Unveiling Siuan Sanche's Shocking Fate in Wheel of Time Season 2, Episode 7 – Prepare to be Amazed!
Discover the shocking fate of Siuan Sanche in Wheel of Time S2E7 Unravel the mysterious impact of Lanfear's actions on Siuan's future in Season 3 Find out what lies ahead for our beloved character
Warning: Spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 7
Siuan's fate in The Wheel of Time series hangs in the balance following her surprise clash with Moiraine and Lanfear's assault, rendering her immobile on the ground. Lanfear's remarks labeling Siuan as a "fractured Amyrlin Seat" suggest the potential outcomes of her being either stilled or paralyzed due to the altercation.
Siuan's defeat in Season 2 of The Wheel of Time sets the stage for a potential storyline in Season 3. This storyline could involve her facing an Aes Sedai coup and potentially losing her position as the Amyrlin Seat due to her connection to the Dragon Reborn. The events in episode 7, titled "Daes Dae’mar," have left Siuan Sanche, played by Sophie Okonedo, in a precarious situation and have raised questions about her future in the series. The unexpected battle between Siuan and Moiraine Damodred, played by Rosamund Pike, with the interference of Lanfear, may have significant long-term consequences, particularly for Siuan.
The fate of the Dragon Reborn led to a conflict involving several characters, namely Moiraine and Siuan. They disagreed on his role in the fight against the Dark One, causing tension between them. The situation escalated when Lanfear from Wheel of Time appeared and used the power to incapacitate both Aes Sedai. Although Moiraine managed to recover and escape, Siuan remained motionless on the ground, conscious but unable to move. Lanfear's comments and Siuan's immobility raised questions about her current state in the series.
What Did Lanfear Do To Siuan Sanche?
Siuan found the ending of The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 7 particularly distressing. Lanfear's statement referring to her as a "broken Amyrlin" troubled her the most. The implication that Lanfear's attack had left Siuan permanently damaged holds several possible interpretations. The most concerning one being that Siuan was actually stilled by Lanfear. In The Wheel of Time books, Siuan's stilling occurs but under different circumstances, as it serves as a punishment from the Aes Sedai rather than a consequence of a confrontation with one of the Forsaken.
Siuan’s Defeat Sets Up Her Wheel Of Time Season 3 Story
On the other hand, it could be suggested by Lanfear that Siuan is experiencing paralysis. The fact that Siuan remains motionless even when awake lends weight to this idea, although it does not provide definite confirmation. Another potential explanation is that Lanfear was simply referring to the long-term consequences that Siuan now faces as a result of this situation. Having failed to prevent the escape of the Dragon Reborn, Siuan may have to endure a challenging future within the confines of the White Tower, especially considering that what transpired in Cairhien might expose her decades-long concealment of the Dragon's true identity.
Regardless of the severity of Siuan's injuries, her defeat at the end of the episode sets the stage for one of her most impactful storylines. The Wheel of Time seems poised to depict the Aes Sedai coup, ultimately leading to Siuan's removal from the position of Amyrlin Seat. In the books, her involvement with the Dragon Reborn resulted in her being overthrown and stripped of her powers by her fellow Aes Sedai. The live-action portrayal of Siuan now faces the looming threat of encountering similar challenges.
The character Siuan in The Wheel of Time series has a different stance compared to her counterpart in the book. While she ultimately opposes Rand and Moiraine, it may not matter in the long term because she is likely to be blamed for Rand's escape since she has known about his existence for a long time. Presumably, Siuan will have to explain how she captured the Dragon Reborn, which will be challenging without revealing the whole truth. Unfortunately for Siuan, the upcoming trials she will face align with Lanfear's hint of a "broken Amyrlin." The new episodes of The Wheel of Time are released on Fridays on Amazon Prime Video.