Unveiling Diablo 4's Dark and Deadly Heart Types for Season 1: Prepare for Malignant Mayhem!

Unveiling Diablo 4's Dark and Deadly Heart Types for Season 1: Prepare for Malignant Mayhem!

Discover the sinister Malignant Heart types in Diablo 4's upcoming first season, commencing on July 20 Uncover their unique abilities and locations, enhancing your gameplay experience in the dark and thrilling world of Diablo

Diablo 4's first season, beginning on July 20, is set to address player concerns and introduce new content. Blizzard has unveiled the various types of Malignant Hearts and where players can obtain them. Despite its initial success, Diablo 4 has faced criticism, and the community hopes for prompt resolution of major issues. The Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4 not only represents progress towards addressing these concerns but also expands the base game.

In the Season of the Malignant, Diablo 4 players will start anew, with an empty stash, no currency, and only their knowledge to guide them as they strive to progress in the endgame. The accompanying patch brings new Legendary Aspects and Uniques, but the standout feature of the season are the Malignant Hearts. Similar to Diablo 3's Legendary Gems, Malignant Hearts grant powerful bonuses when placed into a piece of jewelry, provided the socket color matches.

The official Diablo Twitter account has shared information about the different types of Malignant Hearts in the game. There are a total of 32 Malignant Hearts in the Season of the Malignant, divided into four types with eight hearts per type. The first type is Vicious Hearts, which provide Offensive bonuses. Brutal Hearts offer Defensive bonuses, while Devious Hearts have Utility powers. The fourth and final type, called Wrathful Hearts, is described as more powerful and rarer than the others.

Blizzard has mentioned that players will have the ability to target-farm Malignant Hearts in Season 1, but they will also need to find specific Malignant Monsters. Some fans have raised concerns about the amount of randomness involved in obtaining Malignant Hearts compared to Legendary Gems. This includes searching for Infested rolls on top-tier jewelry and ensuring that the new socket is the right color.

Interestingly, the recently published infographic by Blizzard unveils the exciting news that players will have the ability to create Malignant Hearts through the use of Cormond's wagon. One of the major points of criticism surrounding Diablo 4 has been its lack of crafting options upon release, particularly in comparison to the robust Blacksmith feature of Diablo 3. Additionally, the captivating seasonal storytelling aspect of Diablo 4 will commence on July 20, leaving fans with the choice of either skipping the campaign or fully completing it in order to fully immerse themselves in the next chapter of Sanctuary's world.

Diablo 4 is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.