Unveiling Starfield: The Ultimate Fan Guide

Unveiling Starfield: The Ultimate Fan Guide

Embark on an epic journey in Starfield as you uncover the whereabouts of BorealUS and obtain the coveted Music Slate Unravel the secrets of Starfield's favorite DJ with this comprehensive superfan walkthrough

Starfield, similar to Bethesda's previous open-world RPGs, showcases a variety of captivating side quests that delve deeper into the game world and its characters. As a bustling and lively hub within the game, Neon is brimming with fascinating missions and activities, providing ample content to engross players for days on end, all within the enchanting sea-based city.

One of Neon's key highlights lies in the Astral Lounge situated in Bayu Plaza. This cutting-edge nightclub serves as a central hub for numerous missions linked to both the main quest and the Ryujin Industries faction storyline. A notable figure within the club is BorealUS, a renowned music producer and DJ. While players may overhear characters on the dance floor lauding her talents, they also have the chance to personally meet this celebrity and offer their assistance with her unique personal predicament.

How To Find BorealUS

Unveiling Starfield: The Ultimate Fan Guide

To find BorealUS, players can head to the DJ booth located at the Astral Lounge. In order to access it, they need to take the elevator to the second floor and turn right just before going through a door labeled "Staff Only." It's worth mentioning that security won't interfere as the door is unlocked, so players don't need to worry about trespassing. BorealUS can be found amidst a futuristic collection of sequencers and buttons on a platform suspended above the dance floor below.

Once players engage in conversation with BorealUS (whose voice bears a striking resemblance to Bjork or a highly skilled impersonator), she will express her distress regarding a stolen music slate containing her upcoming releases. She advises players to seek out Myka, the bartender at Ebbside's Euphorika nightclub, for further information.

How To Get The Music Slate

Unveiling Starfield: The Ultimate Fan Guide

Head over to Euphorika and have a conversation with Myka, who discloses that the slate has been stolen by a devoted BorealUS fan named Stratos. Stratos can usually be found hanging around Madame Sauvage's Place, easily recognizable due to his piercings and vintage hairstyle. Upon engaging with Stratos, it becomes apparent that he has no intentions of selling the slate. However, there is a way to exploit his weakness for Aurora, as he claims that he cannot fully enjoy music without consuming large amounts of the substance.

Players have several options to obtain Aurora for Stratos. It can be purchased either from Boone, the main bartender at the Astral Lounge, or from the VIP area in Euphorika. Access to the VIP area requires players to pay a fee of 1000 credits to Myka. Alternatively, players can embark on a small questline by speaking to Neshar in the Neon Security HQ prison cells, where they can create their own Aurora. Obtaining the substance should be relatively simple in Neon, as it is the only legal place to acquire it within the Settled Systems. Once you have acquired the Aurora, hand it over to Stratos in exchange for the slate.

Players with a high Persuasion skill can use dialogue to persuade Stratos to hand it over, although convincing him is challenging. Consuming certain aids like wine before the conversation may be helpful. Once the slate is obtained, players can return to BorealUS in the Astral Lounge, specifically at the DJ booth, to receive 3800 Credits and 100 XP. Starfield is currently available on PC and Xbox Series X|S.