Unveiling a 3D Universe: New Celestial Images Chart the Cosmos

Unveiling a 3D Universe: New Celestial Images Chart the Cosmos

Discover stunning cosmic images captured by the groundbreaking Euclid telescope, unveiling the secrets of the universe Dive into 265-year-old letters, explore Italy's hidden volcanic threat, and delve into captivating wonders and curiosities of nature

Editors note: A version of this story appeared in CNNs Wonder Theory science newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here.

The cosmos is filled with unexpected surprises.

The Hubble and James Webb space telescopes, along with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, observe the universe in various wavelengths of light. This allows them to reveal intricate details that cannot be seen by the naked eye alone. By harnessing the collective power of these telescopes, scientists have been able to unravel extraordinary celestial enigmas, such as the discovery of the oldest black hole ever known and the captivating sight of colliding galaxy clusters that resemble twinkling Christmas trees.

In the meantime, missions like NASA's Lucy spacecraft are uncovering asteroids that would otherwise remain unseen. The cameras on the probes revealed another unexpected discovery about the celestial body known as Dinkinesh in the primary asteroid belt. Additionally, a newly launched telescope has provided us with a new and enlightening viewpoint of the cosmos this week.

Across the universe

Unveiling a 3D Universe: New Celestial Images Chart the Cosmos

Newly formed stars shine in the Horsehead Nebula, a cloud of gas and dust in the Orion constellation.


The initial photographs taken by the Euclid telescope exhibit shimmering assemblages of galaxies and stars. Launched in July, this telescope was specifically engineered to produce an exceptionally intricate 3D representation of the concealed "dark side" of the universe. Despite being imperceptible, both dark matter and dark energy are thought to significantly influence the arrangement and expansion of the cosmos.

Euclid possesses a vast field of vision, enabling it to capture a stunning image encompassing 1,000 galaxies within the Perseus Cluster. Moreover, it has the remarkable ability to capture over 100,000 distant galaxies in the background in a single frame.

Additionally, this extraordinary telescope presents a captivating and intricately detailed panoramic view of the Horsehead Nebula located within the Orion constellation. Within this celestial wonderland, there exists the possibility of discovering nascent planets hidden amidst the stellar nursery.

Force of nature

There is a sleeping giant beneath southern Italy that might be reawakening.

About 2 million years ago, the formation of a supervolcano resulted in the creation of an expansive depression known as a caldera, giving rise to Campi Flegrei, or the Phlegraean Fields. Spanning across considerable distances from the outskirts of Naples to the islands of Capri and Ischia, this geological formation holds significant importance.

Notably, Campi Flegrei experienced its most significant eruption in 1538, leading to the emergence of a mountain within the Bay of Naples.

Intense seismic activity has been observed since December 2022, raising concerns about a potential eruption in the densely populated region of Campi Flegrei. This makes it Italy's most perilous volcanic hazard.

Unveiling a 3D Universe: New Celestial Images Chart the Cosmos

Alessandro Carboni​'s image depicts a mix of autumn colors amid the first snow of the season.

Winners of The Nature Conservancy's 2023 Global Photo Contest include a captivating display of fish-dug colorful holes, the playful agility of leaping wolves, and a mesmerizing moment where fall effortlessly blends into winter.

Hungarian photographer Tibor Litauszki won the grand prize for his captivating photograph depicting an illuminated underwater scene of an alpine newt nestled amongst frog eggs.

Several images within the collection showcase the effects of the climate crisis and human interference in the natural environment. Recently, new research has highlighted the imminent threat of extinction faced by numerous plant and animal species across Europe, mainly due to alterations in agricultural land usage.

In the Southern Hemisphere, scientists are hopeful as Australias Great Barrier Reef enters coral spawning season, giving rise to the next generation of corals.

A long time ago

The letters meant for the crew of the French warship Galatée never reached their intended recipients 265 years ago when the men were captured during the Seven Years War. However, after all this time, the emotions and narratives enclosed in their envelopes have finally been unveiled, having been originally sealed with red wax and tied with ribbon.

The letters found within the "treasure box" offer valuable insights into the dynamics of family life during the conflicts of the 18th century. Among these letters is a captivating story, chronicling the experiences of a young sailor, his possessive mother, and his devoted fiancée.

Unveiling a 3D Universe: New Celestial Images Chart the Cosmos

Researchers created clay models of the Great Sphinx to show the role wind may have played in its creation.

NYU's Applied Mathematics Laboratory

Mysteries surround the Great Sphinx of Giza, including why and how it was made.

In 1981, Farouk El-Baz, a space scientist and geologist, suggested that the ancient Egyptians might have used a natural landform known as a yardang to sculpt the massive limestone statue. Yardangs, which are formed when wind sculpts compact sand, can bear resemblance to seated animals, sometimes referred to as "mud lions," as explained by Leif Ristroph, an associate professor at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

Ristroph and his colleagues embarked on an endeavor to replicate the environmental conditions of approximately 4,500 years ago. They carried out erosion trials on clay-model yardangs to further support the theory that wind played a significant role in sculpting these formations.

Prepare to be captivated by these fascinating stories:

Exploring the depths, a diver stumbled upon an astonishing treasure trove of over 30,000 Roman bronze coins. Resting off the coast of Sardinia, these exceptionally preserved relics are believed to date back to the fourth century and may hint at the existence of an undiscovered shipwreck.

Curiosity about the possibility of constructing a wooden house on the moon or Mars has led Kyoto University researcher Koji Murata to propose an experiment involving the launch of a wooden satellite into space.

In pursuit of medical advances and conservation, Chinese scientists have successfully created a chimeric monkey by combining two DNA sets. The hybrid creature has been aptly named after the mythological beings.

Over half of Earth's species reside in its soil, and photographer Andy Murray's captivating images showcase the microscopic creatures that populate this hidden realm beneath our feet.

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