Unveiling Starfield: Unforgettable Encounter Unraveled in Unexpected Outpost

Unveiling Starfield: Unforgettable Encounter Unraveled in Unexpected Outpost

Unveiling a heart-wrenching truth, a Starfield adventurer stumbles upon a poignant revelation at an isolated outpost amidst a frozen planet in this expansive RPG Prepare to be moved by their sorrowful discovery


Starfield has swiftly become the top-selling Microsoft game in the US for the month of September, captivating players and maintaining its popularity even after one month post-release. From its initial launch, players have enthusiastically shared their remarkable findings and experiences.

On Reddit, a player stumbled upon a heartbreaking sight at a random outpost - two skeletons forever intertwined in a loving embrace, bearing resemblance to the renowned "Embracing Skeletons" found in Pompeii.

While Starfield has garnered accolades, a segment of players have raised apprehensions, leading to a "mixed" rating on the game's Steam reviews. Some of these evaluations draw parallels between Starfield and other beloved franchises by Bethesda, such as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

While venturing through a random outpost in Starfield, a player is greeted with a distressing scene involving two skeletal remains. Since its launch on September 6, players have fervently explored numerous planets within the expansive space game developed by Bethesda.

Following its release on PC and Xbox Series X/S consoles, Starfield swiftly claimed the title as Microsoft's top-selling game in the US for September. The immersive open-world RPG resonated with players, and even after a month since its arrival, gamers continue to uncover distinctive revelations and stumble upon well-concealed Easter Eggs scattered throughout the galaxy's diverse planets.

Posted on the r/Starfield Reddit page, user fidelamos shared a heart-wrenching discovery while scavenging an unidentified outpost. Depicted in the somber image are two skeletons locked in an eternal embrace, surrounded by ice. Speculation in response to the original post suggests that the developers at Bethesda may have drawn inspiration from the "Embracing Skeletons" discovered in the ruins of Pompeii, who were similarly preserved in this poignant pose. This is not the first instance of video game developers incorporating elements of real-world history into their games. The Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty franchises have long established real locations as settings, while The Last of Us Part 2 features grotesque enemies, such as the Rat King boss, inspired by historical events dating back to the 1500s.

Starfield had a strong start, but as more players join the game, an increasing number of them express their concerns. The user reviews on Steam are declining, currently holding a "mixed" rating. Some users expected more from the game, especially when compared to Bethesda's well-known franchises like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. We eagerly await the improvements that Bethesda will make to Starfield in the upcoming months, and fans hope that the developers will listen to their feedback to address the frustrating aspects.

The presence of hidden skeletons within Starfield is intriguing and prompts curiosity about other Easter Eggs that Bethesda may have included in the game. It may take a while before everything is discovered, considering that players are still uncovering secrets in Skyrim, which is over ten years old. Given the vastness of Bethesda's open-world RPG, containing hundreds of randomly generated planets, it is possible that players may never uncover every hidden detail in Starfield.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.