Unveiling Olivia Newton-John's Mind-Blowing Afterlife Encounters: A Surprising Revelation!

Unveiling Olivia Newton-John's Mind-Blowing Afterlife Encounters: A Surprising Revelation!

Olivia Newton-John's daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, reveals that her late mother has made several spiritual visits to her since her passing in August 2022 A heartwarming account of their ongoing connection beyond the physical realm

Olivia Newton-John passed away over a year ago, yet her daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, declares that her mother continues to hold a significant presence in her life. Lattanzi, aged 37, shared with Fox News Digital in an article published on Friday, October 13, that she has experienced multiple visions of her mother since her passing. She believes that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and thus Olivia is fulfilling her promise by appearing to her as a blue aqua orb on six occasions.

Lattanzi expressed that she is able to perceive the orb in photographs. She explained that it appears to be in motion, flying and moving, distinguishing it from mere reflections commonly seen on iPhones. Lattanzi found this phenomenon remarkable and praised her mother's ability to manifest her desires effectively.

Following a prolonged struggle with breast cancer, Newton-John passed away in August 2022 at the age of 73. She had a daughter named Chloe with her first husband, Matt Lattanzi, with whom she was married from 1984 to 1996. Newton-John later married John Easterling in 2008.

The actress was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992. Following a partial mastectomy, she experienced a recurrence of the disease in 2013 and once again in 2018.

In an exclusive interview with We in April 2019, Newton-John shared her perspective, saying, "It's important to find the silver lining; there is a positive aspect in every negative situation. Despite being human and dealing with moments of fear and anxiety like everyone else, I actively choose to maintain a positive mindset because our thoughts shape our reality. If we dwell on negativity, we will create a negative world."

Unveiling Olivia Newton-John's Mind-Blowing Afterlife Encounters: A Surprising Revelation!

Olivia Newton-John and Chloe Lattanzi David Livingston/Getty Images

In February, Newton-John received a state memorial service in her homeland of Australia. During the event, both Chloe and Easterling, 71, delivered heartfelt speeches.

"Standing before you now, I yearn to exude strength, confidence, and deliver eloquent words. However, the reality is that I feel like a young girl who has lost her way without her mother," expressed Chloe, standing alongside her husband, James Driskill. "She was my refuge, my mentor, my greatest supporter, and the grounding force in my life."

Chloe expressed her certainty about her mother's presence in the room, affirming, "I can sense her by my side and within me." She further shared her ability to hear her mother's comforting voice, whispering, "You are safe, my beloved. Fear not, for you possess an inner strength greater than you imagine. Simply speak from your heart, that is all that is required."

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Unveiling Olivia Newton-John's Mind-Blowing Afterlife Encounters: A Surprising Revelation!

Olivia Newton-John