Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

Discover the diverse world of zombies in The Walking Dead! From relentless Roamers to stealthy Lurkers, mysterious Variants, and fiery Burners, explore the thrilling range of undead adversaries that await in this iconic series


The Walking Dead features various types of zombies, including roamers, lurkers, and variants, each with their own distinct traits and behaviors.

Roamers, the prevalent kind of zombie, are constantly in motion, driven by their insatiable hunger and frequently congregating in herds that present a considerable danger to survivors.

Variants, on the other hand, are a distinct breed of zombie endowed with extraordinary capabilities, including heightened agility, superior mental faculties, and conceivably even corrosive skin and blood. The source and progression of their unique attributes remain largely enigmatic.

In The Walking Dead, there are different types of zombies that pose unique challenges to the survivors. Although most zombies behave similarly, some variants exhibit distinct traits and abilities. Knowing the different types of zombies in The Walking Dead gives insight into how the characters adapt to this post-apocalyptic world. The show and its spinoffs have subtly differentiated between types of zombies, both on TV and in comic books. The most common type of zombies in The Walking Dead are driven by a basic instinct to feed on living flesh. These walkers are reanimated corpses with limited mobility and cognitive function. While most zombies fall into this category, there is a suggestion that even more variant zombies may arise. Understanding and classifying zombies helps the characters - and viewers - navigate the complex dangers in this apocalypse.

Roamer Zombies

Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

The most common type of zombie in The Walking Dead is known as a roamer. These zombies are called roamers because they constantly wander in search of their next meal. They are heavily influenced by George A. Romero movies and resemble them closely. Roamers are slow, unintelligent, and exhibit herd-like behavior. They relentlessly chase after food, giving them the name roamers.

A Walking Dead roamer will continue to move forward until it detects something through sight, sound, or smell that triggers its instinct to feed. It will then pursue the target until it is either lost or consumed. Due to their lack of intelligence and limited senses, roamers often form groups referred to as herds. These herds have a tendency to merge with other herds as they wander, resulting in massive gatherings of zombies that pose a significant threat to communities like Alexandria. Roamers are responsible for the majority of zombie-related deaths in the United States.

The zombie virus in The Walking Dead operates in mysterious ways. According to the show's official explanation, everyone is infected with the virus and death triggers the transformation into a zombie. Surprisingly, even a minor bite from a zombie can turn survivors into undead creatures. However, the infection is not transmitted through the bite itself, but rather through bacteria present in the zombie's mouth. This unique explanation raises some doubts, especially considering the occasions when Rick and his group cover themselves in zombie guts for protection. However, despite their wide presence, roamers do not actually contribute to the spread of the virus.

Lurker Zombies

Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

The distinction between roamer zombies and lurker zombies in The Walking Dead is more noticeable in the comic books compared to the AMC TV series. However, both mediums have shown this distinction, albeit somewhat blurred. Lurkers, as the name suggests, tend to stay in one place instead of actively roaming. While they still have the urge to eat, they passively wait for food to come to them, only attacking when provoked. In Robert Kirkman's original Walking Dead comics, lurkers typically ignore survivors who are not within immediate reach. Despite their quiet and concealed nature, they can arguably be more perilous than roamers.

Content transformed: In the comic books, it is a hidden lurker that surprises Hershel and bites his ankle. However, in the TV adaptation of The Walking Dead, lurker zombies are depicted differently, as seen in the "sleeping" zombies from the season 11 premiere. In this episode, the protagonists find themselves in a room filled with motionless zombies, allowing them to scavenge for supplies undetected. However, a single drop of blood awakens the lurking zombies and puts the group in danger.

Lurkers also play a significant role in The Walking Dead: World Beyond, becoming more common as the outbreak progresses. Although there is a distinction between roamers and lurkers, it is speculated that they can transition into one another. Eugene theorizes this possibility in the Walking Dead comic books. While the zombie virus is not fully understood, it is conceivable that an inactive roamer can become a lurker and a stimulated lurker can become a roamer. Therefore, the terms "roamer" and "lurker" may be better described as transitional states rather than fixed classifications.

Variant Zombies

Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

If roamers and lurkers are closely related, variant zombies are a completely different type of zombie. Originally introduced in The Walking Dead's TV series, variants were initially a coincidental occurrence. In the early stages of season 1, the zombies in The Walking Dead had the ability to move quickly, handle weapons, and open doors. However, these advanced abilities were soon phased out in favor of the more traditional roamers and lurkers. The concept of variants was not mentioned again until the post-credits scene in season 2 of The Walking Dead: World Beyond.

According to a video message from Dr. Jenner, "variant" zombies were first observed in France during the initial outbreak. However, as mentioned before, some variants, such as Morgan's wife and the child zombie Rick kills in episode 1, were also present in the United States. The recent season 11 of The Walking Dead has brought the issue of zombie variants to the forefront, suggesting that their numbers are increasing over time. The reason behind the emergence of variants and whether regular zombies can evolve into variants has not yet been explained in The Walking Dead. It is possible that a different pathogen triggers the transformation, or variants may naturally evolve from roamers and lurkers.

The post-credits scene in The Walking Dead: World Beyond hinted that the research team responsible for the outbreak actually made it worse, potentially causing the emergence of different zombie variants. These variants have displayed unique abilities compared to regular roamers, such as increased speed that allows them to catch fleeing individuals without running. Notable examples of these fast zombies include the little girl from episode 1, the French scientist from The Walking Dead: World Beyond, and certain Commonwealth zombies from season 11. Additionally, some variants appear to possess enhanced intelligence and memory retention. For instance, even after reanimation, the dead French scientist remembered the location of the door to her lab, Morgan's wife attempted to open her own front door, and Aaron mentioned zombies climbing fences in The Walking Dead season 11. While not as definitive, there is a possibility that certain zombie variants may also possess super-strength. As evidenced by the French scientist hammering on a metal door towards the end of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, her powerful punches left a visible imprint on the heavy blast door, a feat that would be impossible for a human.


Unveiling The Complete Roster of Terrifying Zombies in The Walking Dead

Daryl Dixon found himself caught in a bewildering predicament while in France during The Walking Dead. Confused about his unexpected presence, his primary focus became finding a way back home. Yet, he soon encountered an entirely unfamiliar sight, unlike any of the zombies he had encountered thus far in The Walking Dead. These were the Burners, distinguishable for their unique ability unmatched by any other walkers. The Burners possessed both acidic skin and blood, setting them apart from their counterparts. The post-credits scene of The Walking Dead: World Beyond hinted at a deliberate attempt by scientists to combat the walker issue and discover a means to eliminate them. However, their experiments yielded unexpected consequences. Rather than perishing, the Burners acquired the ability to inflict severe burns upon contact with their skin or blood, resembling the corrosive blood of the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. It is important to note that these Burners are not the swifter, stronger, or more intelligent variations observed in other instances. Instead, they resemble Roamers, now armed with the lethal addition of burning anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with them. Daryl experienced an unexpected encounter with these Burners during the season premiere.

Scientists in France who "made everything worse" are believed to be responsible for the creation of the Variants and Burners. However, there might be an alternate explanation. When Daryl encountered the Burners in a food processing plant, it is possible that these Roamers consumed something that transformed their blood into acid. The Burners reappeared in episode three when Daryl used one to burn away overgrown vines and facilitate his and Isabelle's escape. It is probable that there are more types of zombies in The Walking Dead, as The Cause seems to be constantly making them increasingly perilous for the future.