Unraveling The Controversial Mystery: The Truth Behind 'The Walking Dead's Tragic Bullet Misfire

Unraveling The Controversial Mystery: The Truth Behind 'The Walking Dead's Tragic Bullet Misfire

A Walking Dead tragedy leaves a real doctor skeptical about the survival of a major character Did Carl really have a chance to live after being shot in the eye? Discover the medical plausibility behind this shocking event


Analysis of The Walking Dead by ER Doctor Jordan Wagner suggests that Carl would have had a low chance of survival if he were shot in the eye in real life.

The bullet likely caused significant brain damage and may have struck Carl's brain stem, diminishing his chances of survival. Nevertheless, within the context of The Walking Dead, it can be deemed plausible for Carl to survive despite his eye injury due to sheer luck, though he would still require proper medical care.

ER Doctor Jordan Wagner has assessed a tragic scenario from The Walking Dead and raises doubts about the character's potential for survival. The popular zombie series showcases numerous gruesome deaths and severe injuries sustained by main characters in the aftermath of an apocalypse. While some of these brutal incidents result in the characters' survival, they leave a lasting impact on their journey throughout the show. In a video from his YouTube channel, Doctor ER, Wagner discusses the probability of Carl's survival after sustaining a gunshot wound to the eye in season 6, episode 9 of The Walking Dead.

Wagner's analysis, beginning at 6:36, delves into the trajectory of the bullet fired by Ron that entered Carl's eye. This raises uncertainty regarding Carl's potential survival in real life. Take a look at Wagner's analysis of this classic yet tragic scene below:

Wow! Where exactly did the bullet go? I assume it penetrated his eye. Unfortunately, there's no way to recover it; the damage to the eye is irreversible. Instead, what becomes important is determining the bullet's path after it passed through the eye. Did it exit from the side at an angle or did it pass straight through to the back, potentially damaging brain tissue?

In such a scenario, applying pressure to the wound becomes necessary. Given the circumstances, seeking immediate medical attention may not be possible. It is crucial to prevent brain swelling caused by the trauma, as it can result in altered consciousness. Moreover, did the bullet actually hit the brain's balance center or the brain stem?

The brain's balance center, known as the cerebellum, is where it would be problematic if impacted. On the other hand, if the bullet struck the brain stem, the chances of survival decrease significantly, as it houses vital functions related to the autonomic nervous system.

Would Carl Have Really Survived Getting Shot In The Eye?

Unraveling The Controversial Mystery: The Truth Behind 'The Walking Dead's Tragic Bullet Misfire

According to Wagner, Carl's chances of survival in real life after being shot in the eye are slim. Wagner's analysis suggests that the bullet would have penetrated deep into Carl's skull, causing potentially untreatable brain damage in a post-apocalyptic setting. Additionally, the possibility of the bullet hitting Carl's brain stem further decreases his chances of survival in a real-life scenario.

However, similar to The Walking Dead, Carl's loss of his eye could have led to a miraculous survival if the bullet had not penetrated deep enough to reach his brain. Although this scenario may not have been as feasible in real life, it can still be regarded as realistic, despite its unlikely occurrence. Nonetheless, as Wagner suggests, Carl's chances of survival would rely heavily on the quality of medical care he receives.