Unveiling the Complete Roster of Star Trek's Secretive Section 31

Explore the secret operatives of Star Trek's covert organization, Section 31, as we delve into the intriguing roster of members from various Star Trek series and movies, including iconic characters like Khan Noonien-Singh and Dr Julian Bashir, as well as lesser-known recruits like Lt Kamran Gant and Admiral Patar
Section 31, a covert Starfleet Intelligence agency, is shrouded in mystery with only a few known members. Its introduction in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine captured the attention of Dr. Julian Bashir and Captain Benjamin Sisko during the Dominion War. Given the authority to protect the Federation at any cost, Section 31 would go to extreme measures such as attempted genocide and interfering in Romulan politics. Unbound by the Prime Directive, they were relentless in achieving their objectives.
Contrary to DS9's implication that Section 31 emerged during the Dominion War, Star Trek: Enterprise revealed that the organization had existed almost as long as Starfleet itself. Continuously impacting Star Trek canon, they are soon to be featured in a Michelle Yeoh-led Star Trek: Section 31 movie. Additionally, Section 31 is expected to resurface in the post-Dominion War timeline of Star Trek, evident by the inclusion of a character from Star Trek: Lower Decks into their highly secretive ranks. This recent addition is just one of many confirmed operatives within Section 31, indicating its expanding influence.
14 Harris (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Harris, portrayed by Eric Pierpoint, had a notable background as a former Starfleet Security officer. His official record extends up until 2149, when he made the decision to join Section 31. As the earliest recorded member of this covert organization, Harris's involvement dates back to at least the 22nd century, shedding light on the organization's existence during that time period. Although the specific name of the organization Harris served under was never explicitly mentioned on screen, there were strong indications that it was indeed Section 31. This was evident when Harris justified his actions by referencing Article 14, Section 31 of the Starfleet Charter. The audio commentary for the Enterprise episode "Terra Prime" further confirmed the original intention that Harris was affiliated with Section 31.
13 Lt. Malcolm Reed (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Lieutenant Malcolm Reed (Dominic Keating), a former student of Harris, was recruited into Section 31 before being assigned to the Enterprise NX-01. Despite leaving the organization, Reed received a warning from his former employer that no one truly escapes from Section 31. Harris manipulated Reed into obstructing Captain Jonathan Archer's (Scott Bakula) rescue mission to save Dr. Phlox from the Klingons. Reed found himself with no other option but to betray the Enterprise for his former employer, resulting in a conflict with his fellow crew members.
12 Captain Leland (Star Trek: Discovery)
Star Trek: Discovery's Section 31 was widely recognized within Starfleet, and Leland had a longstanding acquaintance with Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount). However, despite Section 31's notoriety, much of Leland's operations remained highly classified. Both Project Daedalus and a mission involving an ambassador deemed "wrong" were confidential entries in his Starfleet record. Leland met his demise when Section 31's sentient threat assessment system killed him and used his lifeless body to launch an attack on both the USS Discovery and USS Enterprise.
11 Mike And Gabrielle Burnham (Star Trek: Discovery)
The Burnhams' involvement with Section 31 was primarily focused on their work in time travel experiments at Project Daedalus. However, once an individual becomes affiliated with Section 31, leaving the organization is not an option. Gabrielle Burnham and her husband, Mike, were both scientists dedicated to researching time travel on behalf of Starfleet Intelligence. Their project was part of a larger competition between the Federation and the Klingon Empire to gain temporal superiority. Unfortunately, Leland, who supervised the project, held himself responsible for the tragic deaths of Mike and Gabrielle at the hands of the Klingons on Doctari Alpha.
A formidable ruler from the Mirror Universe in Star Trek, the Terran Emperor, proves to be an ideal candidate for Starfleet's covert agency. Following the Klingon war in Star Trek: Discovery, Georgiou joined Section 31 and played a pivotal role in thwarting a coup on the Klingon home world. Utilizing her exceptional abilities, she obtained valuable intelligence to manipulate her superior officer, Captain Leland, while also recruiting Ash Tyler (Shazad Latif) into the organization. Although Georgiou embarked on a journey to the 32nd Century alongside the Discovery crew, she was eventually sent back to her own time, where it is presumed she continued her service for Section 31.
9 Commander Ash Tyer (Star Trek: Discovery)
Commander Ash Tyler, a unique individual who embodied both the qualities of a Klingon Voq and a Starfleet officer, found solace and acceptance within the enigmatic organization known as Section 31. Due to his struggles with fitting in and gaining trust, he became an ideal candidate for this secretive group. Following the calamitous events involving Control and the apparent destruction of the USS Discovery, Ash was entrusted with the leadership of Section 31, in the hopes that Starfleet could bring about reforms within the organization. It is widely anticipated, although not officially confirmed, that Ash will make an appearance in the upcoming Section 31 movie, alongside Georgiou.
8 Admiral Patar (Star Trek: Discovery)
In Star Trek: Discovery season 2, the Admirals who were in charge of Section 31 during the 23rd century were finally revealed. Alongside the unnamed Tellarite and Andorian Admirals, there was Admiral Patar (Tara Nicodemo), a Vulcan Admiral who advocated for the utilization of Control in making crucial Starfleet decisions. However, this decision proved to be disastrous, as Control ultimately turned against Starfleet, leading to the untimely deaths of Patar and her fellow officers.
7 Lt. Kamran Gant (Star Trek: Discovery)
Lt. Kamran Gant, a member of Section 31, met his demise during Control's assault on the Section 31 vessel NI-1101. Notably, Gant had previously served alongside Michael Burnham on the USS Shenzhou. Control, in a macabre strategy, utilized Gant's lifeless body to ensnare Michael Burnham. However, her adopted brother Spock came to her rescue, disabling the nanobots that were animating Gant's corpse.
6 Admiral Alexander Marcus (Star Trek Into Darkness)
In Star Trek Into Darkness, the Kelvin Timeline introduces a conflict between Starfleet and Section 31, which was absent in the original series. Admiral Alexander Marcus, the father of Lt. Carol Marcus, holds a dual role as the leader of both Starfleet and Section 31. This development signifies a shift towards a more militaristic approach within Starfleet, spurred by the destruction of Vulcan. Despite the absence of the Federation-Klingon War in this timeline, Marcus anticipates its occurrence and takes unorthodox measures to prepare for the inevitable clash, including seeking assistance from a notorious war criminal.
5 Thomas Harewood (Star Trek Into Darkness)
Thomas Harewood, a Section 31 officer, fell victim to manipulation by Khan Noonien-Singh (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) as he turned against his fellow colleagues. Khan cunningly identified Thomas' sick daughter, Lucille, as a leverage point, offering to save her only if Harewood fulfilled a task for him. In order to repay his debt to Khan, Thomas, tragically, detonated a bomb within Starfleet Command, resulting in the devastating loss of 42 officers. This catastrophic event prompted an urgent crisis meeting between Admiral Alexander Marcus and other key Starfleet personnel, including Admiral Christopher Pike (portrayed by Bruce Greenwood), who unfortunately met his demise at the hands of Khan during the latter's unsuccessful attempt on Marcus' life.
4 Khan Noonien-Singh (Star Trek Into Darkness)
Admiral Alexander Marcus woke the infamous tyrant Khan Noonien-Singh, who had been discovered years earlier than in the Prime Timeline aboard his ship, the S.S. Botany Bay. Due to Khan's notorious reputation, he was given a new identity as Commander John Harrison and assigned to Section 31. Although history portrayed Khan as a benevolent tyrant, Marcus believed that his expertise could aid in developing weapons and strategies for the impending war with the Klingons. To coerce Khan's cooperation, Marcus threatened the lives of his fellow augments, forcing the tyrant to eventually betray his employer. This betrayal led Khan to launch an attack on Starfleet Command using the USS Vengeance, a fittingly named vessel.
3 Luther Sloan (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Luther Sloan, portrayed by William Sadler, made his first appearance as a Section 31 operative in Star Trek. Initially, it was implied on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that Sloan was a founding member of the organization. However, subsequent appearances of Section 31 in an earlier timeline contradicted this notion. It is plausible that Section 31 was disbanded after Ash Tyler assumed command, prompting Sloan and other like-minded Starfleet colleagues to revive it in response to the Dominion threat. With Sloan's demise, his secrets seemed destined to remain unknown until Section 31 unexpectedly resurfaced in the post-DS9 timeline.
2 Dr. Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Dr. Julian Bashir unintentionally became an asset for Section 31 in the episode "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" when the organization exploited his honesty in a scheme to overthrow a Romulan politician. However, in the hypothetical Season 8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which was part of the documentary What We Left Behind, showrunner Ira Steven Behr and the DS9 writers' room planned to reveal Julian Bashir as the Head of Section 31 in the pilot episode of a potential DS9 reunion season. While this pilot episode remains hypothetical and Julian's role is yet to be confirmed in canon, it is possible that the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie and Season 4 of Star Trek: Lower Decks could alter this and establish this intriguing Bashir story as part of the official Star Trek canon.
1 William Boimler (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
In the eighth episode of season 3 titled "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus" in Star Trek: Lower Decks, an intriguing development unfolded. Ensign Bradward Boimler, portrayed by Jack Quaid, received the shocking news of the demise of his transporter clone, William. This revelation sent Boimler into an introspective state, questioning his own existence. However, with the guidance of Mr. Sulu, he gradually found his way out of this existential crisis. Surprisingly, it was later disclosed that William's death had been a fabrication orchestrated by Section 31, a clandestine group operating on a Defiant-class starship. The episode concluded with William Boimler clutching a black Starfleet combadge, signifying his induction as the newest member of Section 31. This revelation has paved the way for the return of Star Trek's enigmatic organization in the upcoming fourth season of Star Trek: Lower Decks.