Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

Unravel the mysteries of Star Trek's most bizarre starships! From the unconventional designs of the Enterprise-D to the mind-boggling USS Charon, explore a galaxy of weird and wonderful vessels that have captivated longtime fans Prepare for an unforgettable journey!


Star Trek's starships often showcase unique and bizarre designs, either due to in-universe scenarios or real-world design choices.

Certain starships, such as the Enterprise-D, defy logic by embarking on perilous missions with civilian crews, whereas others, like Warship Voyager, have been misrepresented in historical accounts.

The Whale Probe imparts a harsh reminder to humanity regarding the importance of sustainable existence, whereas the ISS Charon demonstrates the formidable might of the Terran Empire but poses a risk of destabilizing numerous realms.

Space is commonly referred to as the ultimate frontier in the Star Trek universe, housing a collection of peculiar and captivating starship creations. The familiar twin nacelle and saucer blueprint of Federation vessels has become widely recognized in mainstream society, along with the distinctive designs of Klingon and Romulan starships.

The unconventional starships within the Star Trek series often stem from scenarios within the fictional universe, although many also possess eccentricities resulting from their real-world design and creation. Ranging from conspicuous design imperfections to transformative drones, these peculiarities serve as a testament to the imagination and skill of the franchise's writers and artists.

10 Enterprise-D

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The suitability of the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D as an exploratory vessel has been widely debated. Despite its impressive shields, advanced technical systems, and formidable weapons, there are critics who question the presence of a civilian crew on a starship engaged in perilous missions.

Unlike many Starfleet vessels that are manned solely by officers, the Enterprise-D accommodates civilians and even children. This innovative "city-in-space" concept may exemplify the Federation's utopian ideals, but it does raise concerns about practicality.

9 Warship Voyager

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The USS Voyager's journey back to the Delta Quadrant was not without its challenges, but it would be inaccurate to label the Intrepid-class vessel as a warship. Nevertheless, that is exactly how it is portrayed in the episode "Living Witness," where Voyager's holographic Doctor is brought back to life centuries later.

The Doctor discovers that the history of a particular civilization in the Delta Quadrant depicts the starship's crew as merciless attackers. The aliens' records are filled with images of the alleged Warship Voyager, a heavily armed cruiser. Fortunately, the Doctor is able to set the record straight and dispel these misconceptions.

8 Whale Probe

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The Whale Probe in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home may not be visually striking, but its motivations are remarkably unique. This colossal cylinder poses a grave threat to Earth as it discovers the absence of whales in our planet's oceans.

In the past, aliens have posed a threat to humanity through galactic conflicts and unprovoked aggression. However, these actions have often been driven by political or ideological agendas. Conversely, the enigmatic creators of the Whale Probe have no intention of dominating Earth. Instead, they aim to impart a harsh lesson to the human race about the significance of living sustainably.

7 "Alice"

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

In 1983, renowned horror author Stephen King released Christine, a novel about a man who discovers his car is possessed. Several years later, in a sci-fi twist on the concept, Star Trek: Voyager presented viewers with "Alice" in Season 6. This episode follows skilled pilot Tom Paris as he repairs a shuttle that unexpectedly exhibits a mind of its own.

The shuttle, affectionately known as "Alice," possesses a flight interface that forms a psychic connection with its pilot. Through the shuttle's computer system, the pilot can perceive a holographic representation in the form of an alluring woman and have control over the vessel's passengers. However, the haunted shuttle is ultimately freed from its possession by the USS Voyager.

6 Biomimetic USS Voyager

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

Star Trek enjoys challenging viewers' assumptions through its storytelling. One notable instance is the Horta in The Original Series. However, in Star Trek: Voyager's episode "Course: Oblivion," the show presents its own intriguing twist. In this Season 5 episode, the Starship Voyager's crew experiences a peculiar condition resulting in their melting. Yet, there is more to the situation than meets the eye.

"Course: Oblivion" serves as a continuation of an earlier episode, "Demon," where this Voyager and its crew are actually replicas made of goo. However, their forms and existence are temporary, ultimately leading to their demise. This revelation serves to emphasize the profound lesson that appearances can indeed be deceiving.

5 Romulan Drone Ship

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The Romulans, known for their deceitful tactics, employ stealth technology in Season 4 of Star Trek: Enterprise to pose a threat to the emerging superpower of the Federation. Their Romulan Drone Ship has the ability to mimic the appearance of other species' ships, creating a climate of mistrust between Earth and its allies through a series of deceptive attacks.

Remarkably, the Drone Ship operates without a crew. Remote control of these vessels is achieved through telepathic technology, eliminating the need for physical presence. However, an Aenar pilot is essential for the ship's proper functioning, prompting the Romulans to resort to ruthless measures such as the abduction of several members of this species.

4 USS Grissom

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The Oberth-class USS Grissom, which briefly appears in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, has sparked intense debate among fans due to its unique design. The starship's unconventional layout, featuring angular pylons holding an underslung main hull beneath the saucer section, has puzzled many fans regarding how the crew navigates between the two sections. Some fans argue that turbolifts are housed within the pylons, while others believe there is not enough space. Alternative suggestions, such as the use of transporters for internal travel, have also been put forward. Regardless of the solution, this perceived design flaw has transformed an otherwise ordinary ship into a highly contested topic of discussion within the Star Trek community.

3 USS Discovery

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The USS Discovery, a Crossfield-class starship, is known as the pioneering testbed for spore drive technology during the 23rd century. This experimental propulsion system enabled the ship to instantaneously travel between locations, deviating from conventional warp methods. The successful implementation of the spore drive played a vital role in turning the tides of the Federation–Klingon War and embarking on missions in the Mirror Universe.

Additionally, the USS Discovery stands out for its possession of an advanced sentient computer named Zora. Despite not being the most formidable starship within the Federation, Discovery's distinctive attributes and customized modifications set it apart from other vessels.

2 USS Archer

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The USS Archer, a small starship, appears multiple times in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. What sets this starship apart is its deviation from the original starship design guidelines set by creator Gene Roddenberry. Unlike Roddenberry's preference for symmetrical warp nacelles, the USS Archer only has a single one.

The design of the Archer pays tribute to the single-nacelle designs that were prevalent in classic expanded universe materials such as the FASA RPG Federation Ship Recognition Manual and the Starfleet Technical Manual from 1975. While this design may not align with Roddenberry's principles, it is still deeply rooted in the rich history of the Star Trek franchise.

1 ISS Charon

Unveiling the 10 Most Bizarre Starships in Star Trek, Ranked!

The ISS Charon is not only a starship but also a grand space palace and city, serving as a demonstration of the Terran Empire's might. However, this impressive starship is far from powerless, as its weapons wreak havoc on a planet's surface during the first season of Star Trek: Discovery.

A noteworthy characteristic of the Charon is its sizable energy ball located at the rear of the vessel. Powered by a super-mycelial reactor, this energy source provides immense amounts of power to the starship. Unfortunately, this comes at a tremendous price, as it poses a threat to the stability of multiple realities. Thankfully, the USS Discovery intervenes and mercifully destroys the ship.