Unveiling Rome's Underground Marvel: An Eight-Story Museum Amidst Archaeological Discoveries

Unveiling Rome's Underground Marvel: An Eight-Story Museum Amidst Archaeological Discoveries

Exploring the challenges of constructing Rome's €700 million Metro Line C, this article delves into the development of an impressive eight-story underground museum. Discover how archaeological treasures unearthed during construction will be showcased in this remarkable museum.

Rome, as the famous saying goes, wasn't built in a day. This is especially true when looking at its modern Metro Line C, a project aimed at easing the city's notorious traffic congestion and showcasing its rich archaeological heritage through an underground museum unlike any other in the world.

Originally planned for the Catholic Jubilee of 2000, the €700 million line ($757.7 million) was intended to connect Rome's San Giovanni Cathedral with Vatican City's St. Peter's Basilica. This would make it more convenient for pilgrims to pass through the churches' holy doors to receive indulgences. During Jubilee years, major basilicas in Rome open their holy doors, allowing Catholics worldwide to make the pilgrimage to seek mercy and reconciliation.

Pope Francis opens the

Pope Francis opens the "Holy Doors" at St. Peter's Basilica to mark the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Pope Francis opens the "Holy Doors" at St. Peter's Basilica to mark the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The 2000 dream never came true, as various issues like corruption in the city government and the discovery of 40,000 archeological objects, including petrified peach pits, pottery, vases, and even the walls and mosaics of Emperor Hadrian’s ancient military barracks, caused delays.

Now, engineer Andrea Sciotti, who is overseeing the metro museum complex, aims to have the Piazza Venezia stop ready in 10 years. The stop will feature an eight-story underground museum and is scheduled to open around the Jubilee of 2033, marking 2,000 years since the death of Jesus Christ.

"It may seem like a long time, but we are not just dealing with engineering challenges," Sciotti explained to CNN at the construction site. He added, "This station is set to be recognized as the most beautiful in the world. We do not need to bring in museum items as the museum station is located within its original context in ancient Rome."

Emperor Hadrian's barracks were discovered in 2016.

Emperor Hadrian's barracks were discovered in 2016.

Emperor Hadrian's barracks were discovered in 2016.

Stefano Montesi/Corbis News/Getty Images/File

During the initial phases of work in the last five years, all artifacts were taken from the site for restoration. They will be placed back in the metro museum exactly where they were found. The museum is being dug 85 meters deep, spanning eight stories beneath modern Rome.

The modern city has been constructed over ancient ruins for centuries. According to Rome's tourist bureau, only about 10% of ancient Rome has been uncovered, with the remaining 90% still buried approximately nine meters (30 feet) beneath the current city. The city's history dates back to the stone age, and construction projects often face challenges due to the abundance of ruins that are frequently left unexcavated and reburied for preservation purposes. Even basic tasks such as sewage repairs require the presence of archaeologists, who can halt the work if any significant findings are made.

The upcoming modern station will feature 27 escalators, six elevators, and a vast 66,000 square meters of space for archaeological exhibits. During excavations, ancient walls have been discovered and will be preserved "in situ" within the station. Additionally, the ancient Via Flaminia, a road that once connected the city to the Roman Forum and Colosseum, will also be incorporated into the station's design.

The station’s three main entrances will connect the three museums around the square: the Vittoriano, the Palazzo Venezia, and the outdoor ruins of the Roman Forum anchored by the Colosseum at the far end. The Colosseum also has its own metro station that will have museum and exhibit space available for visitors.

Several of the archeological sites will be accessible from inside the metro museum. This means that commuters and tourists can explore historically significant ruins like Hadrian’s Auditorium, which was uncovered during the initial archeological investigation for the project. Originally, the station entrance was planned to be located at this site, but it was later moved. Currently, the ruins can only be seen from street level.

Artifacts from the excavation on display in 2018 at San Giovanni station.

Artifacts from the excavation on display in 2018 at San Giovanni station.

Artifacts from the excavation on display in 2018 at San Giovanni station.

Stefano Montesi/Corbis News/Getty Images/File

People walk in the excavation site of the ancient Roman emperor Nero's theater.

People walk in the excavation site of the ancient Roman emperor Nero's theater.

People walk in the excavation site of the ancient Roman emperor Nero's theater.

Andrew Medichini/AP

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Engineers are using a unique "top down" excavation system to ensure the safety of the site during digging. This method, previously employed in the Jubilee line in London, is a first in Italy. Cross walls and diaphragms are being strategically placed deep into the soil to outline the underground complex. The excavated soil is recycled and improved to be utilized in the construction materials, according to Sciotti.

The train tunnels are not the problem because they will be deep underground, more than 100 feet below the surface.

The issue arises when they have to navigate through artifacts from the Medieval and Renaissance periods, causing delays.

The Venezia station museum stop is not the only treasure on the new line. In 2016, archeologists working on the site of the Porta Metronia (previously known as the Ambra Aradam) station found a 39-room complex spanning over 9,700 square feet. This complex has been incorporated into the underground station, set to open by the end of 2024.

In 2025, the new Colosseo-Fori station will open, featuring a four-level underground museum showcasing artifacts, including 25 archaic wells unearthed during its construction. Activation tests are scheduled to begin in October before the station opens.

The entire 26-kilometer C-line will be Italy’s first fully automated driver-less subway system, reducing road traffic by 400,000 vehicles a day. This will lead to a decrease in CO2 emissions by approximately 310,000 tonnes per year, as stated by the WeBuild group, the main contractor for the project.

The original plans from the 2000 Jubilee have been modified to eliminate several stations in the historical center that would have simply been too difficult to excavate.

Editor's P/S:

The development of Rome's Metro Line C is a remarkable testament to the city's rich history and the challenges of modernizing infrastructure within an ancient urban landscape. The project, originally conceived to facilitate pilgrimage during the Jubilee of 2000, has been delayed by the discovery of countless archaeological treasures, including petrified peach pits and the walls of Emperor Hadrian's military barracks.

The scale of the project is staggering, with the Piazza Venezia stop featuring an eight-story underground museum and the incorporation of ancient landmarks like the Via Flaminia and Hadrian's Auditorium. The use of a unique "top down" excavation system ensures the safety of the site while preserving the integrity of the archaeological finds. The completion of the Metro Line C will not only alleviate traffic congestion but also create a unique and immersive experience for commuters and tourists alike, showcasing Rome's unparalleled historical legacy in a modern context.