Unprecedented Studio Closure Immediately After Launching Unrivaled Game of the Year

Unprecedented Studio Closure Immediately After Launching Unrivaled Game of the Year

Despite the critical success of their latest stealth tactics game, an acclaimed indie studio shockingly announces its closure barely two weeks after its release, leaving fans and industry insiders baffled


Mimimi Games, a renowned independent stealth studio, has announced its closure shortly after releasing its latest title, Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew.

The closure is attributed to the team's emotional burdens and financial challenges, possibly worsened by independently releasing the game. Devotees of the stealth genre are now uncertain about its future without Mimimi Games, but there is hope that bigger studios such as Ubisoft and acclaimed franchises like Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell could sustain the genre on a grander level.

Mimimi Games, an independent stealth tactics studio, is closing down shortly after the release of its most recent game, Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. In this game, players embark on a stealthy adventure with a crew of cursed pirate legends aboard the Red Marley as they search for the captain's treasure on expansive, open islands.

Over the past decade, Mimimi Games has gained a reputation as a prominent independent studio in the diminishing world of stealth games. Their journey began in 2011 with the creation of a mobile game called daWindci, centered around hot air balloons, followed by the release of a 3D platformer titled The Last Tinker: City of Colors in 2014. However, it was their collaboration with Daedalic Entertainment on Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, a notable isometric stealth game, that truly established Mimimi's presence and earned them recognition as one of the industry's remaining exceptional indie stealth studios. In 2020, they partnered with THQ Nordic to produce the highly acclaimed Desperados 3. Seeking to maintain creative control, Mimimi Games self-published their latest title, Shadow Gambit, which has been well-received since its recent launch.

Mimimi Games, known for their stealth genre games, delivered some sad news to fans on Twitter. They announced the closure of the studio, barely two weeks after the release of their highly acclaimed game, Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew, in 2023. Despite this unfortunate development, the team assures players that they will continue to support the game through patches and a planned "content drop" later in the year. It appears that the decision to close the studio was made well before the release of Shadow Gambit, considering the timing of the announcement.

Mimimi attributes the closure to the toll it took on its team members, who worked on increasingly ambitious titles. Financial difficulties were also a significant factor. It is unclear whether the decision to self-publish instead of partnering with supporters like THQ Nordic or Daedalic Entertainment resulted in a higher budget burden during the production of Shadow Gambit. Given the speed at which these events unfolded, it may not be too late for a company such as Embracer Group to acquire Mimimi. This could potentially provide financial stability and alleviate the pressures of development timelines.

As Mimimi Games closes its doors, fans of stealth games are left uncertain about the genre's future. Despite this, Ubisoft remains committed to delivering quality stealth experiences with the upcoming release of Assassin's Creed Mirage and a new Splinter Cell title. Additionally, popular franchises like A Plague Tale, Metal Gear Solid, and Arkane's Dishonored may help sustain the genre on a larger scale. Unfortunately, the outlook for smaller indie or AA stealth titles appears grim without the presence of Mimimi Games. However, gamers can still enjoy Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew, now available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.