Unveiling Akainu's Deep-Seated Grudge in One Piece Chapter 1097

Unveiling Akainu's Deep-Seated Grudge in One Piece Chapter 1097

In One Piece chapter 1097, the fascinating backstory of Kuma unfolds, shedding light on his pivotal decision to join the Revolutionary Army This revelation also hints at the deep-rooted cause of Akainu's intense hatred towards Luffy

One Piece chapter 1097 delved deeper into Kuma's past, providing a detailed narrative of the events that led to his alliance with the Revolutionary Army. Despite its brevity, the chapter intriguingly showcased Kuma's previous identity and the significant transformation he underwent after losing his memories.

Additionally, the chapter unveiled the unexpected capture of Ginny by an unknown adversary, sparking speculation that Akainu could be the likely culprit. This capture of Ginny potentially serves as a catalyst for an eventual clash between Akainu and Dragon.

This confrontation may have resulted in Akainu's defeat and subsequently fueled his deep-seated grudge against Dragon and his entire lineage.

One Piece chapter 1097 hints at the underlying cause of Akainu's hatred towards Luffy

Fans are left with a multitude of inquiries after reading One Piece chapter 1097, with one question in particular gaining prominence: who is the mysterious adversary that managed to capture Ginny, the Captain of the Eastern Revolutionary Army? This unexpected turn of events not only puts Ginny in grave danger but also presents a formidable threat to Dragon and his allies.

As a result, due to his immense power and unwavering commitment to justice, it is widely speculated that this formidable opponent is none other than Akainu. Fans eagerly anticipate Dragon's intervention to save Ginny from Akainu's clutches in the next chapter, granting a tantalizing glimpse into the true magnitude of his abilities.

The previous clash between Dragon and Akainu may offer insights into why Akainu was so unwavering in his quest to eradicate Monkey D. Luffy, Dragon's son, during the Marineford War. The history shared by these two individuals appears to be the primary cause of Akainu's profound hostility towards Luffy.

Despite numerous high-profile pirate targets available to him during the war, Akainu's singular focus on removing Luffy becomes clearer in light of the hints presented in One Piece chapter 1097. Additionally, the chapter unveiled that Dragon once served as a member of the marines, suggesting the possibility that Dragon and Akainu were once colleagues or even friends.

This could potentially elucidate the reason behind Akainu consistently labeling Luffy as "Dragon's son" throughout the Marineford conflict. It is plausible that Dragon had divulged information regarding Luffy to Akainu during their time serving in the Navy together. Nonetheless, due to their contrasting perspectives on the World Government, it is likely that their relationship gradually deteriorated.

Dragon rose to become the head of the Revolutionary Army, while Akainu progressed from a mere soldier to an admiral, ultimately attaining the position of fleet admiral. Consequently, their paths diverged, leaving little opportunity for a reunion, except potentially when Dragon fearlessly rescued Ginny from Akainu's clutches.

Dragon's use of his powers likely led to his victory over Akainu, causing Akainu to feel humiliated and seek revenge. This could explain why Akainu was so determined to eliminate Luffy and bring an end to Dragon's bloodline.

It is important to highlight that these are merely fan theories that have surfaced after the release of One Piece chapter 1097. Oda may decide to take the storyline in a different direction entirely. Nevertheless, it is highly probable that in One Piece chapter 1097, Dragon will confront Akainu in order to save Ginny.

Editor's P/S

In One Piece chapter 1097, we finally learn the truth about Kuma's past and his connection to the Revolutionary Army. This chapter also sheds light on Akainu's deep-seated hatred for Luffy, which is likely rooted in his defeat by Dragon, Luffy's father.

This chapter has left fans with many questions, but it has also given us a lot to think about. I am excited to see how Oda continues to develop this storyline and how it will affect the overall story of One Piece.