Unveiling Stephen King's Exclusive Insights: The Untold Reasons Amazon's New Dark Fantasy TV Show is Set to Dominate

Unveiling Stephen King's Exclusive Insights: The Untold Reasons Amazon's New Dark Fantasy TV Show is Set to Dominate

Stephen King's glowing endorsement sheds light on why Amazon's highly-anticipated dark fantasy series, Ninth House, is bound to be an unparalleled success Brace yourself for a thrilling and unique hit like no other!

Header image illustration credit: Alice Duke


According to Stephen King, the potential for success lies within Ninth House, a television series adaptation of Leigh Bardugo's book. King commends the book's realistic characters, shocking moments, and unexpected turns, suggesting that viewers should anticipate an equally captivating TV show.

Ninth House, with its dark fantasy and Gothic elements, offers a compelling choice for horror fans, YA fantasy enthusiasts, and adult viewers seeking something refreshingly unique. Amazon is poised to experience success with their adaptation of Leigh Bardugo's novel, as Stephen King himself discreetly shared his support. Following the popular Shadow & Bone series on Netflix, Ninth House will be the second television adaptation of Bardugo's captivating book series, this time exclusively for Amazon. Fans of Shadow & Bone may be pleasantly surprised by the distinct tone set by Ninth House.

Ninth House centers around the protagonist Galaxy "Alex" Stern, a 20-year-old starting her first year at Yale University. Despite her troubled past as a survivor of a violent crime, she possesses the unique ability to perceive spirits, which she refers to as "Grays." Surprisingly, despite her questionable background, she is offered a full scholarship to Yale by an enigmatic patron, under the condition that she employs her powers to monitor the university's secretive underworld of occult practices and forbidden magic. This unconventional premise sets Ninth House apart from conventional TV shows, and even Stephen King himself unintentionally articulated why it has the potential to become a massive success.

Stephen King Had High Praise For Ninth House–Which Says A Lot

Unveiling Stephen King's Exclusive Insights: The Untold Reasons Amazon's New Dark Fantasy TV Show is Set to Dominate

Upon the release of the Ninth House book, Stephen King hailed it as "the best fantasy novel [he'd] read in years," commending its believable characters and thrilling plot twists. It is worth mentioning that King has provided glowing endorsements for numerous highly anticipated and debut novels in recent times. Being endorsed by the king has proven to be a swift way to gain recognition. However, it is important to note that King does not endorse subpar work, so readers can trust his recommendation as a mark of quality.

Ninth House Could Be A Different Kind Of Hit For Amazon

Furthermore, this also signifies that Amazon's Ninth House series will be truly captivating. King's recommendations encompass various genres, yet he consistently gravitates towards those of a darker nature. His endorsement of Ninth House gives us a glimpse into the kind of narrative to anticipate – and why it has the potential to become an enormous success. Fundamentally, King remains the master of horror, and Ninth House perfectly aligns with his signature style. Technically categorized as "dark fantasy," Ninth House embraces Gothic and supernatural elements, effectively straddling the realms of horror and fantasy. Its darker and more mature tone in comparison to Bardugo's previous works implies that the Ninth House TV show has the ability to appeal to three distinct groups: aficionados of horror, young adult fantasy enthusiasts, and adult viewers seeking a fresh and distinctive offering.

Unveiling Stephen King's Exclusive Insights: The Untold Reasons Amazon's New Dark Fantasy TV Show is Set to Dominate

Amazon’s original series have garnered immense popularity, and Ninth House is bound to be another hit for the streaming platform. Among all the major streaming platforms, Amazon has unquestionably displayed a willingness to delve into the shadows and explore mature themes in its series. This grants the Ninth House TV show the freedom to delve into more mature content than it would on other platforms. Moreover, Ninth House does not neatly fit into any specific genre, setting it apart from other current Amazon series. It seamlessly combines elements of fantasy, mystery, supernatural horror, and character analysis, creating a captivating narrative set in the dark underbelly of Yale’s Gothic academia.

If executed properly, Ninth House could become the type of show that sparks conversations among viewers and leaves them constantly intrigued. Alex Stern and her story are surrounded by numerous intriguing mysteries, all of which feel organic. The creators of the Ninth House TV show won't need to artificially generate mystery or force an empty narrative structure upon the audience. The show's genuine horror and poignant moments will provide a meaningful experience. If the writing team manages to capture the same enchantment that pleased Stephen King during the TV adaptation, the Ninth House series has the potential to deliver exceptional television.