Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

Unraveling Laurent's true power in The Walking Dead: Is he the Messiah and the key to uniting survivors? Discover if Laurent holds the key to the virus and his role in Daryl Dixon Season 2


Daryl Dixon season 1's finale reveals that Laurent's ability to predict the future was a lie orchestrated by Isabelle to ensure his protection on their journey.

Laurent's exceptional talent lies in his capacity to bring people together and ignite hope, making him the target of Genet's assassination plot. Although the confirmation of Laurent's immunity to the zombie virus remains uncertain, the extraordinary circumstances surrounding his birth imply that he may indeed possess an extraordinary ability that distinguishes him from others.

Daryl Dixon spends the entirety of its debut season exploring the mystery surrounding Laurent's powers. However, the finale episode of the spinoff, titled "Coming Home," provides answers to most of the burning questions about this intriguing new character from The Walking Dead universe. While Robert Kirkman's universe generally operates on a mostly realistic level, with zombies being the exception, Daryl Dixon's first episode breaks that rule by introducing Laurent as Louis Puech Scigliuzzi. Laurent, who was raised by nuns and revered as a messiah by a group called the Union of Hope, is portrayed as having the ability to predict the future and foresees Daryl Dixon's arrival in France.

Despite the fantastical nature of Laurent's claims, subsequent episodes of Daryl Dixon only contribute to the mythical aura surrounding him. From healing a widow's grief to displaying exceptional skills in solving a Rubik's Cube in a mere three minutes and 12 seconds, Laurent clearly holds immense significance in The Walking Dead's future. However, the reasons behind the Union's view that he is so special, and whether his importance extends into the realm of the supernatural, remain unanswered until the conclusion of Daryl Dixon's first season. It is in this finale episode that the smoke and mirrors surrounding Daryl Dixon's enigmatic new son are finally dispelled.

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Laurent Predicting The Future Was A Lie In Daryl Dixon Episode 1

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

The finale of season 1 conclusively disproves Laurent having superpowers. While they were nearing the Nest, Isabelle confesses that the drawing she presented to Daryl in episode 1, supposedly a picture Laurent sketched of Daryl in France three weeks prior, was a fabrication. Understanding the urgency to bring Laurent to the safety of the Nest and recognizing Daryl's expertise as a skilled survivor in the post-apocalyptic world, Isabelle promptly arranged for Laurent to create the drawing while Daryl was recuperating at her convent.

Isabelle hoped that the picture would convince Daryl to support Laurent and become her nephew's protector on their journey to the safe haven in northern France known as the Nest. The irony is that Daryl helped them without ever truly believing in Laurent's clairvoyant powers. This twist had been hinted at in previous episodes of Daryl Dixon's storyline. Not only did Daryl directly express his doubts about Laurent's abilities in episode 3, but if Laurent truly had the power to see the future, he could have been more helpful in previous situations. Warning Daryl and Isabelle about the dangers they faced would have been a good start.

Isabelle's revelation brings Daryl Dixon back in line with the overall tone and realism of The Walking Dead franchise. Any talk of superpowers and psychic abilities is now dismissed. However, Laurent remains a significant character in The Walking Dead's story and can still expect a promising future.

Laurent's True Power In The Walking Dead Is Uniting People

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

Isabelle may have shattered Laurent's dreams of becoming an X-Men member, but Daryl's remark about him being a "regular kid" is also way off the mark. In the first season of Daryl Dixon, Laurent has consistently displayed astonishing maturity and emotional intelligence, extensive knowledge, and an extraordinary ability to empathize, surpassing even Father Gabriel. One such instance of his incredible abilities was when Laurent comforted a grieving widow who had isolated herself, as shown in episode 3. However, episode 6 takes it a step further. The reception Laurent receives at the Nest truly reflects his messianic status, showcasing his talent for bringing people together and instilling hope within them.

Laurent's remarkable gift lies in his ability to inspire, which is precisely why Genet wants him dead. Inexplicably, Laurent ignites a fire within the French people, urging them to fight for love, kindness, unity, and other virtues that Genet perceives as weaknesses. Whether Laurent truly deserves the adoration bestowed upon him, or if the Union is simply clinging onto Laurent as a symbol of hope to avoid despair, remains unanswered by Daryl Dixon. It is in the second season of Daryl Dixon where we will discover if Laurent can fulfill the Union's expectations as a messiah, or if he would rather engage in typical activities like playing soccer and indulging in childish actions.

Laurent Is Still The Child Of Prophecy In The Walking Dead

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

In Daryl Dixon episode 6, we are introduced to Losang, the leader of the Union of Hope and the overseer of the Nest. What is surprising about Losang is his level-headedness, rationality, and realistic nature. He is the "Buddhist monk" mentioned in Daryl Dixon's premiere, the one who initially recognized Laurent's divine potential. Even if Isabelle fabricated Laurent's foresight abilities, Losang's original proclamation still holds true. The fact that Losang, an intelligent and balanced individual, stands by his claim that Laurent is a child of prophecy suggests that there is much more to uncover about the child in the upcoming Daryl Dixon season 1.

It is possible that Losang identified Laurent's innate potential to become a great leader and saw the possibility of him ruling France with proper training in the future. On the other hand, Losang's prophecy could imply that Laurent will eventually develop extraordinary divine abilities beyond simply predicting someone washing up on a beach. The ambiguity surrounding the monk's prediction leaves room for the idea that Laurent may possess supernatural powers in Daryl Dixon season 2.

Laurent May Still Be Immune To The Walking Dead's Virus

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

One of the most popular theories about Daryl Dixon before his debut was that Laurent had a natural immunity to the zombie virus, which would ultimately make him the savior of the world. Although this prediction did not come true, Daryl Dixon is not completely ruling out the idea. In episode 2's flashback scene, Laurent is shown to have been born to a mother who had turned into a zombie during childbirth. The effects of this on Laurent remain unexplored in The Walking Dead.

In The Walking Dead, every character is already infected with the virus, which becomes active upon death and causes reanimation. It is possible that unborn babies inherit the virus during pregnancy, so when Laurent's mother reanimated, it may have affected how her unborn child responds to the infection. However, due to the lack of access to renowned scientists for testing this theory, investigating Laurent's DNA is not an option. Regardless, Losang may be considering the unique circumstances of Laurent's birth as a possibility for zombie immunity. Having such a gift would truly make a character special.

Laurent's Role In Daryl Dixon Season 2 Explained

Unveiling Laurent's Mystical Superpower: Is He The True Savior of The Walking Dead?

In Daryl Dixon's first season, Laurent consistently resisted taking on the role of a messiah. He not only released Daryl's boat, sabotaging their journey to the Nest, but also expressed a desire to remain at the French school among peers. Despite Isabelle and Daryl's insistence, Laurent has now arrived at a crucial juncture in his fate. In the second season, he must either embrace the challenge of meeting the high expectations placed upon him or come to terms with being an ordinary young boy burdened with an unrealistic task.

Daryl Dixon's role is to help Laurent navigate this pivotal moment in his life. Daryl can support Laurent's rise to greatness by continuing to serve as a father figure and mentor in the post-apocalyptic world. Alternatively, Daryl may need to shield Laurent from the Nest's inhabitants, who view him as a messianic figure akin to the Second Coming or a beloved icon. This division may ultimately influence Daryl's decision regarding whether to stay in France or return to the United States.

If Daryl starts feeling concerned about the excessive focus on Laurent by the Union, he might consider bringing the child to the Commonwealth in Daryl Dixon season 2. This would give Laurent the opportunity to experience a wholesome childhood while meeting Judith and RJ. Additionally, the Union of Hope would still require a strong and inspiring figure to lead them in their fight against Genet. Luckily, Daryl Dixon's long-lost brother-in-arms happens to be the perfect candidate for this role and will be the main character in the upcoming spinoff of The Walking Dead.