Unraveling the Finale of Billions

Unraveling the Finale of Billions

Discover the thrilling conclusion of Billions as the Showtime series comes to an end Unravel the intricacies of defeating Mike Prince and delve into the impactful handshake that will leave you astounded

After a successful run of seven seasons and 84 episodes, the captivating series Billions on Showtime has finally come to a conclusion. Now, the burning question remains: how did the enduring rivalry between Chuck Rhoades and Bobby Axelrod reach its ultimate resolution?

Billions has been an exhilarating ride from the very beginning. Launched in 2016, the show centered around the ambitious endeavors of Axe, a billionaire hedge fund manager determined to amass greater wealth at any cost. Meanwhile, Rhoades, the United States Attorney, relentlessly pursued his mission to bring Axe down, employing every possible strategy and tactic in his pursuit of justice.

Damian Lewis portrays Bobby, while Paul Giamatti assumes the role of Chuck, both delivering remarkable performances that captivate viewers. The compelling dynamic between these two characters undoubtedly contributes to the show's overall appeal.

However, every story has its conclusion, and as one character aptly expresses during the climactic moment, "Endings are challenging, often leaving someone dissatisfied." So, what transpired in the final episode, and did Billions manage to achieve success or face failure? Continue reading to uncover the answers, keeping in mind that spoilers lie ahead.

Billions ending explained

The conclusion of Billions proved to be exceptionally gratifying with its abundance of unexpected plot twists and intricate character arcs. It masterfully tied together various storylines and provided well-deserved resolutions for multiple characters, leaving viewers thoroughly content.

The main storyline of Season 7 revolves around stopping Mike Prince from becoming President, due to concerns about his potential actions. In Episode 12, both allies and adversaries joined forces to put an end to his candidacy.

In a flashback to eight weeks earlier, it is revealed that Kate Sinclair has joined the campaign against Prince. Another flashback exposes Philip Charyn's involvement in the team, indicating that his closest advisers have been betraying him for several months.

Defeating Mike Prince

The scheme is subsequently set in motion. As Mike meets with the President, his phone gets confiscated, causing him to become untraceable. During his temporary cut-off from the outside world, Chuck's office conducts a thorough investigation on multiple leading gas companies involved in price-fixing. Afterwards, the information is discreetly leaked to the public.

This severely impacts Prince’s portfolio, as his accounts now have negative equity due to the implementation of the "risk algorithm." Consequently, this also undermines his candidacy for the Presidency, as he is no longer considered a viable candidate.

Prince discovers through a confrontation in his office the individuals involved in colluding, and is shocked to learn that Nancy Dunlop, his chosen Vice President, plans to run for President independently, excluding him entirely.

After engaging in a heated exchange with Axe, Bobby confidently retorts, "This is the taste of defeat" to Mike before making his exit. Prince departs the premises, emphasizing that America thrives on opportunities for redemption.

The Handshake

In addition, Axelrod has more plans up his sleeve. Utilizing a confidential account known as the 'Admirals Fund' (also the title of the episode), Bobby discloses his scheme where he has generously enriched his ex-employees. Furthermore, he secures the lease on his former office and reinstates the original staff of Axe Capital.

However, not everyone avails themselves of this opportunity. Wendy chooses to pursue a career in mental health while Taylor takes charge of the Taylor Mason Foundation. Nevertheless, they part amicably, just as Axe commands the remaining members of his team to "generate substantial profits!"

The implication is that although Axlelrod professes to have transformed, he will likely revert to his previous behavior. Conversely, Chuck genuinely appears to have undergone a personal transformation. He now holds admiration for Bobby and might even harbor a degree of fondness, evidenced as they shake hands. Nevertheless, Chuck issues a warning, asserting his vigilance towards Bobby.

Rhoades Jr. also garners praise from his father, Rhoades Sr, and the long-awaited moment of his father expressing pride in him seems to relieve him of a burden. Instead of concluding with boardroom drama, the episode, season, and series end on a positive note with a joyful Chuck Rhoades sharing a meal and laughter with Wendy and their children. For additional TV news and coverage, please visit this link.