Unveiling Final Fantasy 16: Dion's Unfulfilled Wishes and the One Last Thing You Won't Want to Miss!

Unveiling Final Fantasy 16: Dion's Unfulfilled Wishes and the One Last Thing You Won't Want to Miss!

Final Fantasy 16 actor Stewart Clarke highlights an overlooked aspect of his character, Dion, in a Game Rant interview Discover the intriguing missing detail about Dion in this engaging article

Throughout Final Fantasy 16, players will encounter a variety of Dominants and Eikons, each with their own unique appearances and abilities. Take Clive, the protagonist of Final Fantasy 16, for example. He has multiple forms, including his Dark versions, his Limit Break, his Primed form, and his Ifrit Risen form. Most Dominants showcase at least two forms: Semi-Primed and Primed. However, Dion is an exception to this rule, as players never get to witness his Semi-Primed form. Actor Stewart Clarke, in an interview with Game Rant, expresses his desire for Dion to have a Semi-Primed form, highlighting the chaotic nature of Final Fantasy 16.

Clarke regards Dion as the embodiment of "dutiful," leading Dion to always act with unwavering determination. Although it comes at the expense of his health, players frequently witness Dion unleashing his full Primed form as Bahamut on the battlefield. However, Dion has never been witnessed in a Semi-Primed State. The specifics of Dion's semi-primed appearance, such as dragon-like scales, wings, or divine powers, are left to the imagination of the players, something that Dion himself is curious to explore. Clarke expressed his desire to have seen Dion in his semi-primed Bahamut form on at least one occasion, and encouraged fan artists to share their visionary interpretations.

Unveiling Final Fantasy 16: Dion's Unfulfilled Wishes and the One Last Thing You Won't Want to Miss!

The Final Fantasy community is teeming with imaginative players, both within and beyond the game itself. Fan art has always been a thriving part of the video game industry, and Clarke emphasizes that this holds true for Final Fantasy as well. It would be fascinating to witness the interpretations of Semi-Primed Dion by Final Fantasy 16 players, especially now that its absence has been highlighted. Alternatively, Square Enix could potentially delve into this concept through Final Fantasy 16 DLC, should they choose to do so. Clarke optimistically remarks, "If there is enough interest in him, maybe we'll get to see more of Semi-Primed Dion in future DLC! Here's hoping Square Enix takes notice, ha!"

Unveiling Final Fantasy 16: Dion's Unfulfilled Wishes and the One Last Thing You Won't Want to Miss!

Prior to the launch of FF16, Square Enix made it known that there were no plans for DLC and that its development would be based on player feedback. The game's critical success indicates that DLC could be a possibility, and fans have expressed their desire for additional content, such as more Dion, more Benedikta, and further exploration of the missing Eikon Leviathan. Yoshi-P, the game's director, has even expressed his personal preference for a Final Fantasy 16 DLC where Cid is a playable character, although this is not a confirmation. It is evident that whether it's through fan art or DLC, there are many more things fans would like to see in the game.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PS5.