Unveiling Kano's Bionic Eye Journey in the Upcoming Mortal Kombat Sequel

Unveiling Kano's Bionic Eye Journey in the Upcoming Mortal Kombat Sequel

Delve into the intriguing setup for Kano's bionic eye evolution in the highly anticipated sequel to 2021's Mortal Kombat.

Mortal Kombat 2 can align its canon for Kano's eye with the source material, and the first movie has already laid the groundwork for how this can be achieved. The 2021 Mortal Kombat reboot movie featured key characters from the games, including Kano. However, the film took some liberties with the established lore of the franchise in how Kano and other characters acquired their abilities. While Kano's powers in the movie match those of the game, a significant aspect of his character design was left out.

Kano is a beloved character in the Mortal Kombat games, so it was fitting to include him early on in the movie franchise. Despite his fate in the first film, Josh Lawson will be reprising his role as Kano in the upcoming sequel. This provides an opportunity to further explore Kano's storyline in the movies and expand on any changes made to Lawson's character's appearance.

Kano's Eye Was Destroyed At The End Of Mortal Kombat (2021)

Lawson's character fell to Sonya Blade

Jessica McNamee as Sonya Blade stabbing Josh Lawson as Kano in the eye in 2021's Mortal Kombat - Lawson's character fell to Sonya Blade - Kano's Eye Was Destroyed At The End Of Mortal Kombat (2021)

Jessica McNamee as Sonya Blade stabbing Josh Lawson as Kano in the eye in 2021's Mortal Kombat - Lawson's character fell to Sonya Blade - Kano's Eye Was Destroyed At The End Of Mortal Kombat (2021)

Sonya Blade was a tough opponent for Kano, even when he unlocked his Arcana abilities. Throughout their battles in the first Mortal Kombat movie, Sonya always held her own. In their final showdown, not only did Sonya come out on top, but she also destroyed Kano's organic eye. This eye was what gave Kano his laser powers, so it seems like his Arcana became useless shortly after he got it.

The introduction of Arcana in Mortal Kombat caused controversy as it changed how characters' superhuman abilities were explained. In the original source material, each character had a unique backstory to justify their powers. For example, Kano in the games had cybernetic enhancements to keep up with stronger opponents. However, Arcana in the movies alters this, leading to Kano's laser eye being introduced differently. This also means that Kano is now missing other artificial upgrades.

Another new addition to the 2021 reboot was Lewis Tan's character in Mortal Kombat, who was created specifically for the movie.

Kano Will Be In Mortal Kombat 2 (Meaning He Needs A New Eye)

The Mortal Kombat sequel can correct the first movie's biggest Kano mistake

Josh Lawson firing his eye laser as Kano in Mortal Kombat - The Mortal Kombat sequel can correct the first movie's biggest Kano mistake - Kano Will Be In Mortal Kombat 2 (Meaning He Needs A New Eye)

Josh Lawson firing his eye laser as Kano in Mortal Kombat - The Mortal Kombat sequel can correct the first movie's biggest Kano mistake - Kano Will Be In Mortal Kombat 2 (Meaning He Needs A New Eye)

Sonya got Kano's mark after defeating him in the first movie. In the Mortal Kombat world, the dragon symbol transfers only when a champion dies, so Kano's return may seem unexpected. But in this franchise, death is not permanent, so Kano's resurrection isn't out of the ordinary. When he comes back, he'll have to find a way to replace the eye he lost that made him so powerful. Luckily, the advanced technology in Mortal Kombat could help Kano get a cybernetic eye similar to the one in the games.

Kano's new movie adaptation will closely mirror his video game backstory, as his origin story remains similar. In the film, Kano was already a skilled fighter even before gaining his Arcana ability, the laser eye being a mere added advantage. Sonya's act of destroying Kano's natural eye, leading him to replace it with a cybernetic one, further aligns his movie origin with the game's storyline. Despite losing his dragon logo, Kano's cybernetic eye ensures he retains his strength, making him just as formidable as ever.

Why Mortal Kombat 2's Kano Return Is Great News

Kano is one of the best characters in the Mortal Kombat reboot so far

Kano in Raiden's Temple in the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie. - Kano is one of the best characters in the Mortal Kombat reboot so far - Why Mortal Kombat 2's Kano Return Is Great News

Kano in Raiden's Temple in the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie. - Kano is one of the best characters in the Mortal Kombat reboot so far - Why Mortal Kombat 2's Kano Return Is Great News

Kano in Mortal Kombat is a fascinating character. His loyalty to Cole Young and the champions is always on shaky ground, making their interactions unpredictable. When Kano eventually switches sides, his knowledge of Sonya's fighting style adds excitement to their final battle in the first movie. With Sonya now having her own Arcana after defeating Kano, he is likely seeking revenge. This desire for vengeance will add complexity to future fights between Kano and the other heroes.

Having Kano back for the sequel brings many benefits. But more than that, his return is good news for other characters who might face their end. In Mortal Kombat 2, there was a chance that the approach to death could have been more realistic than in the games. However, Kano's ability to come back to the fight after his death ensures that characters won't be permanently removed from the story. This means that even if some characters are defeated in Mortal Kombat 2, the cast will only continue to expand in future sequels.

Mortal Kombat 2021 can be streamed on Max, but an official release date for Mortal Kombat 2 has not been announced yet.

Editor's P/S:

The article effectively highlights the discrepancies between Kano's character portrayal in the 2021 Mortal Kombat reboot movie and the source material. It emphasizes the opportunity presented by the upcoming sequel, Mortal Kombat 2, to rectify these differences, particularly regarding the absence of Kano's iconic cybernetic eye. The writer argues that restoring this aspect of his design would align the movie canon with the established lore and maintain the character's unique backstory.

Furthermore, the article acknowledges the positive reception of Kano's character in the first movie and expresses enthusiasm for his return in the sequel. It notes that his unpredictable nature and complex motivations add depth to the story and create anticipation for future interactions with other characters. The article also suggests that Kano's ability to return after being defeated opens up possibilities for more dynamic and engaging character development in the Mortal Kombat cinematic universe.