Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Get ready for an exhilarating new chapter in Kagurabachi! As Chihiro discovers the secrets of the mythical katana from Char, he gears up to face off against a formidable sorcerer Brace yourself for a thrilling adventure that will leave fans on the edge of their seats!

After an exciting chapter last week, fans were eagerly awaiting the release of Kagurabachi chapter 3. The latest installment was expected to unveil the person who had informed Shiba about the magical blade's appearances, which it successfully did. Additionally, the chapter introduced the identity of an unexpected witness to the mystical katana and showcased a new adversary for Chihiro.

In the previous chapter of Kagurabachi, the dark-haired protagonist's troubled past was unveiled, shedding light on his quest for vengeance. It was revealed that Chihiro Rokuhira sought to avenge the death of his father, Kunishige, who was a respected Swordsmith. Furthermore, Chihiro aimed to retrieve the six enchanted katanas crafted by his father.

Towards the end of the chapter, Shiba informs Chihiro about one of the enchanted Katana's sightings. As such, fans were eagerly waiting for Kagurabachi chapter 3.

Kagurabachi chapter 3 highlights: Chihiro finds out about the mystic katana from Char, and prepares to battle a sorcerer

Kagurabachi chapter 3 made its debut in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump issue #44 on Monday, October 2, 2023, at the stroke of midnight in Japan Standard Time (JST). Aptly titled Witness, this chapter opens with a female character shedding light on the cultural significance of Katanas in Japan. She explains that Japan has long been renowned as a Katana society, where possession of these blades was not uncommon for self-defense purposes. However, the existence of these weapons also brought about a heightened level of danger in the world we inhabit.

As a result, numerous Yakuza leaders and influential individuals sought alternative means of protection, predominantly relying on sorcerers. According to Kagurabachi chapter 3, Tokyo boasted over a thousand sorcerers, surpassing any other location in Japan. The woman then revealed that it was her responsibility to bridge the gap between these two parties.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Hinao as depicted in Kagurabachi chapter 3 (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

In the following panel, the revelation was made that her name was Hinao. Three years prior, Shiba had visited Hinao's residence to inquire about the Hishaku group and whether she had any knowledge of Kunishige Rokuhira. While she was aware of the entire situation, Shiba's connection to Kunishige came as a surprise to her.

After listening to Shiba's account, she agreed to provide assistance. On a subsequent day, an unexpected visitor arrived, bearing an exciting piece of news that prompted Hinao to inform Shiba. Transitioning to the present time, Kagurabachi chapter 3 showcased Shiba and Chihiro's arrival at Hinao's abode.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

The main character, depicted in Kagurabachi chapter 3 (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha), expressed gratitude towards Hinao for reaching out and inquired about any sightings of the mystical Katana. To the astonishment of Chihiro and Shiba, the dark-haired protagonist discovered that the eyewitness, who had observed the enchanted weapon, was actually a young girl who had been sleeping in the vicinity.

In Kagurabachi chapter 3, a brief flashback reveals that the little one had approached Hinao seeking to hire a sorcerer. It turns out that she was being pursued by a villain and needed protection. Hinao inquired about her available funds, only to learn that she had none.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Char as seen in the chapter (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

The young woman asked about the identity of the individuals pursuing her, to which the little girl disclosed that she was being pursued by someone wielding "the most powerful sword." This detail instantly intrigued Hinao, prompting her to inform Shiba.

However, Shiba was skeptical of the witness's credibility and suspected that she was merely joking. This skepticism was amplified by the peculiar dreams the child had. Upon awakening, the little girl swiftly noticed the presence of Shiba and Chihiro and inquired if they were the sorcerers sent to safeguard her.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Behold a panel extracted from chapter 3 of Kagurabachi (Image provided by Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha).

Upon querying the young girl, Shiba, about the perpetrators, she adamantly declined to respond. Subsequently, in chapter 3 of Kagurabachi, it was unveiled that she lacked a proper dwelling to return to. Consequently, Chihiro's accomplice deemed it imperative to escort her to an orphanage.

At that instant, Chihiro inquired of the young girl whether she had consumed any sustenance. While her response was enigmatic, her stomach growling exposed the veracity. When Chihiro inquired about her culinary preference, the girl ardently requested some palatable tempura soba.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

A panel from Kagurabachi chapter 3 (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

In Kagurabachi chapter 3, the story progresses as the protagonist and the young witness venture to a soba restaurant. Outside, Shiba reflects on Chihiro's natural talent for taking care of others, which he developed from looking after his clumsy father. Inside the restaurant, the little girl introduces herself as Char.

Chihiro informs Char that once she finishes her bowl of tempura soba, he will take her to an orphanage. He explains that the cafe she visited is not a suitable place for play. However, Char remains firm in her belief about the existence of bad guys, yet she shows no intentions of revealing any information about them.

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

When Chihiro came across the chapter, she couldn't help but be intrigued by the character. Eager to learn more, she approached the person responsible for the "Strongest Sword" sighting. Char, the witness, described a remarkable blade with wisps of clouds emanating from it. This description instantly reminded Chihiro of one of the stolen Katanas, leading her to ponder whether this was mere coincidence or something more significant. Hoping to gather additional clues, Chihiro inquired if the antagonist sported a flame symbol on their hand. Unfortunately, Char could not provide a definitive answer.

Just found out that it wasn't one person chasing her, but a whole gang of henchmen! And then, chaos erupted at the restaurant as Kagurabachi chapter 3 witnessed a chilling incident: a customer brutally stabbing one of the workers to death. 😱 #ShockingMoment

To Chihiro's astonishment, the customer revealed himself to be a sorcerer who invoked a Daruma-doll by chanting "Invisible." The unidentified sorcerer's extraordinary abilities triggered an explosion within the restaurant. Realizing that Char had been telling the truth all along, Chihiro humbly apologized for ever doubting her.

Unfortunately, without any delay, the sorcerer had already seized Char. Despite Chihiro's doubt, the young girl forgave him and implored for his assistance. Moved by her plea, the protagonist with dark hair drew his enchanted blade and readied himself for the impending battle.

Final thoughts

Unveiling Kagurabachi's Enchanted Blade Witness and Chihiro's Epic Showdown

Chihiro as seen in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

In Kagurabachi chapter 3, an exciting battle is introduced that promises to captivate readers in the next issue. Char's information proves to be reliable, as Chihiro confronts a sorcerer who may have connections to the Hishaku group. The upcoming chapter of Kagurabachi will reveal what information Chihiro can obtain from this unnamed sorcerer. Stay tuned for further updates on anime and manga in 2023.