Unveiling the Avatar Mystery: How the Na'vi Transform into Humans in the Climactic Film

Unveiling the Avatar Mystery: How the Na'vi Transform into Humans in the Climactic Film

Delve into the intriguing possibility of Human Sully making a comeback in the Avatar universe as the Na'vi's astonishing transformation unfolds.

Avatar 5 has been confirmed by James Cameron and his team to be set on Earth, where the Na'vi characters might be able to explore the human homeworld as one of its native species. This means characters like Jake Sully and Miles Quaritch could potentially become Na'vi themselves, creating a two-way transition possibility. Therefore, franchise stars like Zoe Saldaña may appear in the fifth Avatar movie as their real selves rather than as fictional alien characters.

Every upcoming Avatar movie has a set release date, showing that it's not just the cast of Avatar 3 who have been busy lately. James Cameron has been filming parts of the final three Avatar movies simultaneously to save time and accommodate the ages of certain actors. Despite the challenges faced by Jake Sully and his family in the first two movies, the conclusion of Avatar: The Way of Water indicates that the story is far from over - in fact, it's just beginning.

Avatar's Human Scientists Left On Pandora Could Grow Recombinants For Jake And His Fellow Na'vi

Recombinant Quaritch has proven the process is at least possible

Sam Worthington as a deceased Tom Sully in Avatar - Recombinant Quaritch has proven the process is at least possible - Avatar's Human Scientists Left On Pandora Could Grow Recombinants For Jake And His Fellow Na'vi

Sam Worthington as a deceased Tom Sully in Avatar - Recombinant Quaritch has proven the process is at least possible - Avatar's Human Scientists Left On Pandora Could Grow Recombinants For Jake And His Fellow Na'vi

A major advancement in the Avatar series is the ability for human characters to be brought back to life after death. Not only that, but their memories can be implanted into a Na'vi body created artificially. This innovation could potentially enable Jake and his Pandoran allies to launch an offensive in Avatar 5. Instead of producing Na'vi Recombinants, the scientists staying on Pandora may opt to create human Recombinants instead.

Na'vi can breathe human air for a limited time but not indefinitely. A human Recombinant body would allow a Na'vi to breathe endlessly on Earth and blend in with humans. Recombinants are different from Avatars as they are independent lifeforms, not remotely controlled.

Quaritch and his crew from The Way of Water are the only ones shown as Recombinants so far, but it wouldn't be surprising if this technology is used again before the franchise ends. Jake's Na'vi body, like Quaritch's Recombinant, has five fingers on each hand to accommodate the human/Na'vi hybrid form for a smooth transition.

Avatar's Coming Time Jump Gives The Human Recombinants Time To Grow

The divide between the Na'vi and their human invaders is a significant theme in the Avatar saga. Allowing characters to experience life as both species helps to broaden the audience's perspective. In the first movie, Jake was the only one to permanently switch between races. However, Quaritch's potential transition could mark the beginning of many more to come. This could further blur the line of what it truly means to be human in a captivating manner.

The human clones will have time to grow in future Avatar movies

Kiri in Avatar: The Way of Water on top of an amnio tank - The human clones will have time to grow in future Avatar movies - Avatar's Coming Time Jump Gives The Human Recombinants Time To Grow

Kiri in Avatar: The Way of Water on top of an amnio tank - The human clones will have time to grow in future Avatar movies - Avatar's Coming Time Jump Gives The Human Recombinants Time To Grow

Growing a Recombinant on Pandora is a time-consuming process, requiring human scientists to prepare the hybrid clone bodies. The upcoming film, Avatar 4, will include a significant time jump, allowing ample time for the creation of these bodies. What was once seen as an unrealistic possibility in the Avatar franchise now has a chance to become a reality.

Avatar 3 and the first part of Avatar 4 have already been filmed, suggesting that the time jump may occur at the beginning of the second act of Avatar 4. This means that the growth of human Recombinants could start towards the end of the first act. During the creation of these new bodies, characters like Jake and Neytiri won't need to back up their memories for their journey to Earth. Recombinants only retain memories up to the point of the backup process, so uploading memories is only necessary when needed.

The Nature Of The Recombinant Process Means The Na'vi Counterparts Can Remain On Pandora

Avatars and Recombinants have a distinct difference

Jake Sully and Neytiri in Avatar: The Way of Water - Avatars and Recombinants have a distinct difference - The Nature Of The Recombinant Process Means The Na'vi Counterparts Can Remain On Pandora

Jake Sully and Neytiri in Avatar: The Way of Water - Avatars and Recombinants have a distinct difference - The Nature Of The Recombinant Process Means The Na'vi Counterparts Can Remain On Pandora

In contrast to Avatars, where a person controls a temporary avatar remotely, transferring one's consciousness into a Recombinant is a permanent process. However, the original individual is not directly impacted when their memories are backed up. For example, Quaritch's memories were saved just before the final battle in the first Avatar movie, allowing him to continue fighting. This means that Jake and the other Na'vi could save their memories and have them transferred into their human Recombinants without any changes to themselves.

This scenario could involve a scene where a human Jake talks to his Na'vi self, and a human Neytiri converses with her original form. In the first movie, Sam Worthington played human Jake Sully, so this would give Zoe Saldaña the chance to portray her first human character in the Avatar series. Currently, Saldaña has only performed as Neytiri through voice and motion capture.

In this scenario, Jake and the other Na'vi could save their memories and transfer them into their human Recombinants, while keeping themselves unchanged.

The Recombinant Process Could Also Be Used To Give Spider A Na'vi Body

Despite all the genetic intervention, both versions of either character would still essentially be themselves due to their shared memories. So, the human Neytiri would be making a huge sacrifice by leaving her native moon behind. While Neytiri leaving Pandora to head to Earth would ultimately be an act of self-preservation, her Na'vi self would also be able to stay behind.

Spider currently can't breathe Pandoran air

Jack Champion as Spider using a bow in Avatar: The Way of Water - Spider currently can't breathe Pandoran air - The Recombinant Process Could Also Be Used To Give Spider A Na'vi Body

Jack Champion as Spider using a bow in Avatar: The Way of Water - Spider currently can't breathe Pandoran air - The Recombinant Process Could Also Be Used To Give Spider A Na'vi Body

Pandora's air is toxic to humans in Avatar, so they either use synthetic Na'vi bodies or special breathing gear when outside. Spider, though raised among the Na'vi, is still human and needs an exopack for his alien lungs. In The Way of Water, his longing to be a true Na'vi is clear, and Recombinant technology might make that possible.

A Spider Recombinant could help Quaritch's son fulfill his dream of being a Pandoran native, but he would still remain human. Only as a Na'vi Spider could he breathe Pandora's air and move across its surface like Jake Sully and his kin. While Recombinant technology in future films might have far-reaching effects up to Avatar 5, it cannot grant Spider all his desires.

Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water are available to stream on Disney+. Avatars 3 , 4 , and 5 are scheduled for cinematic release in the respective December months of 2025, 2029, and 2031.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming Avatar 5 promises to be a groundbreaking installment in the franchise, with the potential for a two-way transition between Na'vi and human characters. This exciting development opens up endless possibilities for the story and its characters. It would allow the Na'vi to explore Earth as a native species, blurring the line between the two worlds and challenging our understanding of what it means to be human.

Moreover, the use of Recombinant technology could provide a solution for Spider, the human son of Quaritch, who longs to be a true Na'vi. By creating a Na'vi Recombinant, Spider could fulfill his dream of living on Pandora while still retaining his human identity. This innovation not only adds depth to the characters but also raises fascinating questions about the nature of identity and belonging.