Unraveling the Enigma of Grogu: The Mandalorian Season 1 Finds Answers, as per Star Wars Theory

Unraveling the Enigma of Grogu: The Mandalorian Season 1 Finds Answers, as per Star Wars Theory

Unveiling the Connection: Did Rinnrivin Di's Nikto Cartel Capture Grogu in The Mandalorian Season 1? Explore the intriguing theory surrounding the mysterious link between Arvala-7, Ryloth, and the possibility of Grogu's capture

Article Overview

Grogu's origin and the mystery of why he was found with the Niktos on Arvala-7 may finally be explained, connecting it to the larger Star Wars universe.

The essence of the content is focused on the connection between Arvala-7's proximity to Ryloth and the potential presence of Rinnrivin Di's Nikto cartel, indicating their involvement in the capture of Grogu. Subsequently, the presence of Niktos on Tatooine in later episodes of The Mandalorian signifies the likelihood of Rinnrivin Di's cartel striving to regain their lost influence on Arvala-7, effectively intertwining storylines from different time periods.

After almost four years, a popular Star Wars theory finally provides an explanation for one of the biggest mysteries surrounding Grogu in season 1 of The Mandalorian. Introduced as "Baby Yoda" in the concluding moments of the very first episode in 2019, Grogu's origins have largely remained shrouded in secrecy. While The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have shed some light on Grogu's background, particularly his survival during Order 66, his over fifty years in the galaxy remain largely unknown. However, one burning question remains unanswered.

In the initial episode of The Mandalorian season 1, Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal, discovers Grogu in a Nikto encampment on Arvala-7. Given Grogu's significant value to the Imperial Remnants, especially Moff Gideon, it has always seemed peculiar that a group of Niktos would keep him confined in a storeroom, hidden beneath netting. Finally, this Star Wars theory offers a long-awaited explanation for why Grogu was found in the presence of these Niktos and how it ties into the future of the Star Wars universe.

The Mandalorian's Arvala-7 Is Next To Ryloth

Unraveling the Enigma of Grogu: The Mandalorian Season 1 Finds Answers, as per Star Wars Theory

A new map of the Star Wars galaxy featured in Pablo Hidalgo's Dawn of Rebellion sourcebook introduces numerous planets showcased for the first time in The Mandalorian, including Arvala-7. Notably, this planet is situated in close proximity to Ryloth, both of which are located on the outskirts of the Outer Rim. The positioning of these planets on the outermost fringes of the galaxy renders them highly susceptible to criminal activity and lawlessness. This vulnerability is heightened during the period when the fledgling New Republic is being established, as depicted in The Mandalorian, merely four years subsequent to the Galactic Civil War. Therefore, these planets become an ideal sanctuary for individuals like Grogu, while also intricately intertwining the narrative of Arvala-7 and the Niktos many years later.

Rinnrivin Di's Nikto Cartel Ran Through Ryloth

Unraveling the Enigma of Grogu: The Mandalorian Season 1 Finds Answers, as per Star Wars Theory

Rinnrivin Di, the leader of a Nikto crime cartel in Claudia Gray's 2016 novel Bloodline, starts as a spice dealer for the Hutts during the Imperial era. As time goes on, he establishes his own small cartel, which eventually grows into a powerful empire thanks to significant investments. Rinnrivin expands his operations across various planets in the Outer Rim, with Ryloth being the most notable among them.

It was Ryloth that approached the New Republic senate seeking aid in dealing with Rinnrivin's cartel. Following investigations led by senators like Leia Organa, they discovered that Rinnrivin Di's criminal empire extended further across the Outer Rim than previously known. While Bloodline mentioned several planets, the mapping of Arvala-7 in the Star Wars galaxy suggests a new possibility. Given its proximity to Ryloth, it is plausible that Arvala-7 was also within the potential reach of this cartel, potentially providing a haven for the Niktos.

Was Grogu Captured By Rinnrivin Di's Cartel?

Unraveling the Enigma of Grogu: The Mandalorian Season 1 Finds Answers, as per Star Wars Theory

Despite the nearly two-decade time gap between The Mandalorian season 1 and Bloodline, it is possible that Grogu's capture marked one of Rinnrivin Di's earliest achievements in establishing his criminal empire. A monumental task was required to elevate Rinnrivin from a mere spice dealer to a leader of a powerful cartel, and abducting a Force-sensitive child would undoubtedly be regarded as a remarkable feat in the dark underbelly of crime. It is plausible that Grogu was apprehended by Rinnrivin's cartel, who intercepted him from an Imperial Remnant. The Niktos, lacking knowledge of Grogu's history or significance to the Empire, may have seized him on Arvala-7, preserving him for a potentially lucrative exchange.

Kuiil, the Ugnaught residing on Arvala-7, vividly depicts the Nikto encampment as a relentless influx of mercenaries, driven by both the desire for rewards and the intention to wreak havoc. These bounty hunters are undoubtedly on a quest to locate Grogu, but it is conceivable that they also represent Rinnrivin Di's cartel.

Interestingly, the involvement of Niktos in connection to Grogu does not end there. In the inaugural scene of The Mandalorian season 2, episode 2, it becomes apparent that at least one Nikto was responsible for sabotaging Din's speeder on Tatooine, aiming to capture the child. Considering that this act was perpetrated by a gang of bandits rather than a solitary hunter, it is plausible that they were additional members of Rinnrivin's cartel, determined to reclaim their lost bounty from Arvala-7. This particular occurrence presents a golden opportunity to establish a link between The Mandalorian era and the subsequent Star Wars trilogy era, as well as offer an extraordinary backstory for Rinnrivin Di, further enhancing the grandeur of his future criminal empire.

Editor's P/S

In the realm of Star Wars theories, one intriguing idea proposes a connection between Grogu's discovery on Arvala-7 and the Nikto cartel led by Rinnrivin Di. This theory presents a captivating explanation for Grogu's presence among the Niktos and intertwines it with the larger narrative of the Star Wars universe.

The proximity of Arvala-7 to Ryloth, a planet heavily influenced by Rinnrivin Di's cartel, offers a compelling reason for the Niktos' presence on Arvala-7. It is plausible that the Nikto cartel, seeking refuge and influence in the Outer Rim during the early days of the New Republic, extended its reach to Arvala-7. This theory adds depth to the portrayal of the Niktos in The Mandalorian, transforming them from mere captors to potential key players in the galactic criminal underworld.