I have mixed feelings about Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira. On the one hand, I understand why he is often considered the least impressive among the Hashira. His unfriendly demeanor and distant behavior have alienated others, and his sharp tongue and tendency to openly criticize fellow Demon Slayers create tension within the Corps. His lack of faith in new recruits and surprise at their abilities reveal a lack of confidence in their potential.

On the other hand, I find Obanai Iguro to be a fascinating and complex character. His harsh and strict demeanor, along with unrealistic expectations, is evident in his criticism of Tengen Uzui for sustaining injuries in battle. His dedication to the Corps' future is shown at the expense of others, as he often holds back lower-ranked Slayers for minor reasons during training. His lack of faith in new recruits and surprise at their abilities reveal a lack of confidence in their potential. Additionally, he frequently points accusatorily at others while criticizing them, further highlighting his challenging communication style.

Overall, I believe that Obanai Iguro is a well-written and complex character who adds depth and intrigue to the Demon Slayer universe. While he may not be the most popular Hashira, he is certainly one of the most memorable.