Unveiling Dragon Age: Inquisition's Hidden Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Cut Content!

Unveiling Dragon Age: Inquisition's Hidden Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Cut Content!

Uncover the untold tales of Dragon Age: Inquisition! Delve into the lost love interests, the fate of the protagonist, and the intriguing changes to quests and characters Experience the captivating journey that almost was in this legendary saga

BioWare's Dragon Age: Inquisition breathed new life into the series after the mixed response to Dragon Age 2. This critically acclaimed sequel revitalized the franchise and became one of the developer's top-selling titles. With the addition of features like ridable mounts, new playable races, and an expanded semi open world, the third installment expanded upon its predecessors in exciting ways. These updates set the stage for the highly anticipated Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

While most fans were satisfied with Dragon Age: Inquisition, there were some criticisms. The lack of scaling in certain areas meant that players could be either overpowered or unprepared for certain regions, leading to imbalanced gameplay experiences. Some fans felt that the revamped battle system didn't meet their expectations, and others believed that the narrative lacked the originality of Dragon Age: Origins. Additionally, players were disappointed to discover that some content had been cut from the game prior to its release, content that could have had significant impacts on the fate of Thedas.

Dragon Age: Inquisition's Love Interests

Unveiling Dragon Age: Inquisition's Hidden Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Cut Content!

Dragon Age: Inquisition offered a wide range of romance options for players, particularly for female elves. However, there were a few aspects that were cut from the game, which could have made the romance element even more diverse. Originally, the Inquisitor's adviser Cullen was not meant to be a romance option. However, the developer later decided to include him as a potential love interest for female human or elf protagonists. Interestingly, there were hints of a possible romance with Cullen for male Inquisitors through cut dialogue. Similarly, Solas, a character who can only be romanced by female elves, faced restrictions due to his role as an antagonist in the game's final moments. BioWare wanted to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes of bisexual villains and thus limited his romantic possibilities. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, hoping for expanded romance options that offer more diverse and inclusive representation than previous titles.

The Fate Of Dragon Age: Inquisition's Protagonist

Unveiling Dragon Age: Inquisition's Hidden Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Cut Content!

Gamers have the opportunity to shape the world state in Dragon Age: Inquisition by influencing who becomes the next Divine after the death of Divine Justinia V. In Orlesian Chantry tradition, the current Divine names her successor before her passing, but due to Justinia V's untimely demise, this was not possible. The options for the next Divine are Vivienne, Leliana, and Cassandra, and players can play a crucial role in making this decision.

However, during the game's development, there was a plan to allow the Inquisitor to potentially become the next Divine. However, this idea was ultimately scrapped due to the fact that Divines are always female. Although it would have presented a challenge for male protagonists, especially those of qunari descent, it was ultimately decided that this deviation from the established lore of the franchise would be too significant.

During the extensive development process, numerous ideas are often abandoned or characters' roles are diminished as the game evolves. While not all of these concepts were fully realized or included in the final game, it remains intriguing for fans to hear the development team discuss them post-release and ponder what could have been. Players may feel a sense of disappointment that rebel mage Anders did not make an appearance, or that Cole could have had a more significant role in the ultimate battle against Corypheus. However, one of the most significant changes pertains to Solas, a former companion, and how his disappearance is addressed.

In an interview after the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition, writer David Gaider discussed some significant changes that occurred during the game's development. One surprising revelation was that there was originally plans for a playable epilogue where the Inquisitor would search for Solas.

However, the final version of the game included a cutscene between the elven mage and Flemeth, which revealed the true driving force behind the game's events and set the stage for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. This scene served as an effective cliffhanger for the next installment, and including a playable epilogue may have disrupted the pacing of the game's conclusion. Nonetheless, players can't help but wonder how this cut content would have played out.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is available for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.